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Spring 2010: in this issue
The processing of divorce cases through civil court in seven provinces and territories [Highlights]
by Mary Bess Kelly
Release date: May 18, 2010
This article examines some of the key aspects associated with divorce cases proceeding through civil court, including the volume of cases, the types of court activity associated with the cases, and the length of time taken to process and reach decisions in these cases.
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Knives and violent crime in Canada, 2008 [Highlights]
by Mia Dauvergne
Release date: April 27, 2010
This article examines Canadian trends in police-reported violent crime committed with knives, with a particular focus on the period from 1999 to 2008.
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Youth custody and community services in Canada, 2008/2009 [Highlights]
by Donna Calverley, Adam Cotter and Ed Halla
Release date: April 27, 2010
This article provides an overview of the number and characteristics of youth admitted to and released from custody and community services in 2008/2009 and examines trends over a five-year period. A focused analysis of Aboriginal youth under correctional supervision is also presented.
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Police-reported robbery in Canada, 2008 [Highlights]
by Mia Dauvergne
Release date: March 25, 2010
This article examines the nature and extent of robbery in Canada using data from the Uniform Crime Reporting survey.
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Maintenance enforcement by neighbourhood income in seven reporting census metropolitan areas [Highlights]
by Paul Robinson
Release date: March 25, 2010
Using the most recent annual data from the Survey of Maintenance Enforcement Programs, this article looks at families who are receiving child support and are enrolled in a maintenance enforcement program. The characteristics of families living in lower and higher income neighbourhoods in the reporting census metropolitan areas are compared.
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