Canadian Demographics at a Glance
Second edition
Demography Division, Statistics Canada
This second edition of Canadian Demographics at a Glance updates and expands the data and analyses found in the first edition.
This compendium is comprised of four sections, beginning in Section one with an overview of Canada’s total population growth, as well as the age and sex structure. Section two examines the three components of population growth, that is, fertility, mortality and migration—including immigration, non-permanent residents and emigration. In Section three, other aspects related to the composition of the Canadian population are analyzed including ethnocultural diversity, language, Aboriginal identity, the labour force and families and households. Finally, Section four examines selected demographic characteristics for the provinces, territories and some subprovincial areas.
The data and analyses come primarily from Demography Division, more specifically from the following publications:
- Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada (Catalogue no. 91-209)
- Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories (Catalogue no. 91-215)
- Annual Demographic Estimates: Subprovincial Areas (Catalogue no. 91-214)
- Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories (Catalogue no. 91-520)
- “Projected Trends to 2031 for the Canadian Labour Force”, article in Canadian Economic Observer, volume 24, no. 8 (Catalogue no. 11-010)
- Projections of the Diversity of the Canadian Population (Catalogue no. 91-551)
- Population Projections by Aboriginal Identity in Canada (Catalogue no. 91-552)
Other sources include:
- 2011 Census of Population, analysis series and data products
- 2011 National Household Survey, analysis series and data products
Each page of this compendium contains a figure or table, accompanied by a brief analysis. Many figures and tables contain both historical and projected statistics, providing a relatively long time series.
This compendium is intended for a wide range of users, including those working in various levels of government, educational institutions, businesses and the media, as well as for any other organization or individual interested in Canadian demography.
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