Schedule I – Ownership Return

Industrial Organization and Finance Division

Reporting Guide

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The Corporations Returns Act

The Corporations Returns Act (CRA) is administered by the Chief Statistician under the authority of the Minister of Industry. The purpose of the Act is to collect ownership information on corporations conducting business in Canada and to use this information to evaluate the extent and effect of foreign ownership and control of the Canadian economy. The Corporations Returns Act requires that an annual report be submitted to Parliament.

The collection of the data for Schedule I – Ownership return is being done using Statistics Canada's Electronic Questionnaire System (EQS). The use of the EQS allows for the use of pre-filled data, which in turn reduces the burden on respondents. Furthermore, the migration to electronic collection reduces the use of paper and helps Statistics Canada in managing accumulated response burden. These measures align with the Red Tape Reduction and Paper Reduction initiatives of the Government of Canada.

Who is required to file a return?

Any corporation meeting the following thresholds is liable to file under the Act:

  • Every individual corporation conducting business in Canada whose assets exceed 600 million dollars or whose gross revenue exceeds 200 million dollars
  • Every individual corporation that is part of a group of commonly controlled corporations with combined assets exceeding 600 million dollars or combined gross revenue exceeding 200 million dollars
  • Individual corporations with debt obligations owing to, or equity held by non-residents, exceeding a net book value of 1 million dollars

The Schedule I - Ownership Return must be filed within 90 days of the corporation's fiscal year-end. Failing to file can lead to a fine, both for the corporation and its officers or directors.

Inactive Corporation:

An 'inactive corporation' is one where there is no economic activity, but the corporation still exists as a legal entity. Use the following table to determine if you are required to file.

Inactive Corporation
Corporations Inactive
(at the end of the reporting period)
Meets the thresholds Part of a group of commonly controlled corporations Required to file
ABC Limited Yes Yes No Yes
KLM Incorporated Yes No Yes Yes
XYZ Limited Yes No No No

*Please note that inactive corporations are liable to file until they dissolve.


The dissolution of a corporation is the termination of its existence as a legal entity. Use the following table to determine if you are required to file.

Corporations Fiscal year end Date of dissolution Required to file
A December 31, 2008 December 11, 2008 No
B November 30, 2008 December 11, 2008 Yes

*Please note: A corporation with the status 'Intent to dissolve' or 'In the process of dissolution' must file as long as they are not completely dissolved. Upon dissolution, we would appreciate a copy of the certificate of dissolution to amend our records.


An amalgamation is a fusion of two or more corporations by transfer of their assets and liabilities to a new corporation. Use the following table to determine if you are required to file.

Amalgamated corporations Predecessors Continuer Fiscal year end date Date of amalgamation Required to file for 2008
A   Yes December 31, 2008 December 11, 2008 Yes
B Yes   December 31, 2008 December 11, 2008 No
C Yes   October 31, 2008 December 11, 2008 Yes

*Please note: Upon amalgamation, we would appreciate a copy of the certificate of amalgamation to amend our records.

Question 2 of the EQ return will prompt users to identify whether or not a corporation has undergone a legal change. Depending on the date and the nature of the change, the system will instruct you to complete the return or will guide you to the end of the application in order to submit your information. This section of the EQ return offers users the opportunity to attach a copy of the certificate of amalgamation. We encourage this practice to improve the accuracy of the information.

Schedule I – Ownership Return

The new Schedule I - Ownership Return - Electronic Questionnaire (EQ), for which data is being collected using Statistics Canada's internet-based reporting application, replaces the earlier paper and electronic versions of the Schedule II - Ownership Return. Although the collection method has changed, the content collected remains consistent with the previous paper and electronic versions of the Ownership return.

The new EQ Ownership return information is collected through an electronic internet-based application which includes logic that directs the flow between questions and sections based on the responses provided. As such, not all sections or questions will apply or will be required in all situations.

Logic has also been programmed to check the consistency of information between questions or sections. In some cases, a warning message may be displayed advising the respondent that some information reported may be inconsistent and that it should be reviewed before continuing. In other instances, when inconsistent information is detected, an error message may be displayed requiring that corrections be made before the application can continue to move forward (mandatory fields).

The new EQ Ownership return allows for the option of providing the respondent with a pre-filled return that can be verified and updated where necessary. When possible and reasonable, information on the EQ Ownership return will be pre-filled with the information provided in previous returns or with information researched using external public sources. When completing a pre-filled Ownership return, the respondent is asked to verify all pre-filled information and update or correct, as required.

The EQ Schedule I - Ownership Return is divided into 18 sections and collects information on various aspects of the reporting corporation. The sections and the information collected within them will be described briefly in this guide. Excluding the second section, which refers to the use of the new reporting application, each of the following sections relate to the questions asked on the earlier paper and electronic versions of the Schedule I - Ownership Return:

  1. Getting started (Access and Login) & Navigational features and tips
  2. Corporate information
  3. Reporting period (Q1)
  4. Legal Status Change (Q2–Q15)
    1. Dissolution (Q3–Q4)
    2. Corporate Name Change (Q5–Q7)
    3. Amalgamation (Q8–Q12)
    4. Change of Jurisdiction (Q13–Q15)
  5. Nature of business (Q16)
  6. Reporting Corporation (Q17–Q21)
  7. Share capital of reporting corporation (Q22–Q30)
  8. Corporation directors and officers (Q31–Q39)
  9. Ownership of share capital of the reporting corporation (Q40–Q43)
  10. Related Groups (Q44-Q45)
  11. Other Shareholders (Q46–Q47)
  12. Share capital of corporations owned by reporting corporation (Q48–Q53)
  13. Funded debt of reporting corporation (Q55–Q56)
  14. Contact person (Q57)
  15. Consent to pre-fill information (Q58)
  16. Additional contact persons (Q59)
  17. Comments (Q60–Q62)
  18. Data Submission

1 – Getting started and navigational features and tips

The Getting started and Navigational features and tips sections provide general information about the collection of Schedule I – Ownership Return information in compliance with the Corporations Returns Act.

Accessing the return in EQS

Corporations will receive an e-mail or letter invitation to complete a Schedule I – Ownership return.

If an e-mail invitation is received, a link can be used to access the questionnaire. If a letter is received, the URL will need to be entered manually in the address bar of your browser.

Log in to the return

If the Log in to the return link does not open, copy this link Electronic Collection Portal and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

  • log in using your Secure Access Code "SAC"
  • enter your temporary password (first 9 digits of the Business Number assigned to the corporation by the Canada Revenue Agency, i.e. 123456789RC0001) or enter the password created during the previous collection cycle; and/or
  • create a new password at the prompt

For more information, please contact us:
Telephone: 1-877-949-9492
TTY: 1-855-382-7745 (Telecommunications device for people who are deaf)

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday (except holidays) from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Eastern Time.

Getting started

Why do we collect this information?

This return is designed to collect detailed information on ownership and control in the Canadian economy. The information will be used to track and analyze the level of foreign control in Canada and to make policy decisions affecting the level of foreign control in selected industries.

Information reported on this return will be used to meet the requirements of the Corporations Returns Act.

Filing this return is a legal requirement under the Corporations Returns Act.

Penalties for failing to file a return are outlined in Section 9 of the Corporations Returns Act.

Navigating the questionnaire

To move to the next page, press the "Next" button located at the bottom of each page.

To move to the previous page or further back, press the "Previous" button located at the bottom of each page.

To move between items on a page, press the "Tab" key of your keyboard or use the mouse.

To update an existing director/officer or a shareholder (corporation or individual) with pre-filled information, press "Update" below the name of the class of shares, the director/officer or shareholder (corporation or individual)

To provide information on a new or incomplete director/officer or a shareholder (corporation or individual), press "Continue" below the name of the class of shares, the director/officer or shareholder (corporation or individual)

Session timeout

After 1 hour and 55 minutes of inactivity, you will receive a timeout notice. To continue your session and avoid losing information, press the "Stay Logged In" button within 5 minutes of the timeout message appearing, otherwise your session will timeout.

Saving your information

To save information entered and complete the questionnaire later, press the "Stop & Finish Later" button located at the bottom of any page. When you resume your session, you can start where you left off.

Additional help

Some questions have a "Help" button that provides examples or definitions to further explain the question.

The "Help" button is located to the right of the question.

Lag time

At times, you may experience a delay between certain questions. This may occur in a few sections due to the volume of information and cross sectional logic. Sections such as 'Share capital of reporting corporation' and 'Corporation Directors and Officers' allow for many entries which add to the processing time in the background. This can explain the majority of any delay or lag between screens or sections.

2, 3– Corporate information and reporting period (Q1)

The Corporate information and reporting period section includes information about the corporate name and address, the mailing address and the corporation's fiscal year-end date.

Corrections to errors in the corporate name or address and changes to the mailing address or fiscal year-end can be made in this section.

Note: Do not make any changes which would have been the result of a legal name change or change of jurisdiction in this area. All changes to the reporting corporation's legal status are to be reported in questions 2 to 15.

The reporting corporation must report any legal change in the name of the corporation in question 5. If the reporting corporation has undergone a status change and you are not sure how to proceed, please refer to the section "Who is required to file".

Mandatory Field–corporate address (Country)

The application will not move forward if the Corporate Address (Country) is not specified

Mandatory Field – Q1

The application will not move forward if the Fiscal Year End date is not specified.

The 'CCID' (CRA Corporate Identifier) is a unique eight digit identifier allocated by our system to each corporation on our database. The CCID is displayed at the top of each screen next to the corporate name.

4 – Legal status change (Q2–Q15)

The Legal Status Change section collects information about corporate changes which may have an impact on how the Ownership return for the corporation is completed. When there has been a change to the corporation's legal status, please include a copy of the certificate for the change with the corporation's Ownership return. (Note: certificates attached to the return will be sent to Statistics Canada immediately upon completing the information for that change in legal status and moving to the next screen).

Although new for the EQ collection of the Ownership return, information with regards to a change in the corporation's legal status ha d been previously reported and collected on an ad hoc basis when these changes were encountered.

Mandatory Field–Q2

This is a "Yes" or "No" question. The application will not move forward if "Yes" has been selected at Q2 and the type of Legal status change has not been specified. If a corporation has undergone multiple changes in the last year, select the latest change and provided all documents using the attachment functionality.

When "Yes" is selected, a list of 4 legal changes will appear: a) Dissolution, b) Corporate name change, c) Amalgamation, and d) Change of jurisdiction.

Please select the appropriate change. Depending on the selection, the EQS will chose the appropriate flow and prompt additional questions.

a) Dissolution (Q3–Q4)

The dissolution of a corporation is the termination of its existence as a legal entity. The EQ will collect the date of dissolution for the corporation and determine which portions of the return need to be completed.

If the dissolution occurred after the eligible corporation's Fiscal Year End, the Ownership return must be completed in its entirety for that corporation. If the dissolution occurred before the corporation's Fiscal Year End, then minimal information will need to be completed. Please attach a copy of the certificate or articles of dissolution for the corporation to the return.

b) Corporate name change (Q5–Q7)

An eligible corporation that has gone through a name change is required to complete an Ownership return. The corporation's new corporate name and the date that the change took place are collected in this section of the Ownership return. Please attach a copy of the certificate for this corporate name change to the return.

The name of the corporation displayed throughout the application will depend on the date of the name change. A name change that occurred before the reporting corporation's Fiscal year-end will be reflected in the application.

c) Amalgamation (Q8–Q12)

An amalgamation is the fusion of two or more companies by transfer of the assets and liabilities to one of the constituent companies or a new organization.

If the amalgamation occurred after the eligible reporting corporation's fiscal year end, the Ownership return must be completed for the reporting corporation. If the amalgamation occurred before the eligible reporting corporation's fiscal year end date, the Ownership return must be completed for the new resulting corporation. Please attach a copy of the certificate of amalgamation for this corporation to the return.

d) Change of jurisdiction (Q13–Q15)

An eligible corporation that has undergone a change in jurisdiction is required to complete an Ownership return. The new jurisdiction and the date that the change took place are collected in this section of the Ownership return. Please attach a copy of the current certificate of incorporation for this corporation to the return.

5 – Nature of business (Q16)

The Nature of Business is the primary business activity undertaken by the reporting corporation. If the corporation is not in operation on the fiscal year end day, the 'Nature of Business' should be reported as Inactive. In that case, please refer to the top of the document under the section 'Who is required to file a return' for instruction.

6 - Reporting corporation (Q17–Q21)

The questions in the Reporting corporation section collect information about the incorporation of the reporting corporation.

Q17- Please verify, correct or provide the date of incorporation

If you are reporting an amalgamation or a change in jurisdiction, the effective date of the amalgamation or change in jurisdiction becomes the new date of incorporation

If you are reporting a name change, the date of incorporation does not change.

Q18- Please verify, correct or select the act of incorporation

If 'Provincial' or 'Outside Canada' is reported, you will be prompted to specify the province or country.

Q19- Please verify, correct or select the manner of incorporation

If 'Other' is selected, you will be prompted to specify the manner of incorporation.

Q20- Please verify, correct or select the type of corporation

Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC)

  • It is a private corporation
  • It is not controlled directly or indirectly by one or more non-resident persons

Other private corporation

  • It is resident in Canada
  • It is not a public corporation

Public corporation

  • It has a class of shares listed on a prescribed Canadian Stock exchange

Corporation controlled by a public corporation

  • If your corporation is a Canadian subsidiary of a public corporation, it does not qualify as a public corporation.

Other corporation

  • If 'Other corporation' is selected you will be prompted to specify the type.

Q21 - Is this corporation foreign-controlled?

  • If 'Yes' is selected, you will be prompted to specify the country of control.

Mandatory Fields – Q17, 18, 19, and 20

The application will not move forward if:

  • Any of questions 17, 18, 19 or 20 are blank; or
  • At question 18, 'Provincial' has been selected, and the 'specify' line is blank.

7 - Share capital of reporting corporation (Q22–Q30)

This section is very important as the information collected here is used to determine ownership and ultimately the country of control.

The questions in this section collect information about the shares that have been issued by the corporation. Information is collected for a maximum of 10 different classes of shares. If the corporation has issued more than 10 different classes of shares, please list the classes of shares having voting rights first.

Q22–summary of share information

This question provides a summary of the share information currently on file. This information must be verified and if necessary, corrected.

  • If the summary of information is correct for a share class, select Option 1: "Yes, The information above is exact", at which time, the application will proceed to question 24.
  • If the class of shares no longer exists, select Option 2: "No, This class of shares no longer exists". Selecting this option will delete all the information associated with this specific class of shares.
  • If the summary information contains errors or if changes are required, select Option 3: "No, Update the information". The application will proceed to question 23 where the required corrections can be made.

Mandatory Field–Q23–class of share name

The application will not move forward if the name of the class of share has not been specified.

Here, you are required to update the detailed share information previously collected

Mandatory Field–Q24-other classes of shares

The application will not move forward if 'Yes' has been selected at question 24, but the number of classes of shares has not been specified or is '0'.

If there are classes of shares issued in addition to those already displayed at Q22, enter the number of additional classes. You will be asked to describe these classes of shares at question 25. Note: the total number of classes of shares reported (question 22 and question 24) cannot exceed 10. If the corporation has issued more than 10 different classes of shares, list the classes of shares having voting rights first, followed by those with options.

Mandatory Field–Q25–class of share name

The application will not move forward if the name of the class of share has not been specified.

Questions 24 and 25 collect information about other classes of shares issued by the corporation, but which are not currently reflected in the Corporations Returns Act database.

Complete the share information for each of the other classes of shares issued identified at Question 24. Questions 23 and 25 collect the following information:

Description of each class authorized: Describe fully any options or other contracts attached to this class. In the space provided, indicate the title of each new class of shares (e.g. Common, Preferred, Other classes)

Number of shares authorized: Indicate if the total number of shares authorized for issue by the reporting corporation is unlimited or limited. If limited is selected, you will be prompted to specify the number of shares authorized.

Amount of authorized share capital: Indicate if the total amount ($) of share capital authorized for that particular class of share is unlimited or limited. If limited is selected, you will be prompted to specify the total amount of authorized shared capital in whole dollars.

Share capital represents the ownership interest in a company as authorized by its instrument of incorporation.

Voting Rights: Identify the voting rights associated with each class of shares. If it is a class of shares with voting rights, specify the number of votes per share.

It is important that this information is completed correctly as it will help determine the ownership of the reporting corporation. This should not contain the aggregate percentage (total percentage) of ownership that the particular class of shares represent.

Number of shares offered for public subscription in last 5 years: Indicate how many shares of that particular class have been issued to the public for purchase in the past five years.

Questions 26 to 30 collect information about the countries in which shares are held or owned.

Q26–country of ownership

Displays a list of previously reported countries where shares are held or owned. Verify, and where necessary, correct the information previously collected.

Mandatory Field–Q27–number of countries where the corporation's shares are held or owned

Report the number of other countries in which shares are held or owned here.

When 'Yes' is selected, the number of countries (or additional countries) where the corporation's shares are held must be specified. The application will not move forward if this field is left blank.

Mandatory Field–Q28–other countries where the reporting corporation's shares are held or owned

Specify the country names for each of the number of countries identified at question 27. If the number of countries in which shares are held is incorrect, return to question 27 to correct.

Mandatory Fields–Q29–number of shares held in each country

This question displays share information previously collected for the classes of shares identified at question 23. The sum of the number of shares (for each class of shares) at questions 29 and 30 cannot exceed the number of shares authorized as reported at questions 23 and/or 25, respectively.

Report the number of shares held in each country for each class of shares. The number of shares held where no country of residence can be provided is also collected in this question.

Mandatory Fields–Q30–number of shares held in each country

This question collects information about the additional classes of shares reported at question 25.

Note: A maximum of 12 different countries in total can be specified in questions 26 and 28. If the reporting corporation's shares are held or owned in more than 12 different countries, please list the 11 countries with the largest number of shares. A 12th grouping, 'All other countries' will be displayed where the sum of the number of shares held or owned in the remaining countries can be reported. There is no need to list the names of the additional countries.

8 - Corporation directors and officers (Q31–Q39)

Questions 31 to 39 collect information about the reporting corporation's directors and officers.

Q31–corporation's directors and officers

List the corporation's directors and officers, as of the end of the reporting period. Use the appropriate button to remove the name of a director or officer not in position at the end of the reporting period; do not overwrite it with the name of a new director or officer.

Add the names of any directors or officers not already identified, but who were in position at the end of the reporting period, in the cells provided and press the "Add" button to add them to the list of directors and officers.

Once the list of directors and officers has been updated, press the "Next" button. This will open a summary screen displaying the names of all the directors and officers listed at Question 31 and a summary of any detailed information currently on file.

Verify the summary information previously collected and make any necessary changes using the "Update" button located below the name. Use the "Continue" button to complete the information for a director or officer who was newly added or whose information is not complete.

Pressing the "Update" or "Continue" button will open questions 32 to 36 and pressing the "Next" button, will move the application to question 37.

Questions 32 to 36 collect information about each of the reporting corporation's directors and officers:

Mandatory Field–Q32 (Country of residence)

Provide the Principal Place of Residence of the director or officer. This refers to the personal address of the director or officer and not the corporation address.

The application will not move forward if the director or officer's country of residence has not been specified.


Indicate if the individual in question is a director of the reporting corporation.


Indicate the Main Position held by the director or officer in the corporation. If 'Other' is selected, you will be prompted to specify the position held.


Specify the director or officer's citizenship


Indicate if the director or officer owns shares in the reporting corporation.

Mandatory Field–Q37–number of shares under each director or officer

Please verify, correct or provide the number of shares owned by each corporate director and officer.

The sum of the total number of shares held or owned by the directors and officers for a specific class of shares cannot exceed the total number of shares reported as held or owned for that class of shares at questions 29 or 30. The application will not move forward until corrections are made.

Q38, 39–related group

Questions 38 and 39 collect information about individuals within the reporting corporation's directors and officers that may form a related group. As per the definition, a related group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage or common-law partnership. Specify the number of related groups at Q38, and then at Q39, identify the directors or officers belonging to each related group.

Note: Each related group must include at least 2 members. If a director or officer is not part of any related group, select the option 'Not part of a related group'.

9 – Ownership of share capital of the reporting corporation (Q40–Q44)

Questions 40 to 44 collect information about corporations, individuals or related groups that hold or own 10% or more of the issued shares of any class of shares and who were not already reported at question 37.

Mandatory Field-Q40

The application will not move forward if the type (Individual or Corporation) is not selected.

Question 40 collects the names of corporations, individuals or related groups meeting the criteria noted above. Use the "Add" button to add names to the list and the "Remove" button to remove names. If a name currently displayed no longer meets the criteria listed above, do not overwrite it with a new name – use the "Remove" button to delete it from the list.

The Type is also required for each corporation, individual or related group identified. 'Type' refers to whether the name is that of an individual or of a corporation. 'Individual' is to be used for any individual, business, trust, partnership or other entity that is not a designated corporation.

Upon pressing the "Next" button, a summary of the information provided for each corporation, individual or related group is provided. Verify any information previously collected and make any necessary changes using the "Update" button. Use the "Continue" button to provide or complete the information for a name that was newly added or whose information is not complete.

Mandatory Field–Q41-address

Input address information for the Individuals and Corporations that were identified for all names listed at Q40.

The application will not move forward if a country is not specified.

Q42–principal place of business in Canada

Give the address information for names that were identified as a "Corporation".

  • Select "Not Applicable" if the corporation's address reported at Q41 is in Canada;
  • Select "No" if the corporation's address at Q41 is outside Canada and there is no principal place of business in Canada;
  • Select "Yes" if the corporation's address at Q41 is outside Canada and the corporation has a principal place of business in Canada and complete the required information.

Mandatory Field–Q43

Verify, correct, or provide the number of shares owned by each corporation, individual or related group.

The sum of the shares owned by a corporation, individual or related group for a specific class of shares at question 37 cannot exceed the total number of shares reported as held or owned for that class of shares at questions 29 and/or 30, respectively. The application will not move forward until corrections are made.

10– Related groups (Q45)

Q44–number of related groups

Please provide information about the presence of related groups for the individuals identified at question 40

As per the definition, a related group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage and common-law partnership.

Q45–related groups

Information about related individuals that may form a related group. The names identified as 'Individuals' at question 40 will be displayed. For each name, identify the related group they belong to. Each related group must include at least 2 individuals. If an individual listed in not part of any related group, please select "Not part of a related group".

11 – Other shareholders (Q46–Q47)

This section collects share information for shareholders who own or hold more than 5% but less than 10% of the shares issued for any class of shares, with an address outside Canada or whose address is unknown and who have not been included in previous questions. Do not report any shareholders that have already been reported in previous questions.

Q46–number of shareholders who meet the above criteria

Q47–number of shares for each class of shares that are held or owned by these shareholders

12 – Share capital of corporations owned by reporting corporation (Q48–Q54)

Questions 48 to 54 collect information about corporations authorized to do business in Canada where the reporting corporation owns 10% or more of that corporation's voting shares.

Q48–authorized corporations in Canada

List the legal name of each of the corporation described above. Any corporation previously collected will be displayed. Use the "Add" button to add any new corporations meeting the requirements above and use the "Remove" button to remove a corporation that no longer meets the criteria. (Note: When removing a corporation that has been previously collected, do not overwrite its information; use the "Remove" button instead).

Upon pressing the "Next" button, a summary of the information already provided for each corporation is displayed. Verify all the previously collected information and make any necessary changes using the "Update" button. Use the "Continue" button to complete the information for a corporation that was newly added or whose information is not complete. Pressing the "Update" or "Continue" buttons will move the application to question 49, where corporate information can be updated or completed, and pressing the "Next" button will advance the application to question 54.

Questions 49 to 53, which are asked when the "Update" or "Complete"' buttons are pressed at the summary screen, collect information about the corporation:

Q49–address of head office

Verify, correct or complete the address of the corporation's Head Office. If this address is not in Canada, please provide the address of the principal office in Canada.

Q50–manner of incorporation

Verify, correct or select the manner of incorporation. If 'Other' is selected, you will be prompted to specify the manner of incorporation.

Q51–date of incorporation

Verify, correct or provide the date of incorporation. The date of incorporation must be before the corporation's year end date.

Q52–place of incorporation

Verify, correct or specify the place of incorporation. If 'Provincial' or 'Outside Canada' is selected, you will be prompted to specify the province or country, respectively.

Q53–percentage owned directly

Verify, correct or specify the percentage owned directly by the reporting corporation. The percentage of voting shares owned by the reporting corporation should be 10% or more.

13 – Funded debt of reporting corporation (Q55–Q56)

The term Funded Debt refers to long term publicly-traded debt such as bonds, debentures, stocks, etc. To be excluded: bank loans, inter-company loans, director's loans, etc.

Q55, 56–classes of funded debt

These questions collect information for the reporting corporation about the classes of funded debt, the face value of issued and outstanding debentures and the amount offered for public subscription in Canada in the last 5 years.

14 – Contact person (Q57)

When necessary, the contact information will be used for follow-up purposes. At question 57, please verify, correct or provide the contact information (including E-mail address) for the person to contact about this return. The following contact information is collected:

Mandatory Fields–Q57

  • Certification
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
  • Fax number (including area code)

The application will not move forward if any of these fields are left blank.

15 – Consent to pre-fill information (Q58)

New with Electronic Questionnaire collection is the ability to pre-fill parts of the return for the next reporting period with the information previously provided.


  • Selecting "Yes" will pre-fill parts of the next return which can save time and effort when completing the next return.
  • Selecting "No" will indicate that a blank return will be provided for the next reporting period.

16 - Additional contact persons (Q59)

With the adoption of the electronic questionnaire using Statistics Canada's EQS, the certification requirement have been transferred to the person completing the return. However, it is replaced with a requirement to provide two additional contact persons, of which either the President or at least one Vice-President of the reporting corporation be identified, along with another individual with signing authority. If this information is not provided, the application will not allow you to move forward.

Each additional contact person must be able to provide clarification should a representative from Statistics Canada contact them following the reception of the data. The following information is required for each person:

Mandatory Fields–Q59

  • First Name
  • Last name
  • Position or rank of officer
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • E-mail address

The application will not move forward if the required information for both the first and second signatory are not specified.

17 - Comments (Q60-Q62)

Q60–time spent

This question collects information about how much time, in hours and minutes, was spent to complete the return.


Please provide us with any comments you might have concerning this return.


This is your final opportunity to attach other documents to support your filing.

18 – Data Submission

When you have completed your return and are ready to submit it, press the 'Submit' button.

A printing option is not currently available with the EQS Ownership application. It is currently being developed and will be made available as soon as it is finalized. In the meantime, respondents can request a PDF document of the data they submitted by contacting Statistics Canada at the number or e-mail address below.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us:

Telephone (toll free): 1-877-949-9492
TTY: 1-855-382-7745
