Business - Linkable File Environment - Getting started

To begin a project with the B-LFE, you can either initiate a cost-recovery project with the B-LFE team at Statistics Canada or submit a research proposal through the Data Access Division.

Option 1: Cost Recovery

Option 1: Cost Recovery
Description - Option 1: Cost Recovery

These are the steps to initiate a cost-recovery project with the Business - Linkable File Environment team:

Step 1: Meet with Statistics Canada to discuss your information needs.
Step 2: Receive and peruse data dictionaries to identify variables of interest.
Step 3: Follow the project proposal process.
Step 4: Sign a letter of agreement.
Step 5: Work with Statistics Canada throughout the project cycle.
Step 6: Receive the transferred tables and reports.

The B-LFE team provides support to stakeholders and external clients by working with them to define the variables based on their topic of interest. Once defined, the variables from the appropriate linkable files are extracted as datasets that can be used for research purposes, impact studies or the production of customized tables.

For more information on these services, contact us by email at or

Option 2: Data Access Division access to the Business - Linkable File Environment

Option 2: Data Access Division access to the Business Linkable File Environment
Description - Option 2: Data Access Division access to the Business - Linkable File Environment

These are the steps to submit a research proposal for access to the Business - Linkable File Environment through the Data Access Division:

Step 1: Create a detailed research proposal based on the data dictionary.
Step 2: Submit the application via the Microdata Access Portal.
Step 3: If approved, become a deemed employee.
Step 4: The B-LFE team will prepare the customized microdata extraction for the Data Access Division.
Step 5: Work with Statistics Canada throughout the project cycle.
Step 6: Receive the analysis and output vetted by Statistics Canada before releasing.

For more details related to access, please see Access to microdata.