Requests for information – Education, training and learning

Under the authority of the Statistics Act, Statistics Canada is hereby requesting the following information which will be used solely for statistical and research purposes and will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the Statistics Act and any other applicable law. This is a mandatory request for data.

Elementary and secondary education

Elementary-secondary (K-12) student data in British Columbia

What information is being requested?

Statistics Canada is requesting updated administrative records from the British Columbia Ministry of Education.

The Agency holds administrative records for elementary and secondary students in British Columbia for the 1991/1992 to 2018/2019 academic years. These administrative records include information about students' demographics (e.g. age, language spoken at home, whether the student had a special need), school information (e.g. school name, school district), enrolment information (e.g. whether the student was enrolled in a French Immersion program), Foundational Skills Assessment scores, secondary school academic performance, graduation information (e.g. year and month of graduation, diploma type) and information about students' neighborhood from the 2016 Census of Population.

For this request, Statistics Canada will be receiving updated administrative records, including new records for the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic years.

These updated student records will include information about student course marks. Previously received administrative records include the number of attempts a student made at completing a course and their final mark in both letter grade and percent formats. The updated administrative records will include separate marks for the course work portion and exam portion of the course, each in letter grade and percent format. The list of courses for which these grades are available remains the same — 33 courses at the secondary level. The updated records will also include a flag variable to indicate whether the student took a dual credit course in a given year.

An additional variable will also be included that indicates the top level organization of the school the student attended in the year they were eligible to graduate. The top level organizations include 'External Schools Association', 'Independent Schools Association', 'School board' and 'Unknown'. The requested data will complement data already acquired by Statistics Canada from the British Columbia Ministry of Education on elementary and secondary students.

What personal information is included in this request?

The requested information includes personal identifiers such as students' first name, last name, nickname, gender, date of birth, province, address and postal code. This information is required to perform data linkages, and will be used for statistical purposes only. Once the data are linked, the personal identifiers are replaced by an anonymized person-level key.

What years of data will be requested?

Statistics Canada has requested annual data for the 2018/2019 to 2020/2021 academic year, including additional variables on an annual basis.

Revised files from 1991/1992 to 2018/2019, including the additional variables, are also requested.

From whom will the information be requested?

This information is being requested from the British Columbia Ministry of Education.

Why is this information being requested?

Statistics Canada requested the most recent data in order to derive timely key indicators about education and perform accurate and relevant analysis related to transition to postsecondary education, apprenticeship programs and transition to the labor market. This will be done through the integration of the BC K-12 schooling data with postsecondary student and apprenticeship data to income tax files within the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform.

The additional information on elementary and secondary students will be used by policy makers, researchers and industry stakeholders to make decisions on student programing as they will have a better understanding of the educational pathways of students in British Columbia, including the impact of K-12 schooling on education and labour market outcomes.

Statistics Canada may also use the information for other statistical and research purposes.

Why were these organizations selected as data providers?

The British Columbia Ministry of Education is responsible for collecting and maintaining the Elementary-secondary (K-12) student data in British Columbia.

When will this information be requested?

This information will be requested in June 2021 and onward (annually).

When was this request published?

July 28, 2021

Secondary (Grades 9-12) student data in Ontario

What information is being requested?

The Agency holds administrative records for secondary students in Ontario for the 2009/2010 to 2015/2016 academic years. These administrative records include information about students' demographics (e.g. age, gender, whether the student had a special need), school information (e.g. school name, school district), enrolment information (e.g. whether the student was enrolled in a French Immersion, co-op, or technical education program), standardized provincial test (EQAO) scores, some secondary school academic performance (course enrolment and final grade), and graduation information (e.g. year and month of graduation, diploma type).

In addition to the information already held, Statistics Canada is formally requesting additional student demographics (visa status, individual education plan), enrolment information (whether the student was enrolled in co-op or a technical education program), standardized provincial test (EQAO) scores, and an increased number of secondary school courses and grades.

What personal information is included in this request?

Statistics Canada already receives personal identifiers, such as students' first names, last names, gender, date of birth, and postal code which are required to perform data linkages for statistical purposes only. Once the data are linked, the personal identifiers will be replaced by an anonymized person key.

In addition to these, Statistics Canada will be requesting visa status and year of entry for international students to allow for greater analysis and insights into this sub-population of interest.

For more information, see the supplement to Statistics Canada's Generic Privacy Impact Assessment for this request. Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform - Addendum.

What years of data will be requested?

Statistics Canada holds data for the 2009/2010 to 2015/2016 academic years, and will request additional years of data as needed, when available.

From whom will the information be requested?

This information is being requested from the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Why is this information being requested?

Statistics Canada requires this information to create and publish aggregate statistics on education and perform accurate and relevant analysis related to the transition from secondary school students to postsecondary education, apprenticeship programs and their transition to the labour market. This will be accomplished through the integration of the Ontario 9-12 education data with postsecondary student and apprenticeship data and income tax files within the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP).

Policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders will use this information to help inform decisions on student programing, as it will provide a better understanding of students' educational pathways in Ontario, including the impact of secondary school on key education and labour market outcomes. 

Statistics Canada may also use the information for other statistical and research purposes.

Why were these organizations selected as data providers?

The Ontario Ministry of Education is responsible for collecting and maintaining the secondary student data (grades 9-12) in Ontario.

When will this information be requested?

April 2024, with updates on an ad-hoc basis as new years of data become available.

When was this request published?

January 18, 2024

Summary of Changes

February 2024 - Schedule of receiving new data was updated. There is no change to the information being requested.

Postsecondary education

Canada Education Savings Program (CESP)

What information is being requested?

Statistics Canada holds administrative records for post-secondary students who received financial assistance from the Canada Education Saving Program at Employment and Social Development Canada from 1998 to 2020. These administrative records include information about the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) contributors, their beneficiaries, and the activity related to the plans (i.e. contributions and withdrawals).

Updated information will be requested for 2021 and onward, including new information on the primary care giver for all Canada Learning Bond (CLB) beneficiaries, additional information on the beneficiaries' eligibility and receipt of Canada Education Savings Grant, and new information on the providers offering RESPs.

What personal information is included in this request?

No new personal information will be requested. Statistics Canada receives personal identifiers from Employment and Social Development Canada, such as students' first name, last name, social insurance number, gender, date of birth, province, address and postal code. This information is required to perform data linkages and is used for statistical purposes only. Once the data are linked, an anonymized person-level key replaces the personal identifiers.

What years of data will be requested?

Statistics Canada will be requesting data for the 2021 year and on, on an annual basis, as well as revised files from 1998 to 2020.

From whom will the information be requested?

This information is being requested from Employment and Social Development Canada.

Why is this information being requested?

Statistics Canada is requesting the updated information in order to derive timely key indicators about education savings and perform accurate and relevant analysis related to future postsecondary and labour market outcomes of those who received education savings incentives from the Canada Education Savings Program (CESP).

Policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders can use the additional data elements to gain more meaningful insights into the savings plan beneficiaries and the grants they have received, and the saving plan providers responsible for managing the investment throughout its life cycle. This will allow program administrators to better understand the CESPs reach and service to Canadians and develop new and innovative approaches to improve the participation in education savings incentives provided by the program. Statistics Canada may also use the information for other statistical and research purposes.

Why were these organizations selected as data providers?

The Canada Education Savings Program at Employment and Social Development Canada is responsible for collecting and maintaining data related to transactions received from Registered Education Savings Plan providers and trustees in Canada.

When will this information be requested?

This information will be requested in 2022 and onward (annually).

When was this request published?

August 3, 2022

Canada Student Financial Assistance (CSFA), formerly named the Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP)

What information is being requested?

Statistics Canada is requesting updated administrative records from the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program (CSFA) at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

Statistics Canada holds administrative records for post-secondary students who received financial assistance from the Canada Financial Assistance Program from 2003/2004 to 2015/2016. These administrative records include information about students' demographics (e.g. age, gender, province of residence), post-secondary institution, enrolment (e.g., whether the student was enrolled in the Engineering program), need for assistance assessment, type and amount of assistance received, and student loan repayment information.

Statistics Canada will be requesting updated administrative records, including new records for the 2016/2017 to 2019/2020 academic years.

These updated student records will contain information on all three stages of the financial assistance cycle including grants and loans, needs assessment to disbursements and, in the case of loans, repayments. Previously received administrative records include additional details on the grants and loans awarded. The updated administrative records will include information about the period of study, new types of grants available during the updated period, and details on the type of repayment assistance provided.

What personal information is included in this request?

Statistics Canada received personal identifiers from the CSFA previously,
such as students' first name, last name, nickname, gender, date of birth, province, address and postal code. This information is required to perform data linkages, and is used for statistical purposes only. Once the data are linked, an anonymized person-level key replaces the personal identifiers.

This new request will include acquiring additional personal identifiers such as a phone number, email address, and an alternate postal code leading to improved linkage rates. These higher rates help reduce bias in the results and offer greater data completeness and quality.

What years of data will be requested?

Statistics Canada will be requesting annual data for the 2016/2017 to 2019/2020 academic year, including the additional variables mentioned above on an annual basis.

Revised files from 2009/2010 to 2015/2016, including the additional variables, will also requested.

From whom will the information be requested?

This information is being requested from the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program at Employment and Social Development Canada.

Why is this information being requested?

Statistics Canada is requesting the updated administrative CFSA program data to derive timely key indicators about financial assistance and perform accurate and relevant analysis related to postsecondary education, apprenticeship programs, and students' transition into the labour market.

Information on financial assistance recipients can be used by policy makers, researchers and industry stakeholders to make decisions on student programing. Access to these data will provide a better understanding of the educational pathways and labour outcomes of recipients and non-recipients of student financial assistance.

Statistics Canada may also use the information for other statistical and research purposes

Why were these organizations selected as data providers?

The Canada Student Financial Assistance Program is responsible for collecting and maintaining student financial assistance data in 10 provinces and territories (PE, NL, NS, NB, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, YT).

When will this information be requested?

This information will be requested in March 2022 and onward (annually).

When was this request published?

March 25, 2022

Sociocultural characteristics of full-time and part-time teaching staff at Canadian universities

What information is being requested?

Statistics Canada is requesting that the following information be collected as part of the Full-time University College Academic Staff System survey (FT-UCASS): Indigenous identity, racialized groups (visible minority), self-reported disability, and sexual orientation.

Statistics Canada would also like to extend coverage of population of interest in UCASS to include part-time and contract teaching staff.

What personal information is included in this request?

This request contains personal information such as the first name, last name and date of birth of full-time and part-time teaching staff at Canadian universities.

Personal information is required to perform data linkages for statistical purposes only. The data may be linked to the Census of Population (or other data sources such as the Canadian Survey on Disability or the Canadian Community Health Survey) to assess the feasibility of collecting the sociocultural characteristics listed above, with the goal of reducing response burden of the data providers. Once the data are integrated, the personal information are removed from the data set and replaced by an anonymized key.

For more information, see the supplement to Statistics Canada's Generic Privacy Impact Assessment for this request: University and College Academic Staff Survey (UCASS) Modernization (EDI and part-time pilot) - Supplement to Statistics Canada's Generic Privacy Impact Assessment related to UCASS Modernization.

What years of data will be requested?

Annual data as of 2022 is being requested.

From whom will the information be requested?

This information is being requested from all public degree-granting institutions (public universities) in Canada.

Why is this information being requested?

Statistics Canada requires this information to create and publish statistics on diverse populations within Canadian academia. The information will fulfill a growing demand for information on equity, diversity, and inclusion within the academic community in Canada especially institutions participating in the Dimensions Canada program (which aims to assess and promote filling equity gaps in postsecondary institutions).

The collection of information on under-represented groups within the academic community will contribute to a more equitable employment environment in Canadian universities; including an environment where research funds are distributed according to how the groups under consideration are represented in the Canadian population. It will help measure progress toward an academic community that is representative of the Canadian population.

Finally, this information will fill a data need sought out by key postsecondary education stakeholders including Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, the three granting agencies (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

Statistics Canada may also use the information for other statistical and research purposes.

Why were these organizations selected as data providers?

All Canadian universities currently participate in the annual FT-UCASS data collection. The organizations also collect sociocultural information on teaching staff for their own employment equity reporting for internal and external operational purposes.

When will this information be requested?

December 2022 (then yearly, in September)

When was this request published?

November 29, 2022

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