High Level Indicators – Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2012


This document lists all themes and their associated high level indicators contained in the content of the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Each theme is listed in the order as it appears in the survey followed by the high level indicators associated with its respective theme.

Please note that only high level indicators are listed and not each question in the survey. In some cases more than one question is used for a particular concept or indicator. In cases where a number of survey questions comprise a calculated scale, the main result (indicator) for that scale is named in the list, not each separate question within the scale. Please refer to the questionnaire of the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey to see the questions.

Domains of Estimation

First Nations
All provinces and territories
The four regions of Inuit Nunangat
**Does not include Indian reserves or Northern First Nations communities
Current School Attendees (in Grades 1 to 6)
Current School Attendees (in Grades 7 to 12)
High School Completers
School Leavers

These will be used to track the various educational pathways of Aboriginal people.


  • Identification
  • Household Composition
  • Mobility
  • Education
  • Aboriginal Language
  • Labour Market Activities
  • Traditional Activities
  • Income
  • Health
  • Housing

High Level Indicators by Theme

Aboriginal Identity


  • Identity – First Nations, Inuit and Métis
  • Status – Registered or Treaty Indian as defined by the Indian Act of Canada
  • Application or registration as Status Indian under Bill C-31 or C-3
  • Band membership

Household Composition Sections


  • Relationship to selected respondent
  • Status of mother or father of selected respondent (birth/foster parent)
  • Date of birth of parent/guardian
  • Sex of PMK
  • Marital status
  • Marital status of parent/guardian
  • Number of household members
    • under 18
    • younger than selected respondent
  • Family members living at that address



  • Lived in current community entire life
  • Number of years since moving to current community
  • Ever lived on reserve or in First Nations or Inuit community
  • Reasons for moving from community (Reserve, First Nations or Inuit community only)
  • Reasons for moving to current community
  • Frequency of moves
    • in the last 5 years
    • in the last 12 months

Education Sections

  • Education Status1 aged <=18
  • Education Status2 aged 19 to 44
  • Current Attendees – Grades 1 to 6
  • Current Attendees -  Grades 7 to 12
  • High School Leavers and Completers
  • Respondents aged  >=45

Note:  Some indicators are repeated as they are associated with more than one target group
Education status (1 and 2) indicators

  • Current school enrollment
  • Current level of schooling
  • High school (and high school equivalency) attendance
  • High school (and high school equivalency) completion
  • Location of high school equivalency program
  • Highest level of schooling (derived based on info on postsecondary)

Current attendee indicators (Grades 1 to 6)

  • Preschool attendance (including early childhood development program)
  • Preschool designed for Aboriginal children (including early childhood development program)
  • Number of schools attended
  • Reason for changing schools
  • Mobility for the purpose of attending school
  • School in First Nations community (on reserve)
  • Exposure to Aboriginal languages
    • Teaching an Aboriginal language
    • Teaching subjects in an Aboriginal language (other than language courses)
  • Academic performance
  • Support - tutoring
    • Reasons for support - tutoring
    • Frequency of support - tutoring
    • Source of support - tutoring
  • School climate and support
    • Communication with parent/guardian
    • Perceptions of school environment
    • Support of Aboriginal culture
    • Family involvement with school
  • Support of learning at home
  • Frequency of providing homework support
  • Frequency of reading to student
  • Frequency of reading by student
  • Access to Internet
  • School absences/skips/late arrivals
  • Frequency
  • Reasons
  • Parental expectations/aspirations for education
  • Parental planning and savings for education
  • Family education history
    • Sibling high school completion
    • Highest level of education – mother and father

Current attendee indicators (Grades 7 to 12)

  • Preschool attendance (including early childhood development program)
  • Preschool designed for Aboriginal children (including early childhood development program)
  • Number of schools attended
  • Reason for changing schools
  • Mobility for the purpose of attending school
  • School in First Nations community (on-reserve)
  • Exposure to Aboriginal languages
    • Teaching an Aboriginal language
    • Teaching in an Aboriginal language (other than language courses)
  • Academic performance
  • Need for social support
    • Source of support
  • Support - tutoring
    • Reasons for support - tutoring
    • Frequency of support - tutoring
    • Source of support - tutoring
    • School climate and support
    • Communication with parent/guardian
    • Perceptions of school environment
    • Support of Aboriginal culture
    • Family involvement with school
    • Support of learning at home
    • Frequency of providing homework support
    • Frequency of reading to student
    • Frequency of reading by student
    • Access to Internet
  • Extra-curricular activities
    • Sport or physical activities
      • Participation
      • Frequency
      • Offered within school, outside of school or both
    • Art/drama/music
      • Participation
      • Frequency
      • Offered within school, outside of school or both
    • Club or group activities (not including sport or artistic activities)
      • Participation
      • Frequency
      • Offered within school, outside of school or both
    • First Nations/Métis/Inuit activities
      • Participation
      • Frequency
    • Time with Elders
      • Frequency
    • Volunteering/work without pay
      • Frequency
    • Work in the community (babysitting, at a store, tutor)
      • Frequency
  • School absences/skips/late arrivals
    • Frequency
    • Reasons
  • Attitudes and behaviour of peers (in high school)
  • Dropping out of school
    • Frequency
    • Reasons
  • Expectations/aspirations for education
  • Barriers to education
  • Planning and savings for education
  • Family education history
    • Sibling high school completion
    • Highest level of education – mother and father

High school (leavers and completers)

  • Number of schools attended
    • up to and including Grade 6
    • from Grade 7 onwards
  • Reasons for changing schools
  • School in First Nations community (on reserve)
  • Mobility for the purpose of attending school
  • Exposure to Aboriginal languages
    • Teaching an Aboriginal language
    • Teaching in an Aboriginal language (other than language courses)
  • Academic performance
  • Support - tutoring
    • Reasons for support - tutoring
    • Frequency of support - tutoring
    • Source of support - tutoring
  • School climate and support
    • Communication with parent/guardian
    • Perceptions of school environment
    • Support of Aboriginal culture
    • Family involvement with school
  • Need for social support
    • Source of support
  • Support of learning at home
    • Lived with family during last year of elementary or high school
    • Frequency of providing homework support
    • Frequency of reading by student
  • Extra-curricular activities
    • Sport or physical activities
      • Participation
      • Frequency
      • Offered within school, outside of school or both
    • Art/drama/music
      • Participation
      • Frequency
      • Offered within school, outside of school or both
    • Club or group activities (not including sport or artistic activities)
      • Participation
      • Frequency
      • Offered within school, outside of school or both
    • First Nations/Métis/Inuit activities
      • Participation
      • Frequency
    • Time with Elders
      • Frequency
    • Volunteering/work without pay
      • Frequency
    • Work in the community (babysitting, at a store, tutor)
      • Frequency
  • School absences/skips/late arrivals
    • Frequency
  • Attitudes and behaviour of peers (in high school)
  • Dropping out of school
    • Frequency
    • Reasons
  • Reasons for returning to school
  • Age of completing high school
  • Age last attended elementary or high school
  • Postsecondary education
    • Education towards postsecondary certification
    • Type of educational institution
    • Attendance at school (postsecondary)
    • Reasons for leaving postsecondary education
    • Highest level of postsecondary education
    • Year left/finished school
    • Certificate(s)/Diploma(s)/Degree(s) completed
    • Field of study
    • Full-time or part-time studies
    • Program for preparing students
    • Move to attend postsecondary education
    • Distance education
      • Access
      • Participation
    • Personal support
  • Funding postsecondary education
    • Government student loan
      • Application
      • Reasons for not applying
      • Recipient
    • Method of financing
    • Financial barriers to postsecondary education
  • Reasons for not pursuing a postsecondary education
  • Plans for future education
  • Family education history
    • Sibling high school completion
    • Highest level of education – mother and father

Education (Respondents 45 years of age and older)

  • Highest level of schooling (elementary or high school)
  • High school (and high school equivalency)
    • Attendance
    • Completion
  • Location of high school equivalency program
  • Postsecondary education
    • Education towards postsecondary certification
    • Type of education institution
    • Postsecondary completion
    • Attendance at school (postsecondary)
    • Last year enrolled in postsecondary education
    • Reasons for leaving postsecondary education
    • Field of study
    • Full-time or part-time studies
    • Reasons for not taking postsecondary education
    • Aspirations to enroll in postsecondary education

Aboriginal Language


  • Aboriginal language(s) spoken/understood
  • Primary Aboriginal language
  • Self-rated ability to speak and understand an Aboriginal language
  • Importance of speaking and understanding an Aboriginal language
  • Exposure to an Aboriginal language
  • Language first learned in childhood

Residential School


  • Attendance at residential school
  • Family members’ attendance at residential school

Labour Market Activities


  • Rates of unemployment, employment and participation
  • Looking for work
  • Reason(s) for being absent from work
  • Duration of unemployment
  • Able to work
  • Employment
    • Reasons for not seeking employment
    • Average hours
    • Full or part-time; voluntary or involuntary part-time status
    • Job permanency
    • Multiple job holders
    • Previous employment
    • Reasons for not moving to find employment elsewhere
    • Seeking employment
    • Barriers
  • Class of worker
  • Incorporated or unincorporated business status
  • Employer
  • Industry
  • Occupation
  • Main work activities
  • Job tenure
  • Labour mobility

Traditional Activities

  • Make clothing or footwear
  • Make arts or crafts
  • Hunting, fishing or trapping
  • Gather wild plants


  • Participation in traditional activities
    • Frequency of participation
    • Reason for participating in traditional activities
  • Interest in participating
  • Barriers to participation



  • Sources of income
  • Main source of personal income
  • Total personal income – either range or dollar amount
  • Employment income – either range or dollar amount

Health Sections

  • General health
  • Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Height and Weight
  • Chronic conditions
  • Injuries
  • Mental health
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Drug Use
  • Food Security
  • Community support


  • Self-rated health status
  • Pregnancy
    • Number of births
    • Age at time of first child
  • Height and weight
  • Access to health professionals
    • Contact with regular medical doctor
    • Barriers to contact with regular medical doctor
    • Contact with various health professionals (e.g. dentist, psychologist)
    • Barriers to contact with various health professionals
    • Type of care needed
  • Chronic conditions – under 12 years of age
    • Physical limitations (children with chronic conditions)
  • Chronic conditions – aged 12 and over
  • Injuries
    • Frequency
    • Type
    • Location when injured
    • Injury(s) as a result of a fall
    • Cause
  • Mental health
    • Self-rated mental health
    • Distress scale
    • Ideation of suicide
    • Attempts at suicide
  • Smoking
    • Frequency
    • Age
    • Exposure to second-hand smoke in the home
  • Frequency of alcohol consumption
  • Frequency of drinking 5 or more drinks on one occasion
  • Prescription drug use
  • Street drug use
  • Food security scale
  • Community support



  • House owned or rented
  • Dwelling in need of repairs
  • Crowding
  • Number of rooms
  • Subsidized housing