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Crushing statistics of major oilseeds, Canada and United States, 2024

Released: 2025-03-13

Canadian oilseed processors crushed a record 11.4 million tonnes of canola in 2024, up 8.1% from 2023, marking the second consecutive record year.

The amount of soybeans crushed in Canada decreased by 11.6% compared with 2023 to 1.6 million tonnes in 2024. Oil production totalled 4.8 million tonnes for canola and 287 000 tonnes for soybeans, while meal production totalled 6.6 million tonnes for canola and 1.2 million tonnes for soybeans.

Canola crushing in Canada was 8.1% higher in 2024 than in the previous year, supported by strong demand and increased exports of canola oil. In 2024, Canadian exports of canola oil increased 10.7% from 2023, totalling 3.5 million tonnes.

Just over half of the canola grown in Canada is used by domestic crushers, who accounted for 51.7% of the total disposition of canola in the 2023/2024 crop year (August 2023 to July 2024 for canola). Over the same period, exports of canola accounted for 31.3% of total disposition.

In the United States, over the 2024 calendar year, oilseed processors crushed 63.5 million tonnes of soybeans (+3.7% from 2023) and 2.2 million tonnes of canola (+6.4% from 2023). Oil production totalled 12.5 million tonnes for soybeans and 877 000 tonnes for canola, while meal production totalled 46.8 million tonnes for soybeans and 1.3 million tonnes for canola.

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  Note to readers

Statistics Canada is providing annual data on crushing statistics of major oilseeds in Canada and the United States. This series was prepared in collaboration with the United States Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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