Using data from public and private sector sources to produce statistics

For a century, Statistics Canada has been using data from public and private sector sources responsibly. We are entrusted to ensure that Canadians have key information on Canada's economy, society and environment.

Statistics Canada uses administrative data to complement or to replace survey data. Using this data responsibly ensures that we meet Canada's new and ongoing information needs, and reduce response burden. Administrative data are especially helpful to measure social and economic phenomena pertaining to populations or topics that may be difficult to obtain through surveys. Learn more about the use of administrative data sources in the production of official statistics.

How we protect your privacy and confidentiality

Statistics Canada has the obligation to keep administrative data, such as vital statistics or tax data; private, secure, and confidential. The confidentiality of data is governed by the Statistics Act, the Access to Information Act, and the Privacy Act, and by departmental policies and directives.

Strict measures are in place to ensure the protection of information at all times:

  • Direct identifiers are removed as soon as possible; they are deleted if there is no further need for them, or stored separately if there is a reasonable probability that there will be a future need.
  • Data is aggregated, compiled and anonymized to ensure your privacy is protected.
  • Statistics Canada uses state-of-the-art tools, software and processes that prevent disclosure and ensure the confidentiality and privacy of individual data.
  • Statistics Canada employees are sworn to secrecy, and subject to fines and/or imprisonment, should they reveal confidential information.

What you need to know:

  • Statistics Canada uses administrative data responsibly to improve data quality, meet new and ongoing information needs, and to reduce data collection costs and response burden.
  • Statistics Canada has rigorous processes in place to keep your data private, safe and confidential.
  • Your data is fully protected by laws and relevant policies designed to safeguard your privacy.
  • Learn more about Statistics Canada's commitment to privacy and confidentiality at Statistics Canada's Trust Centre.

Administrative data sources in the production of official statistics

Statistics Canada is committed to openness and transparency. We continue to evaluate administrative data sources responsibly to address known data gaps. Learn more about Statistics Canada's use of administrative data in the production of official statistics in the examples outlined below.