Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics
Conceptual Framework for Culture Statistics 2011
- Main page
- Executive summary
- Acronyms
- Introduction
- The changing context for culture statistics
- Defining culture
- The criteria for culture products
- The creative chain
- Defining the culture sector
- Measurement of the culture sector
- Related activities
- Occupations
- Participation of individuals in the creative chain
- Social and economic benefits of culture
- The relevance of the framework to public policy
- Conclusion
- Tables and figures
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- More information
- PDF version
Related products
Conceptual Framework for Culture Statistics 2011
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The Conceptual Framework for Culture Statistics 2011 was written by Marla Waltman Daschko, former Chief of Statistics Canada's Culture Statistics Program. The work involved extensive consultation and research to update and expand the original 2004 Canadian conceptual framework. We gratefully acknowledge the expertise she brought to the project and her enthusiasm for the subject matter.
The 2011 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics is the result of a long-standing and close collaborative effort between the Culture Statistics Program of Statistics Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage. The enthusiastic participation of our many colleagues at Canadian Heritage was instrumental at every stage in the development of this framework.
The members of Statistics Canada's National Advisory Committee on Culture Statistics provided excellent advice and practical guidance throughout the extensive process to revise the framework. Many other organizations provided valuable insights – the Canadian Conference of the Arts, L'institut de la statistique du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, provincial and territorial governments and agencies, and a large number of associations and industry organisations. Constructive feedback and advice was received from Statistics Canada's Standards Division, and Chris Jackson of the System of National Accounts. Many members of the Culture Statistics Program were important collaborators in this process. Of note is former Assistant Director Richard Vincent, a valued colleague, who provided substantive input and immeasurable support throughout the process. The vital support of current colleagues Mary Allen, Erika Dugas and John Zhao, fundamental players in the revision of the framework, cannot be overestimated. The 2011 framework builds on the solid foundation produced by the team that developed the original 2004 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics; their contribution is gratefully acknowledged.
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