Data table for chart 2.9
Victims of intimate partner and non-intimate partner homicide, by motive, Canada, 2000 to 2010

Chart 2.9
Victims of intimate partner and non-intimate partner homicide, by motive, Canada, 2000 to 2010
  percent of homicides
Non-intimate partner homicide victims Intimate partner homicide victims
Other motiveNote 1 15.9 3.6
Personal protection 0.7 1.6
Financial gain 9.4 2.6
Revenge 6.7 2.7
No apparent motive 8.4 3.8
17.3 25.0
Jealousy 4.5 20.6
Argument/quarrel 37.1 40.1
1. Other motives include mercy killing/assisted suicide, settling of accounts, concealment, hate crime, sexual violence, fear of apprehension and other motives.
Note: Intimate partner homicide refers to homicide committed by legally married, separated, divorced, common-law partners, dating partners (current and previous) and other intimate partners. The intimate partner category is based upon victims aged 15 years and older. Non-intimate partner homicide refers to homicide committed by other family members (parents, children, siblings, extended family members), friends, casual acquaintances, neighbours, authority figures, criminal relationships, business relationships, strangers and others. The non-intimate partner category is based upon victims aged 0 years and older. Excludes homicides where the sex and/or age of victim was unknown and where the relationship between the victim and the accused was unknown.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Homicide Survey.
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