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New Housing Price Index, February 2025

Released: 2025-03-21

New Housing Price Index — Canada

February 2025

0.1% increase

(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — N.L.

February 2025

1.9% increase

(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — P.E.I.

February 2025


(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — N.S.

February 2025

3.8% increase

(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — N.B.

February 2025


(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — Que.

February 2025

0.2% increase

(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — Ont.

February 2025

0.1% increase

(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — Man.

February 2025


(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — Sask.

February 2025

1.1% increase

(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — Alta.

February 2025

-0.2% decrease

(monthly change)

New Housing Price Index — B.C.

February 2025

0.1% increase

(monthly change)

The New Housing Price Index (December 2016=100) is now available for February.

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  Note to readers

The New Housing Price Index (NHPI) measures changes over time in the selling prices of new residential houses. The prices are those agreed upon between the contractor and the buyer at the time the contract is signed. The detailed specifications for each new house remain the same between two consecutive periods.

The prices collected from builders and included in the index are market selling prices less value-added taxes, such as the federal Goods and Services Tax and the provincial harmonized sales tax.

The survey covers the following dwelling types: new single homes, semi-detached homes and townhomes (row or garden homes). The index is available at the national and provincial levels and for 27 census metropolitan areas (CMAs).

The index is not subject to revision and is not seasonally adjusted.

Annual weights have been updated with the publication of data for the January 2025 reference period.

As of the February 2025 data release, additional analysis will be provided on a quarterly basis—specifically for the January, April, July and October releases.


The Technical Guide for the New Housing Price Index (NHPI) is available. This document provides details on the methodology used to calculate the NHPI.

The New Housing Price Index: Interactive Dashboard, which allows users to visualize statistics on new housing prices, is available.

The Housing Market Indicators dashboard, which provides access to key housing market indicators for Canada, by province and by CMA, is also available.

For more information on the topic of housing, visit the Housing statistics portal.

The video "Producer Price Indexes" provides an introduction to Statistics Canada's Producer Price Indexes—what they are, how they are compiled and what they are used for.

Statistics Canada launched the Producer Price Indexes Portal as part of a suite of portals for prices and price indexes. It provides users with a single point of access to a wide variety of statistics and measures related to producer prices.

Next release

The New Housing Price Index for March will be released on April 23.

Contact information

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; or Media Relations (

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