Business or organization and contact information
1. Please provide the business or organization's legal and operating name.
- Legal name
- Operating name (if applicable)
2. Please provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire.
Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.
- First name
- Last name
- Title
- Preferred language of communication
- Mailing address (number and street)
- City
- Province, territory or state
- Postal code or ZIP code
Example: A9A 9A9 or 12345-1234
- Country
- Email address
- Telephone number (including area code)
Example: 123-123-1234
- Extension number (if applicable)
- Fax number (including area code)
Example: 123-123-1234
3. Please provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name in question 1.
- Operational
- Not currently operational, e.g., temporarily or permanently closed, change of ownership
Agricultural activity
4. Will this operation produce agricultural products in 2021?
Examples of agricultural products include: field crops, vegetables, fruit, livestock, horses, poultry, meat, milk, eggs, maple products, honey, wool, ornamental plants, sod, Christmas trees, greenhouse products, mushrooms.
- Yes
Will this operation be reporting sales or expenses for these agricultural products to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)?
Include sales and expenses from:
- agricultural products grown or raised by this operation in 2021 (e.g., field crops, vegetables, fruit, livestock, horses, poultry, meat, milk, eggs, maple products, honey, wool, ornamental plants, sod, Christmas trees, greenhouse products, mushrooms)
- other commodities produced using agricultural products grown or raised by this operation in 2021 (e.g., wine, meat products).
- No
Canada Revenue Agency Business Numbers
1. Does this agriculture operation have a Business Number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)?
A Business Number is a unique 9-digit number assigned to a business by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It is used to register a business for tax programs such as GST/HST, payroll deduction, corporation income tax, etc.
- Yes
Provide the Business Number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Include only the first 9 digits.
- Business Number
Example: 123456789
- No
2. Do you operate or own other agricultural or non-agricultural businesses?
- Yes
Provide the other legal or operating name of the businesses and their associated Business Number.
- Legal or operating name 1
- Associated Business Number 1
Example: 123456789 (if applicable)
- Legal or operating name 2
(if applicable)
- Associated Business Number 2
Example: 123456789 (if applicable)
- Legal or operating name 3
(if applicable)
- Associated Business Number 3
Example: 123456789 (if applicable)
- If there are more than three other businesses, provide them in the field below.
- No
Agricultural Operators
3. Provide the following information about each person who was responsible for management decisions made for this agricultural operation as of May 11, 2021.
Management decisions are decisions about a variety of important business matters, e.g., agricultural production, hiring employees, investment and finances, marketing of agricultural products.
Exclude professional advisors, e.g., accountants, consultants.
3. Provide the following information about each person who was responsible for management decisions made for this agricultural operation as of May 11, 2021.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Last name |
First name |
Operator 1 |
Operator 2 |
Operator 3 |
If there are more than three Operators, provide names and telephone numbers in the comments section on page 27.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Operator 1 |
Operator 2 |
Operator 3 |
Date of birth |
Telephone number |
Postal code |
5. In 2020, what was each operator's average weekly time contribution to this agricultural operation?
Include only work done for this operation, such as:
- farm work
- farm office work
- dealing with suppliers and clients
- custom work done for others.
Operator 1
Farm work
On average:
- More than 40 hours per week
- 30 to 40 hours per week
- 20 to 29 hours per week
- Less than 20 hours per week
Operator 2
Farm work
On average:
- More than 40 hours per week
- 30 to 40 hours per week
- 20 to 29 hours per week
- Less than 20 hours per week
Operator 3
Farm work
On average:
- More than 40 hours per week
- 30 to 40 hours per week
- 20 to 29 hours per week
- Less than 20 hours per week
6. In 2020, what was each operator's average weekly time spent doing paid work at another job or operating another business not involved with this agricultural operation?
Include only work done for:
- an off-farm job
- a non-farm business
- other farm operations.
Exclude custom work done for others.
Operator 1
Other work
If Yes, indicate the average time contribution to all other work.
On average:
- More than 40 hours per week
- 30 to 40 hours per week
- 20 to 29 hours per week
- Less than 20 hours per week
Operator 2
Other work
If Yes, indicate the average time contribution to all other work.
On average:
- More than 40 hours per week
- 30 to 40 hours per week
- 20 to 29 hours per week
- Less than 20 hours per week
Operator 3
Other work
If Yes, indicate the average time contribution to all other work.
On average:
- More than 40 hours per week
- 30 to 40 hours per week
- 20 to 29 hours per week
- Less than 20 hours per week
Paid labour
7. For the 2020 tax year, did this agricultural operation issue any T4 slips to agricultural workers?
A T4 slip is a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) form that is used to report a worker's annual salary, wages and taxable benefits.
Exclude workers linked to processing or service sectors.
- Yes
- No - Go to question 10
8. For the 2020 tax year, report the number of agricultural workers who were issued a T4 slip in the categories below.
Include all operators, family workers and employees who were issued a T4 slip.
Exclude workers linked to processing or service sectors.
- Number of year-round full-time workers 30 or more hours per week
- Number of year-round part-time workers Less than 30 hours per week
- Number of seasonal or temporary workers
Total number of workers who were issued a T4 slip for the 2020 tax year
9. For the T4 slips issued to agricultural workers for the 2020 tax year, were any issued to family workers?
Family workers include operators and workers who are related to an operator by blood, marriage (including common-law) or adoption, including those who live in a different household.
Exclude family workers linked to processing or service sectors.
- Yes
- Provide the number of agricultural family workers who were issued a T4 slip.
- Number of family workers
- No
Main farm location of this operation
10. Complete the civic address or land description of the main farm location of this agricultural operation.
This is where the main agricultural activities take place. It can be the farm headquarters, main farm buildings, or main gate of the farm operation.
Civic address of the main farm location (address that would be provided to emergency services)
- Province or territory
- Address number
- Road or street name
- Street type
- Street direction
- Name of village, town, city or municipality
- Postal code
For the Prairies and parts of British Columbia only: land description of the main farm location
- Province
- Quarter
- Section
- Township
- Range
- Meridian
Unit of measure
11. What unit of measure will be used to report land areas?
Fill in one circle only.
- Acres
- Hectares
- Arpents (Quebec only)
- 1 acre = 0.40 hectare = 1.18 arpent
- 1 hectare = 2.47 acres = 2.92 arpents
- 1 arpent = 0.85 acre = 0.34 hectare
Area of land
12. In 2021, what is this operation's total area of workable and non-workable land for each of the following?
Workable land includes all cropland, nursery, sod, Christmas trees, maple trees tapped, summerfallow and pasture.
Non-workable land includes idle land (e.g., woodlots, bush, ponds, bogs, marshes, buffer zones) and all land that farm buildings are located on (e.g., greenhouses, mushroom houses, farmhouses, barns).
- Total workable and non-workable land area owned
Include all land owned even if used by others
- Area leased from governments
e.g., land operated under licence, permit or lease
- Area rented or leased from others
- Crop-shared land used by this operation
Note: Crop-sharing is an agreement in which the operator shares investment and risk with the land owner.
- Other land used by this operation
e.g., land trading, rent-free
TOTAL land area owned, leased, rented, crop-shared or used
- Land area used by others
e.g., rented, leased or crop-shared to others, land trading, rent-free
Net area of this operation
(Total land area owned, leased, rented, crop-shared or used)
MINUS (land area used by others)
Report on this area throughout this questionnaire
Agricultural production
The Census of Agriculture covers various agricultural activities in Canada. Therefore, some questions in this survey may apply to this operation, while others may not. The following questions will help identify the sections of this survey that should be answered by this operation.
Each agricultural product should be reported in only one category.
Do not report products grown solely for home or personal use.
13. On May 11, 2021, are any mushrooms grown on this operation for sale?
Exclude wild mushrooms.
- Yes
- Types of mushrooms
Select all that apply.
- Agaricus mushrooms. Include white and brown varieties.
- Specialty mushrooms, e.g., shiitake, oyster
- No
14. In 2021, were any maple trees tapped on this operation?
Include only taps made on maple trees.
15. In 2021, are sod, nursery products or Christmas trees grown on this operation for sale?
Include ornamental tree seedlings not grown in a greenhouse.
- products grown in a greenhouse (report in greenhouse section)
- tree seedlings grown solely for reforestation
- sod, nursery products and Christmas trees grown for home or personal use.
16. In 2021, are any agricultural products grown in a greenhouse on this operation?
Include environments where temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) or light are controlled, such as:
- greenhouses (of glass, plastic or poly-film materials)
- enclosed structures such as a warehouse, box car, shipping container or building.
- mushrooms
- unheated cold frames or tunnels (report in field vegetables or fruits, berries and nuts sections)
- tree seedlings grown solely for reforestation.
17. In 2021, are any fruits, berries or nuts grown on this operation for sale?
- fruits and berries used to produce wine
- all producing and non-producing vines, bushes and trees.
18. In 2021, are any field vegetables grown on this operation for sale?
Include all field vegetables planted or to be planted in 2021.
Exclude potatoes, dry field peas and all dry beans (report in hay and field crops section).
19. In 2021, are any field crops or hay grown on this operation?
- grains, oilseeds, corn for grain or silage, potatoes, sugar beets, ginseng, mustard seed,
dry field peas, alfalfa and tame hay
- all field crops and hay to be harvested, even if they were sown or planted in an earlier year
- all land to be seeded, even if not yet seeded
- field crops used as green manure in 2021.
Exclude sweet corn, vegetable beets and mustard leaf (report in field vegetables section).
20. On May 11, 2021, does this operation own any honey bees or other pollinating bees?
Include bees owned, regardless of location.
Exclude honey production for home or personal use.
- Yes
- Types of bees
Select all that apply.
- Honey bees (used for honey production or pollination)
- Other pollinating bees, e.g., leafcutter, blue orchard, bumble
- No
21. On May 11, 2021, are there any poultry (chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks or other poultry) on this operation?
- all poultry on this operation, regardless of ownership, including those raised under contract
- poultry for sale and poultry for personal use.
Exclude poultry owned by this operation but kept on an operation operated by someone else.
22. In 2020, were any chickens or turkeys raised for production or produced on this operation for sale?
Exclude chickens and turkeys produced for personal use.
- Yes
- Types of poultry raised for production
Select all that apply.
- Broilers, roasters and Cornish
- Turkeys
- No
23. In 2020, were any table eggs or hatching eggs produced on this operation for sale?
Exclude eggs for personal use.
- Yes
- Types of eggs
Select all that apply.
- No
24. In 2020, was there a commercial poultry hatchery located on this operation?
- only hatcheries registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
- all types of poultry hatched in 2020, e.g., chickens, turkeys, geese, pheasants, quail.
25. On May 11, 2021, are there any livestock (cattle or calves, pigs, sheep or lambs, or other livestock) on this operation?
- all animals on this operation, regardless of ownership, including those that are boarded, custom fed or fed under contract
- all animals kept by this operation, regardless of ownership, that are pastured on a community pasture, grazing co-op or public land.
Exclude animals owned by this operation but kept on a farm, ranch, or feedlot operated by someone else.
- Yes
- Types of livestock
Select all that apply.
- Dairy cattle and calves
- Beef cattle and calves
- Pigs
- Sheep and lambs
- Other livestock, e.g., goats, horses, donkeys, deer, rabbits, mink
- No
26. In 2021, does this operation produce any organic products for sale?
Include products that are certified or in the process of becoming certified.
- Yes
- Types of certification
Select all that apply.
- Certified by an organic certifying body
Name of certifying body
- Transitional (in the process of becoming certified)
Name of certifying body
- No
Farm vehicles, machinery and equipment
27. On May 11, 2021, does this operation own or lease any farm vehicles, machinery or equipment?
Include tractors, passenger vehicles and farm trucks, ATVs, garden tractors, harvesters, cutting equipment, tillage equipment, seeding and planting equipment, irrigation equipment, sprayers, elevators, wagons, spreaders, dryers, portable mixers and Christmas tree balers.
- machinery that is rented on a short-term basis (hourly or daily rentals)
- fixed (i.e., immobile) equipment.
Hay and field crops (if applicable)
28. In 2021, what is the area on this operation of each of the following hay or field crops?
For two or more crops that will be harvested from the same land in 2021, report each crop and split the area evenly between each crop.
- all field crops and hay to be harvested, even if sown or planted in an earlier year
- all land to be seeded, even if not yet seeded
- field crops used as green manure in 2021.
Exclude summerfallow, pasture, woodlands and other land (report in land use section).
For smaller areas decimals are permitted.
Example: An operation grows 7 1/3 acres of spring wheat, this area would be reported as 7.33
- Wheat — spring
Exclude durum wheat
- Wheat — durum
- Wheat — winter
to be harvested in 2021
- Oats
- Barley
- Mixed grains (two or more grains sown together)
- Corn for grain
Exclude sweet corn (report in field vegetables section)
- Corn for silage
- Rye — fall
(to be harvested in 2021)
- Rye — spring
- Canola (rapeseed)
- Soybeans
- Flaxseed
- Dry field peas
Exclude fresh green peas (report in field vegetables section)
- Chick peas
Include garbanzo beans, desi and kabuli
- Lentils
- Faba beans
- Dry white beans
(navy and pea beans)
- s. Other dry beans
e.g., great northern, pinto, kidney, cranberry beans, lima
- Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for hay, silage, green feed, dehydrated alfalfa
- All other tame hay and fodder crops for hay or silage
e.g., clover, sorghum, millet, timothy, ryegrass, orchard grass
Exclude pasture (report in land use section)
- Forage seed to be harvested in 2021 for seed
Include turf grass seed.
Exclude sod (report in sod, nursery products and Christmas trees section)
- Potatoes
- Mustard seed
- Sunflower seed
Include sunola and dwarf varieties
- Canary seed
Include hairless (canario)
- Ginseng (total seeded and harvested area)
- Buckwheat
- Sugar beets
- Triticale
- Hemp
Other field crops
e.g., spelt, tobacco, hops, quinoa, coriander
Total area of hay and field crops
Field vegetables (if applicable)
29. In 2021, what is the area on this operation of each of the following field vegetables?
Report the areas only once, even if more than one field vegetable will be grown in the same area.
For double-cropping or inter-cropping, report each vegetable and split the area evenly between each vegetable.
Include all field vegetables planted or to be planted in 2021.
For smaller areas decimals are permitted.
Example: An operation grows a 1/4 acre of sweet corn for sale, this area would be reported as: 0.25
- Sweet corn
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers (all varieties)
- Green peas
Exclude dry field peas (report in hay and field crops section).
- Green and wax beans
- Cabbage — regular
- Cabbage — Chinese
Include bok choy and napa.
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Carrots
Include baby carrots.
- Rutabagas and turnips
- Beets
- Radishes
- Onions — green, shallots
- Onions — dry
Include yellow, Spanish and cooking.
- Garlic
- Celery
- Lettuce (all head and leaf varieties)
- Kale
- Rhubarb
- Spinach
- Peppers
- Pumpkins
- Squash and zucchini
- Asparagus — producing
- Asparagus — non-producing
Other field vegetables
e.g., herbs, melons, sweet potatoes, gourds
Total area of field vegetables
Fruits, berries and nuts (if applicable)
30. In 2021, what is the total area on this operation of each of the following fruits, berries or nuts?
- fruits and berries used to produce wine
- all producing and non-producing vines, bushes and trees.
Example: An operation grows a 1/4 acre of apples for sale, this area would be reported as: 0.25
- Apples
- Pears
- Plums and prunes
- Cherries — sour
Include bush-grown varieties.
- Cherries — sweet
Exclude bush-grown varieties.
- Peaches
Include fresh and clingstone.
- Apricots
- Grapes
- Strawberries
- Raspberries
- Cranberries
- Blueberries — highbush
- Blueberries — lowbush
Include wild blueberries grown on managed land.
- Saskatoon berries
- Blackcurrants, redcurrants and whitecurrants
Exclude gooseberries (report in other fruits, berries and nuts).
- Haskaps
Other fruits, berries and nuts
e.g., blackberries, hazelnuts, walnuts, nectarines, gooseberries
Total area of fruits, berries and nuts
Sod, nursery products and Christmas trees (if applicable)
31. In 2021, what is the area of sod, nursery products or Christmas trees grown on this operation for sale?
Include ornamental tree seedlings not grown in a greenhouse.
- products grown in a greenhouse (report in greenhouse section)
- tree seedlings grown solely for reforestation
- sod, nursery products and Christmas trees grown for home or personal use.
- Sod under cultivation intended for sale
Include all sod regardless of intended date of sale
- Nursery products grown for sale
e.g., shrubs, trees, vines, ornamentals, bulbs, grown outdoors, or in cold frames or tunnels
- Christmas trees grown for sale
Include naturally established or planted areas, regardless of stage of growth, that are pruned or managed with the use of fertilizer or pesticides
Land use
32. For the workable and non-workable land reported in question 12, what is the area used for each of the following?
Exclude land used by others.
- Total area of field crops, hay, field vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, sod, nursery products and Christmas trees
- Summerfallow
Include cropland on which no crops will be grown during the year but that will have weeds controlled by tillage or chemical application
- Tame or seeded pasture
Exclude areas to be harvested for hay, silage or seed
- Natural land for pasture
Include woodland used as pasture, and shared land where livestock graze based on a permit, lease or licence
- Woodland, sugarbush and wetlands
e.g., woodlots, tree windbreaks, bush, ponds, bogs, marshes, sloughs
- All other land
e.g., idle land, land on which farm buildings, barnyards, lanes, home gardens, greenhouses and mushroom houses are located
Total net area
- This total should equal the net area reported in question 12.
Summerfallow (if applicable)
33. For the summerfallow, what is the area on which each of the following forms of weed control will be used in 2021?
- Chemfallow only.
- Summerfallow, tilled only
- Chemical and tillage weed control on the same land
Exclude area already reported as "Chemfallow only" or "Summerfallow, tilled only"
Tillage and seeding practices (if applicable)
34. In 2021, what is the area on which the following tillage and seeding practices will be used on land seeded or to be seeded?
Include the area that was prepared last fall or this spring.
Exclude land in summerfallow this year.
- No-till seeding or zero-till seeding
Include direct seeding into undisturbed stubble or sod.
- Tillage that retains most of the crop residue on the surface
Include minimum tillage.
- Tillage that incorporates most of the crop residue into the soil
Land practices and features
35. In 2020, did this operation use the following land practices?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Yes |
No |
a. In-field winter grazing or feeding. |
b. Rotational grazing. |
c. Plowing down green crops. |
d. Planting winter cover crops Include fall rye, winter wheat and red clover. |
36. Does this operation have any shelterbelts or windbreaks (natural or planted)?
Include shelterbelts and windbreaks around any workable land, as well as around lanes, farm buildings and yards.
Crop residue
37. In 2020, what was the area of this operation from which crop residue (straw, stover, stalks) was baled for bedding or sale?
Include residue from small grains, oilseeds and corn stalks.
Exclude hay, corn silage and other forages.
- Area in 2020
- No crop residue baled in 2020
Inputs or manure
38. In 2020, did this agricultural operation use any inputs or manure?
Inputs include treated seed, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, commercial fertilizer, lime, trace minerals and nutrients.
- mushroom areas and greenhouse areas
- manure spread by grazing livestock.
- Yes
No - Go to question 40
39. In 2020, what was the area on which each of the following inputs or manure were used on this operation?
For each input, report land areas only once, even if there was more than one application in 2020.
Exclude mushroom areas and greenhouse areas.
- Treated seed, prior to planting
- Herbicides.
- Insecticides
- Fungicides.
- Commercial fertilizer.
- Lime
- Trace minerals and nutrients.
- Manure
Exclude manure spread by grazing livestock.
- h1. Solid or composted manure, incorporated into soil.
- h2. Solid or composted manure, not incorporated into soil
- h3. Liquid manure, injected or incorporated into soil.
- h4. Liquid manure, not incorporated into soil.
40. In 2020, was an irrigation system used on this operation to apply water on land?
Include all methods of irrigation (e.g., pivot, sprinklers, surface, side rolls, wheel rolls).
Exclude mushroom areas and greenhouse areas.
- Yes
- What was the irrigated area in 2020?
- No
Mushrooms (if applicable)
41. On May 11, 2021, what is the total growing area for Agaricus mushrooms?
Include Agaricus mushrooms grown using beds, shelves, trays or other types of production systems.
Select one unit of measure:
- Square feet
- Square metres
Total area on May 11, 2021
42. On May 11, 2021, what types of production systems does this operation use for specialty mushroom production?
Select all that apply.
- Bags
- Natural wood logs
- Other (e.g., beds, shelves, trays)
43. On May 11, 2021, what are the number and dimensions of the bags and the natural wood logs for specialty mushrooms?
Exclude beds, shelves, trays, and other types of production systems.
If sizes vary, estimate the average dimensions.
For smaller dimensions decimals are permitted.
43. On May 11, 2021, what are the number and dimensions of the bags and the natural wood logs for specialty mushrooms?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Number |
Unit of Measure |
Length |
Width |
a. Bags |
b. Natural wood logs |
44. On May 11, 2021, what is the total growing area for specialty mushrooms?
Exclude bags and natural wood logs.
Select one unit of measure:
- Square feet
- Square metres
Total area on May 11, 2021.
Greenhouse (if applicable)
45. In 2021, what is the total greenhouse area in which agricultural products are grown?
Include environments where temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) or light are controlled, such as:
- greenhouses (of glass, plastic or poly-film materials)
- enclosed structures used for agricultural production such as a warehouse, box car, shipping container or building.
- mushrooms
- areas and structures used for storage
- areas under unheated cold frames or tunnels (report in field vegetables or fruits, berries and nuts sections)
- tree seedlings grown solely for reforestation.
Select one unit of measure:
- Square feet
- Square metres
Total area in 2021.
46. On May 11, 2021, what is the greenhouse area on this operation for each of the following agricultural products?
Report using the same unit of measure as reported in question 45.
- Greenhouse fruits and vegetables
- a1. Greenhouse tomatoes.
- a2. Greenhouse cucumbers.
- a3. Greenhouse peppers.
- a4. Greenhouse herbs
- a5. Other greenhouse fruits and vegetables
e.g., lettuce, strawberries, sprouts, microgreens, shoots, eggplants.
Total area of greenhouse fruits and vegetables
- Cut flowers
Exclude dried cut flowers and field-grown flowers.
- Potted plants – indoor or outdoor
Include any prefinished or finished plants grown and sold in a pot (e.g., potted flowers, potted herbs, potted vegetable plants).
- Other products grown in a greenhouse
e.g., ornamental tree seedlings, cuttings, bedding plants, transplants or plugs (ornamental or vegetable).
Specify other products:
Maple tree taps (if applicable)
47. In the spring of 2021, what was the total number of taps made on maple trees?
Include only taps made on maple trees.
Exclude maple production for home or personal use.
Number of taps in 2021.
Bees (if applicable)
48. On May 11, 2021, how many live colonies of honeybees (used for honey production or pollination) are owned by this operation?
Include bees owned, regardless of location.
Exclude honey production for home or personal use.
Number of colonies on May 11, 2021.
49. On May 11, 2021, how many other pollinating bees (e.g., leafcutter, blue orchard, bumble) are owned by this operation?
Select one unit of measure:
- Gallons
- Number of bees
- Colonies
Number on May 11, 2021
Poultry (if applicable)
You have indicated that on May 11, 2021, there is poultry on this operation.
Throughout the questions on poultry, report only the poultry on this operation. If you own poultry that is kept on someone else's operation, do not report it on this questionnaire.
50. On May 11, 2021, how many of the following poultry are on this operation, regardless of ownership, including those raised under contract?
Include poultry for sale and poultry for personal use.
Exclude poultry owned by this operation but kept on an operation operated by someone else.
- Chickens for eggs
- a1. Pullets intended for laying table eggs, under 19 weeks
- a2. Laying hens that produce table eggs, 19 weeks and over
- a3. Layer breeders (pullets and hens)
- Chickens for meat
- b1. Broilers, roasters and Cornish.
- b2. Broilers, roasters and Cornish breeders (pullets and hens).
Total hens and chickens on May 11, 2021
- Turkeys
- Ducks.
- Geese.
- Other poultry
e.g., roosters, guinea fowl, peacocks, pheasants, quail, pigeons, emus, partridge, ostriches
- f1. Specify other poultry 1
- f2. Specify other poultry 2
- f3. Specify other poultry 3
Chicken or turkey production (if applicable)
51. In 2020, what was the production of chicken on a live weight basis?
Include only chickens produced for sale.
Exclude chickens for personal use.
Select one unit of measure:
Live weight in 2020
Production of broilers, roasters and Cornish in 2020
52. In 2020, what was the production of turkey on a live weight basis?
Include only turkeys produced for sale.
Exclude turkeys for personal use.
Select one unit of measure:
Live weight in 2020
Production of turkeys in 2020
Table and hatching eggs (if applicable)
53. In 2020, how many dozens of table eggs were produced on this operation for sale?
Exclude eggs for personal use.
Dozens of table eggs in 2020.
54. In 2020, how many dozens of hatching eggs were produced on this operation for sale?
Exclude eggs for personal use.
Dozens of hatching eggs in 2020
Commercial poultry hatcheries (if applicable)
55. In 2020, how many chicks or other poultry were hatched?
- only hatcheries registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
- all types of poultry hatched in 2020, e.g., chickens, turkeys, geese, pheasants, quail.
Number of birds hatched in 2020
Livestock (if applicable)
You have indicated that on May 11, 2021, there is livestock on this operation.
Throughout the questions on livestock (cattle or calves, pigs, sheep or lamb, or other livestock), report only the livestock on this operation. If you own livestock that is kept on someone else's operation, do not report it on this questionnaire.
On May 11, 2021, how many of the following livestock are on this operation, regardless of ownership?
- all animals on this operation, regardless of ownership, including those that are boarded, custom fed or fed under contract
- all animals kept by this operation, regardless of ownership, that are pastured on a community pasture, grazing co-op or public land.
Exclude animals owned by this operation but kept on a farm, ranch, or feedlot operated by someone else.
56. Cattle or calves
- a. Calves, under 1 year
- Steers, 1 year and over
- Heifers, 1 year and over
- c1. for slaughter or feeding
- c2. for beef herd replacement
- c3. for dairy herd replacement
- Cows
- d1. mainly for beef purposes
- d2. mainly for dairy purposes
- Bulls, 1 year and over
Total cattle and calves
57. Pigs
- Sows and gilts kept for breeding
- Boars kept for breeding
- Suckling pigs, less than 15 lb (7 kg)
- Weanling, nursery or starter pigs, 15 to 49 lb (7 to 22 kg)
- Market pigs, 50 lb (23 kg) and over
Total pigs
58. Sheep or lambs
- Rams, 1 year and over
- Ewes
- Replacement lambs
- Market lambs
Total sheep and lambs
59. Other livestock
- Horses and ponies
- Donkeys and mules
- Goats.
- Llamas and alpacas
- Bison (buffalo)
- Elk (wapiti)
- Deer
Exclude wild deer
- Rabbits
- Mink
Include breeding stock only
Other livestock
e.g., wild boars, fox, chinchillas
60. In 2020, were the following technologies used on this operation?
Include work done by others on this operation.
60. In 2020, were the following technologies used on this operation?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Yes |
No |
a. Automated guidance steering systems (auto-steer) on farm equipment |
b. Geographic Information System mapping (GIS) e.g., soil quality mapping, yield mapping, NDVI mapping. |
c. Variable-rate input application Include variable-rate seeders, sprayers and fertilizer applications |
d. Drones |
e. Soil sample test. |
f. Slow-release fertilizer. |
g. Fully-robotic milkers i.e., no manual intervention required. |
h. Robotic greenhouse equipment |
Renewable energy
61. In 2021, which of the following types of renewable energy are produced on this operation, regardless of ownership?
Renewable energy is energy obtained from natural resources that can be naturally replenished or renewed within a human lifespan, that is, the resource is a sustainable source of energy.
Include renewable energy produced for use on this operation or for sale to others.
Exclude petroleum (gas or diesel) and coal products.
Select all that apply.
- Wind
- Solar e.g., solar panels, solar heating equipment, solar fencing system, solar water pump
- Bioenergy
Include biogas, biofuel, wood, straw and grasses.
- Bioenergy
Include biogas, biofuel, wood, straw and grasses.
- Types of bioenergy
Select all that apply.
- Biomass combustion, e.g., straw, wood, wood pellets, perennial grasses
- Biomethane, e.g., renewable natural gas
- Other biogas, e.g., gasification
Exclude biomethane.
- Biofuel, e.g., biodiesel, bioethanol
- Geothermal, e.g., heat pumps, other equipment used in geothermal energy systems
- Other renewable energy
- Specify other renewable energy
- No renewable energy produced in 2021 - Go to question 63
62. In 2021, for which of the following purposes is renewable energy produced on this operation?
Include all renewable energy produced on this operation, regardless of ownership.
Select all that apply.
- For use on this operation
e.g., using solar energy to heat livestock buildings or biomass heating for greenhouses
- For sale
e.g., selling electricity onto the grid
Market value
63. What is the estimated present market value of land and buildings on this operation?
- the value of all land and all structures such as houses, farm buildings and silos that are part of this operation
- the value of all fixed (i.e., immobile) equipment such as bulk tanks and farrowing pens.
Exclude the value of any land and buildings rented or leased to others.
Present market value
Rounded to the nearest CAN$
- Land, buildings and fixed equipment owned.
- Land and buildings rented or leased from others or governments
Farm vehicles, machinery and equipment (if applicable)
64. On May 11, 2021, what is the number and present market value of the following farm vehicles, machinery and equipment that are owned or leased by this operation?
Include all farm vehicles, machinery and equipment that are owned or leased by this operation or jointly with a different operation.
- machinery that is rented on a short-term basis (hourly or daily rentals)
- fixed (i.e., immobile) equipment (the value of which was reported in the previous question).
Example: An operation owns one combine, valued at $100,000, and shares ownership of another combine, valued at $60,000, equally with another operation.
These two combines would be reported as follows:
Number of farm vehicles, machinery and equipment owned or leased: 1.50 (this includes the owned combine plus one-half of the shared combine).
Present market value: $130,000 (this includes the $100,000 plus one-half of the $60,000)
64. On May 11, 2021, what is the number and present market value of the following farm vehicles, machinery and equipment that are owned or leased by this operation?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Tractors |
Number of farm vehicles, machinery and equipment owned or leased |
Present market value Rounded to the nearest CAN$ |
a. Under 60 p.t.o. hp.
Include garden tractors, ATVs, etc. |
b. 60 to 149 p.t.o. hp |
c. 150 to 249 p.t.o. hp. |
d. Over 249 p.t.o. hp. |
e. Pick-ups, cargo vans, cars and other passenger vehicles used in the farm business |
f. Other farm trucks |
g. Grain combines and swathers |
h. Forage harvesters, balers, mower-conditioners |
i. Tillage, cultivation, seeding and planting equipment |
j. Irrigation equipment |
k. All other farm vehicles, machinery and equipment not reported above e.g., sprayers, elevators, wagons, manure spreaders, dryers, portable grinder-mixers, other harvesting equipment, Christmas tree balers |
Total present market value of all farm vehicles, machinery and equipment |
Gross farm receipts and operating expenses
65. In 2020, what were the total gross farm receipts before deducting expenses, excluding resale of commodities purchased and any receipts from non-farming activities?
- receipts from all agricultural and forest products sold
- program payments and insurance payments
- receipts from custom work.
- sales of capital assets (e.g., quota, land, machinery)
- the sale of any goods purchased only for resale.
Report for the 2020 calendar year or for the last complete accounting (fiscal) year.
Amount (dollars only)
Total gross farm receipts owned.
66. Of the total gross farm receipts reported above, what were the sales of firewood, pulpwood, logs, fence posts and pilings?
Sales of firewood, pulpwood, logs, fence posts and pilings.
67. In 2020, what were the total farm operating expenses, excluding purchases of commodities resold and any expenses from non-farming activities?
Include only the farm business share of amounts paid.
- costs of any goods purchased only for resale
- amortization or capital cost allowance
- inventory adjustment.
Report for the 2020 calendar year or for the last complete accounting (fiscal) year.
Amount (dollars only)
Total farm operating expenses.
Direct sales
68. In 2020, did this operation sell any agricultural products directly to consumers for human consumption?
Include sales directly at a market or on farm.
- sales of any goods purchased for resale (to intermediaries such as marketers and wholesalers)
- sales directly to a store (to intermediaries such as retail and grocery stores, restaurants and bakeries).
- Yes
No - Go to question 72
69. In 2020, which of the following products were sold directly to consumers for human consumption?
Select all that apply.
- Unprocessed agricultural products
e.g., fruits, vegetables, meat cuts, poultry, eggs, maple syrup, honey
- Value added products
e.g., jellies, sausages, wine, cheese, cider, pies
70. In 2020, which of the following methods were used to sell agricultural products directly to consumers for human consumption?
Include sales directly at a market or on farm.
- sales of any goods purchased for resale (to intermediaries such as marketers and wholesalers)
- sales directly to a store (to intermediaries such as retail and grocery stores, restaurants and bakeries).
Select all that apply.
- On-site farm stores, stands, kiosks, U-pick or farm gate sales
- Off-site farm stores or stands
- Farmers' markets
- Direct deliveries to consumers
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) or food baskets
- Other methods
- Specify other methods
71. In 2020, what percentage of the total gross farm receipts was from the sale of agricultural products directly to consumers for human consumption?
- sales of any goods purchased for resale (to intermediaries such as marketers and wholesalers)
- sales directly to a store (to intermediaries such as retail and grocery stores, restaurants and bakeries).
Percentage (%)
Succession plan
72. On May 11, 2021, does this operation have a written succession plan?
A written succession plan, also referred to as a transition plan, is a formalized plan and agreement that details the orderly transfer of the farm business from the current owners and operators to the future owners and operators. A written succession plan contains three main elements:
- transfer of the assets and ownership
- transfer of management and decision-making
- transfer of labour.
A will is not a written succession plan, unless it includes the three main elements noted above.
- Yes, a written succession plan is in place
- Types of successors
Select all that apply.
- The successors are family members
- The successors are non-family members
- No, a written succession plan is not in place
- A succession plan has been discussed but has not been formalized in a written agreement
- No succession plan has been discussed as of May 11, 2021
Contact person
73. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.
Is the contact person provided on the cover page the best person to contact?
- Yes - Go to "Comments" section
- No
Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?
- First name
- Last name
- Title
- Email address
- Telephone number (including area code)
Example: 123-123-1234 (if applicable)
- Extension number
- Fax number (including area code)
Example: 123-123-1234
74. We invite your comments about this questionnaire.
Purpose of the Census of Agriculture and users of the data
The Census of Agriculture provides the only comprehensive and integrated profile of the physical, economic, social and environmental aspects of Canada's agriculture industry. It is conducted every five years. The data are needed to make informed decisions about business management strategies, agricultural policies, programs and services that directly affect farmers and rural communities.
Census data provide a reliable source of information to farm organizations, government departments, agriculture suppliers and service providers, and researchers that help them to understand and respond to changes in agriculture.
But why in May?
Statistics Canada recognizes that mid-May is one of the busiest times of the year for farmers. However, collecting the data at the same time as the Census of Population streamlines procedures and saves millions of dollars.
Use of record linkages
To enhance the data from this census and to minimize the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.
The law protects what you tell us
The confidentiality of your census responses is protected by law. All Statistics Canada employees have taken an oath of secrecy. Your personal census information cannot be given to anyone outside Statistics Canada without your consent. This is your right.
Fax or e-mail transmission disclosure
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or e-mail transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.
If you have any questions on the Census of Agriculture, call us free of charge, 1-855-859-6273.
Please mail your questionnaire today.
Census of Agriculture results will be available in May 2022: Statistics Canada
Thank you for your co-operation.