Chart 2
Individuals reporting spousal violence, by province

Newfoundland and Labrador¹,²,³ Prince Edward Island¹,² Nova Scotia³ New Brunswick Quebec³ Ontario³ Manitoba²,³ Saskatchewan²,³ Alberta³ British Columbia³ Provincial total³ 0 2 4 6 8 10 % of people in spousal relationships reporting spousal violence 20042004 20142014
Use with caution (2004).
Use with caution (2014).
Statistically significant difference between 2004 and 2014 (p < 0.05).
Includes legally married, common-law, same-sex, separated and divorced spouses who reported having experienced violence within the five-year period preceding the survey. Data for the territories will be released at a later date.
General Social Survey on victimization (4504).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Individuals reporting spousal violence, by province, % of people in spousal relationships reporting spousal violence
  2004 2014
Newfoundland and Labrador¹,²,³ 5.11 2.15
Prince Edward Island¹,² 5.15 5.34
Nova Scotia³ 7.54 4.60
New Brunswick 6.45 4.53
Quebec³ 5.41 3.47
Ontario³ 6.42 3.72
Manitoba²,³ 7.32 3.29
Saskatchewan²,³ 8.37 4.87
Alberta³ 8.72 4.67
British Columbia³ 7.00 4.21
Provincial total³ 6.64 3.88
Use with caution (2004).
Use with caution (2014).
Statistically significant difference between 2004 and 2014 (p < 0.05).
Includes legally married, common-law, same-sex, separated and divorced spouses who reported having experienced violence within the five-year period preceding the survey. Data for the territories will be released at a later date.
General Social Survey on victimization (4504).
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