By the numbers - Valentine's Day

By the numbers: Valentine's Day (PDF, 14.72 MB)
By the numbers: Valentine's Day
Description: By the numbers - Valentine's Day

Love Nests

16,455,840 - The number of persons aged 15 years and over, living as a couple in private Canadian households in 2016.

Source: Families, households, and marital status highlight tables.

Sweetness bundle

179. 5 million - Sales revenue of chocolate and chocolate confectionary manufacturing in November 2019.

Source: Manufacturer's sales, inventories, orders and inventory to sales ratio, by industry.

Roses are red...

3.6 million - The number of rose stems produced in Canadian greenhouses in 2018.

Source: Greenhouse, sod and nursery industries, 2018.

A few words...

106 - The number of calendar, colouring book, greeting cards and poster publishers in 2019.

Source: Canadian Business Counts with employees.