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Farm product prices, December 2024

Released: 2025-02-11

Monthly provincial prices received by farmers in December for grains, oilseeds, specialty crops, cattle, hogs, poultry, eggs and dairy products are now available.

Corn prices increased across most provinces in December compared with November, led by Quebec (+5.2%). Lower domestic production in 2024, steady demand for Canadian grain corn and decreased stocks in the United States put upward pressure on prices in December.

In December, barley price movements were mixed across provinces compared with November, with half of the reporting provinces showing an increase. New Brunswick (+6.1%) registered the largest increase, while Manitoba (-7.5%) posted the largest decrease. Year over year, barley prices declined by at least 17.1% across all provinces in December, as competitive prices for other feed crops put downward pressure on the price of barley.

Compared with November, feeder cattle prices increased in most provinces in December, led by Ontario (+4.6%). Meanwhile, slaughter cattle prices varied across provinces, with decreases occurring in Manitoba (-0.8%), Saskatchewan (-1.4%) and British Columbia (-2.0%), while the remaining provinces recorded increases. Prices increased for both feeder cattle and slaughter cattle across all provinces in December compared with the same month in 2023.

Slaughter hog prices decreased across all provinces in December 2024 compared with November, with decreases ranging from 1.0% in British Columbia to 5.5% in both Prince Edward Island and Quebec.

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  Note to readers

The prices of over 35 commodities are available by province, with some data series going back 40 years. Price data are extracted from administrative files and derived from Statistics Canada surveys.

For the latest information on the Census of Agriculture, visit the Census of Agriculture portal.

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