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Lending Services Price Index, fourth quarter 2024

Released: 2025-03-14

Data from the Lending Services Price Index (2017=100) are now available for the fourth quarter of 2024.

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  Note to readers

The Lending Services Price Index (LSPI) is not an index of loan rates paid by consumers and businesses but represents the change in the price of service. Prices represent the difference between annual percentage rates for existing loan products and averages of yields on financial market instruments. The variables used to calculate the prices are weighted annual percentage rates, outstanding balances by product for lending services, and market rates.

Lending services include funds issued for personal loans, lines of credit, mortgage loans, business loans and leases. This index provides better estimates of the real output, productivity and price change of financial services in Canada.


The article "Methodology for Lending Services Price Index (LSPI)" describes the methodological details for the LSPI. It includes information on the purpose of the index, data sources, index estimation and aggregation methods.

Statistics Canada launched the Producer Price Indexes Portal as part of a suite of portals for prices and price indexes. This webpage provides Canadians with a single point of access to a variety of statistics and measures related to producer prices.

The video "Producer price indexes" is available on the Statistics Canada Training Institute webpage. It provides an introduction to Statistics Canada's producer price indexes: what they are, how they are made, and what they are used for.

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