Table 3
Firearm-related violent crime by selected offence and type of firearm, Canada, 2006
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Type of firearm Homicide1 Attempted murder2 Robbery2, 3 Total2
number percentage number percentage number percentage number percentage
Handgun 108 56.8 188 68.1 3,253 82.4 5,100 62.9
Rifle/shotgun 36 18.9 47 17 194 4.9 844 10.4
Sawed-off rifle/shotgun 24 12.6 9 3.3 212 5.4 378 4.7
Fully automatic frearm 2 1.1 12 4.3 62 1.6 176 2.2
Firearm-like weapon4 2 1.1 20 7.2 227 5.7 1,607 19.8
Unknown type of frearm 18 9.5 . . . . . .
Total 190 100 276 100 3,948 100 8,105 100

. not available for any reference period
1. Homicide data reflect victim counts from the Homicide Survey representing 100% of the national volume of homicides.
2. Attempted murder, robbery and total violent crime data reflect victim counts from the UCR2 Survey representing 90% of the population of Canada.
3. Total frearm-related robbery counts presented in Tables 1 and 3 represent victim counts from the UCR2 Survey whereas Tables 2, 4 and 5 represent incident counts from the UCR Aggregate Survey. Victim counts are greater than incident counts as there can be multiple victims associated with the same incident.
4. Firearm-like weapon includes pellet guns, nail guns, starter pistols, etc.

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Homicide Survey and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR2) Survey.