2021 Annual Environmental Protection Expenditures Survey

Why do we conduct this survey?

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the expenditures made by industry to protect the environment in Canada. This information serves as an important indicator of Canadian investment in environmental protection.

Data from this survey are used by all levels of government in establishing informed environmental policies. The private sector also uses this information in the corporate decision-making process.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

  • Chief Statistician of Canada
  • Statistics Canada
  • Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
  • 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
  • Ottawa, Ontario
  • K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at statcan.esdhelpdesk-dsebureaudedepannage.statcan@statcan.gc.ca or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with Natural Resources Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; and the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Reporting instructions

  • Please print in ink.
  • This survey requires all environmental protection expenditures to be reported, whether or not they are in response to current or anticipated Canadian or international regulations, conventions or voluntary agreements.
  • Please report expenditures made by the establishment listed above.
  • Report all dollar amounts in Canadian dollars (CAN$), rounded to the nearest dollar.
  • Percentages should be rounded to whole numbers.
  • When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.
  • Enter '0' if there is no value to report.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
  • The maximum number of characters is 10.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other - Specify the other reasons for ceased operations:
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
    • Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • This is not the current main activity

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity.

Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    • When did the main activity change?
    • Date
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

Solid waste management

1. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for non-hazardous and hazardous solid waste management during the 2021 fiscal year.

Report $0 for the two categories of expenditures if your establishment is located on a rental property, and that these expenditures are included in the rent paid to the owner of the building.

If your establishment is responsible to pay the municipal taxes report the amount towards solid waste management in operating expenses.

Include expenditures related to:

  • non-hazardous and hazardous solid waste collection, transport, treatment, storage, disposal, recycling, and composting
  • on-site preparation of materials for recycling at an off-site facility done by your establishment's employees and services provided by a private contractor or a federal, provincial or local government body
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • municipal services
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures on:

  • on-site recycling
  • sewage or wastewater management (to be reported in question 5)
  • treatment of high-level radioactive waste (to be reported in question 25).

To report operating expenses:

Include all expenses related to environmental protection incurred for labour, materials and supplies, maintenance and repair, and purchased services (include fuel and electricity expenses for machinery and equipment whose sole purpose is to protect the environment).

Exclude depreciation on machinery and equipment.

To report capital expenditures:

Include all relevant outlays for machinery and equipment and their installation and repair that have been capitalized, as well as for the construction of non-residential facilities (contractors or own employees). For construction, include all costs associated with demolition, planning and design (such as engineering and consulting fees), any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation and any costs associated with the purchase of land that are neither amortized nor depreciated.

Exclude any provisions for future environmental liability.

If the expenditure is zero or if not applicable, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Note: This survey requires all environmental protection expenditures to be reported, whether or not they are in response to current or anticipated Canadian or international regulations, conventions or voluntary agreements.

To report operating expenses:

Include all expenses related to environmental protection incurred for labour, materials and supplies, maintenance and repair, and purchased services (include fuel and electricity expenses for machinery and equipment whose sole purpose is to protect the environment).

Exclude depreciation on machinery and equipment.

To report capital expenditures:

Include all relevant outlays for machinery and equipment and their installation and repair that have been capitalized, as well as for the construction of non-residential facilities (contractors or own employees). For construction, include all costs associated with demolition, planning and design (such as engineering and consulting fees), any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation and any costs associated with the purchase of land that are neither amortized nor depreciated.

Exclude any provisions for future environmental liability.

Environmental protection expenditures:

All operating expenses and capital and repair expenditures whose primary purpose is the prevention, reduction or elimination of pollution and/or other forms of degradation of the environment as well as measures taken to restore the environment from a degraded state. This includes expenditures that this specific establishment incurred for pollution prevention, abatement and control; solid waste management; wastewater management; protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water; protection and restoration of biodiversity and habitat; environmental monitoring; environmental assessments and audits; relevant training and administrative costs, etc.

Exclude expenditures made to improve employee health, workplace safety, and site beautification. Expenses incurred to produce pollution prevention or abatement and control equipment for sale are also excluded as they would appear twice in the expenditure data produced by Statistics Canada. Expenditures for environment-related research and development are also excluded since they are collected elsewhere in Statistics Canada.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for non-hazardous and hazardous solid waste management during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

2. Of the total expenditures reported in question 1, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

3. Which of the following goods and technologies related to solid waste management were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

  • Collection vehicles for waste, recycling and organics
  • Containers for collection of waste, recycling and organics
  • Other recycling equipment used in collection
  • Separating and sorting-related goods and technologies - e.g., air classifiers, magnetic separators, eddy current separators
  • Compaction-related goods and technologies - e.g., balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators
  • Centralized biological reprocessing technologies - e.g., centralized composters
  • Equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
  • Equipment for landfill gas management
  • Equipment for thermal treatment - e.g., rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed
  • Other solid waste management goods or technologies - Specify other solid waste management goods or technologies:
  • No purchases

4. The total expenditures reported for solid waste management was $0. Which of the following services related to solid waste management (i.e., waste, recycling and organics) were used by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

  • Solid waste collection and treatment services provided by a government body (paid in taxes, like municipal taxes) - Include services offered by government bodies (e.g., municipal waste collection) or by a private company hired by a government body to collect and manage solid waste
  • Solid waste collection and treatment services provided by a private contractor - Include services provided by a private contractor hired by your establishment to collect and manage solid waste - e.g., GFL (Green for life), Wasteco
  • Solid waste collection and treatment services included in the rent (paid by the owner of the building)
  • Other solid waste management services - Specify other solid waste management services:
  • No services used

Wastewater management

5. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for wastewater management during the 2021 fiscal year.

Report $0 for the two categories of expenditures if your establishment is located on a rental property, and that these expenditures are included in the rent paid to the owner of the building.

If your establishment is responsible to pay the municipal taxes report the amount towards wastewater management in operating expenses.

Include expenditures related to:

  • prevention of wastewater through in-process modifications
  • wastewater treatment, including pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe) processes
  • management of substances released to surface waters, municipal sewer systems, soil, or underground
  • treatment of cooling water for disposal
  • the installation of sewage infrastructure and expenditures related to the use, collection, treatment and disposal of sewage, including septic tanks
  • sewage services provided by a federal, provincial or local government body (e.g., municipal services)
  • handling and treatment of mine tailings
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures on the protection of groundwater from pollutant infiltration and the cleaning up of soil and water bodies after pollution (to be reported in question 18).

If the expenditure is zero or if not applicable, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Note: This survey requires all environmental protection expenditures to be reported, whether or not they are in response to current or anticipated Canadian or international regulations, conventions or voluntary agreements.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for wastewater management during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

6. Of the total expenditures reported in question 5, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

Wastewater pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe processes) is any method, technique, or process designed to manage and treat pollution after it is generated during the production process.

For example:

  • biological and chemical systems to treat water (such as water treatment plants)
  • filtration systems
  • cyclones
  • septic tanks, portable toilets
  • other barrier systems
  • treatment of cooling water before release
  • municipal, provincial or federal sewage services.

Wastewater pollution prevention (integrated processes) is any method, technique, or process that reduces or eliminates the amount of pollution generated during the production process i.e., before pollution is created. Pollution prevention activities can include equipment and technology modifications.

For example:

  • product design or reformulation to be less toxic upon use, release or disposal
  • equipment or process modifications (integrated processes)
  • recirculation, on-site recycling or reuse or recovery of polluting substances
  • materials or feedstock substitution, solvent reduction, elimination or substitution
  • improved inventory management or purchasing techniques
  • prevention of leaks and spills of polluting substances
  • improved operating practices or pollution prevention training.

7. Of the capital expenditures reported for wastewater management (question 5a), what proportion was spent on each of the following?

If the proportion is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

For both categories of wastewater management, exclude expenditures on the protection of groundwater from pollution infiltration and the cleaning up of soil and water bodies after pollution (to be reported under 'Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water').

Of the capital expenditures reported for wastewater management (question 5a), what proportion was spent on each of the following?
Pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe)  
Pollution prevention (integrated processes)  
Total percentage  

8. Of the operating expenses reported for wastewater management (question 5b), what proportion was spent on each of the following?

If the proportion is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Of the operating expenses reported for wastewater management (question 5b), what proportion was spent on each of the following?
Pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe)  
Pollution prevention (integrated processes)  
Total percentage  

9. Which of the following goods and technologies related to wastewater management were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

  • Tanks and related components for dilution or equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, chemical precipitation
  • Oil separators, skimmers used in industrial wastewater
  • Oil separators, skimmers in sewage treatment
  • Ion exchange beds
  • Air stripping tanks or columns
  • Liquid extraction columns
  • Micro-porous membrane adsorbers
  • Equipment for advanced chemical oxidation or UV radiation
  • Pre-treatment filters
  • Chemicals used in industrial wastewater treatment
  • Chemicals used in sewage treatment
  • Intake screens
  • Air sparging grit chambers
  • Tanks and related components for sedimentation, chemical precipitation or flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
  • Membrane bioreactors
  • Trickling filters
  • Anaerobic digesters
  • Other goods and technologies related to wastewater management - Specify other goods and technologies related to wastewater management:
  • No purchases

10. The total expenditures reported for wastewater management was $0. Which of the following services related to wastewater management were used by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

  • Wastewater management services provided by a government body (paid in taxes, like municipal taxes) - Include services offered by government bodies (e.g., municipal sewage) or by a private company hired by a government body to manage and treat wastewater
  • Wastewater management services provided by a private contractor - Include services provided by a private contractor hired by your establishment to manage wastewater - e.g., private company contracted to empty the sceptic tank
  • Wastewater management services included in the rent (paid by the owner of the building)
  • Other wastewater management services - Specify other wastewater management services:
  • No services used

Environmental protection

11. During the 2021 fiscal year, did this establishment have environmental protection expenditures in any of the following categories?

Include capital expenditures and operating expenses.

Report both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Please select either "Yes" or "No" for each type of expenditure. Please do not leave any question blank.

During the 2021 fiscal year, did this establishment have environmental protection expenditures in any of the following categories?
  Yes No
Air pollution management    
Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water    
Protection of biodiversity and habitat    
Noise and vibration abatement    
Protection against radiation    
Environmental charges    
Other environmental protection activities    

Air pollution management

12. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for air pollution management during the 2021 fiscal year.

Include expenditures related to:

  • the management of pollutant emissions to the atmosphere, including greenhouse gases
  • both pollution prevention (integrated processes) and pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe processes)
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures related to:

  • workers' health and safety (e.g., maintenance of indoor air quality)
  • measures undertaken for cost-saving reasons, such as heat or energy savings (to be reported in question 31a)
  • the purchase of electric or hybrid vehicles (to be reported in question 31b)
  • the production of renewable or clean energy (to be reported in questions 31c and 31e)
  • the purchase of biofuels (to be reported in question 31d)
  • the purchase of renewable energy (not included in this survey).

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for air pollution management during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

13. Of the total expenditures reported in question 12, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

Air pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe processes) is any method, technique, or process designed to manage and treat pollution after it is generated during the production process.

For example:

  • scrubbers at the end of emission stacks
  • filtration systems
  • cyclones
  • other barrier systems.

Air pollution prevention (integrated processes) is any method, technique, or process that reduces or eliminates the amount of pollution generated during the production process i.e., before pollution is created. Pollution prevention activities can include equipment and technology modifications.

For example:

  • product design or reformulation to be less toxic upon use, release or disposal
  • equipment or process modifications (integrated processes)
  • recirculation, on-site recycling or reuse/recovery of air polluting substances
  • materials or feedstock substitution, solvent reduction, elimination or substitution
  • prevention of leaks of polluting substances
  • improved operating practices or pollution prevention training.

14. Of the capital expenditures reported for air pollution management (question 12a), what proportion was spent on each of the following?

If the proportion is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Of the capital expenditures reported for air pollution management (question 12a), what proportion was spent on each of the following?
Pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe)  
Pollution prevention (integrated processes)  
Total percentage  

15. Of the operating expenses reported for air pollution management (question 12b), what proportion was spent on each of the following?

If the proportion is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Of the operating expenses reported for air pollution management (question 12b), what proportion was spent on each of the following?
Pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe)  
Pollution prevention (integrated processes)  
Total percentage  

16. Which of the following goods and technologies related to air pollution management were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

Physical or chemical treatment technologies

  • Filters and cyclones e.g., membrane, baghouse, granular bed
  • Electrostatic precipitators
  • Scrubbers e.g., venturi, spray tower, mechanical, plate tower, packed tower
  • Waste gas absorbers and waste gas flare or incinerators
  • Industrial catalytic converters
  • Pollutant recovery condensers
  • Adsorbers
  • Other physical or chemical treatment technologies - Specify other physical or chemical treatment technologies:
  • No purchases

Greenhouse gas control technologies

  • Clean coal processing technologies
  • Carbon capture and sequestration technologies and storage
  • Air and off-gas treatments e.g., oxidation, scrubbing, vapour phase carbon adsorption
  • Other greenhouse gas control technologies - Specify other greenhouse gas control technologies:
  • No purchases

Air quality and air pollution technologies

  • Low emitting burners e.g., low NOx, low SOx
  • Other air quality and air pollution technologies -Specify other air quality and air pollution technologies:
  • No purchases

Monitoring and compliance technologies

  • Leak detection technologies
  • Environmental measurement apparatus
  • Other monitoring and compliance technologies - Specify other monitoring and compliance technologies:
  • No purchases

17. Which of the following services related to air pollution management were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

Greenhouse gas management services

  • Services for carbon credit trading, generation of compliance units, surplus allowances, emissions performance credits, and offset credits
  • Preparation of emissions reports and verification services
  • Allowance auctioning and exchange platform services
  • Market monitoring services
  • Offset protocol development and validation services
  • Services for the development of compliance systems and electronic emissions reporting systems
  • Other greenhouse gas management services - Specify other greenhouse gas management services:
  • No purchases

Air pollution management services

  • Measuring and monitoring services
  • Modelling and mapping services
  • Risk assessment and management services
  • Services for the development of compliance and electronic emissions reporting systems
  • Other air pollution management services - Specify other air pollution management services:
  • No purchases

Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water

18. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for the protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water during the 2021 fiscal year.

Include expenditures related to:

  • prevention of pollutant infiltration
  • remediation or cleaning up of soil and water bodies
  • site reclamation and decommissioning (include decommissioning costs incurred in the 2021 fiscal year, even if the site was closed before this period)
  • protection of soil from erosion and other physical degradation
  • prevention and remediation of soil salinity
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures related to:

  • wastewater management activities (to be reported in question 5)
  • protection of biodiversity and habitat (to be reported in question 21).

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for the protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

19. Of the total expenditures reported in question 18, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

20. Which of the following goods and technologies related to protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.

Select all that apply.

  • In situ biological treatments e.g., enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation, bioventing
  • Ex situ biological treatments e.g., bioreaction, biopiles, landfarming, slurry phase biological treatment
  • In situ physical and chemical treatments - Include the purchase of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment, sludge, ground water, surface water or leachate. e.g., biochar, chemical oxidation, fracturing, soil flushing, soil vapour extraction, solidification, stabilization, air sparging, bioslurping, chemical oxidation, directional wells, dual phase extraction, thermal treatment, hydrofracturing enhancements, in-well air stripping, passive and reactive treatment walls
  • Ex situ physical and chemical treatments - Include the purchase of chemicals for remediation of soil, sediment, sludge, ground water, surface water and leachate. e.g., chemical extraction, chemical reduction and oxidation, dehalogenation, separation, soil washing, solidification, stabilization, adsorption and absorption, advanced oxidation, air stripping, ion exchange, precipitation, flocculation, coagulation, separation, sprinkler irrigation
  • In situ thermal treatments - e.g., hot air injection, electrical resistance
  • Ex situ thermal treatments - e.g., incineration, pyrolysis, thermal desorption
  • Containment
  • Other goods or technologies related to the protection and the remediation of soil, groundwater, surface water and leachate technologies - Specify other goods or technologies related to the protection and remediation of soil, groundwater, surface water and leachate technologies:
  • No purchases

Protection of biodiversity and habitat

21. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for the protection of biodiversity and habitat during the 2021 fiscal year.

Include expenditures related to:

  • the protection, restoration and rehabilitation of wildlife and habitat
  • purchase of land for protection of species and habitat
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures related to:

  • site reclamation and decommissioning (to be reported in question 18)
  • landscaping for decorative purposes, the rehabilitation of predominantly build-up landscapes, or other activities undertaken for predominantly aesthetic reasons
  • weed control, maintenance of game or timber stocks, or other activities undertaken for predominantly economic reasons
  • protection and rehabilitation of historic monuments or predominantly built-up or urban landscapes (unless the purpose is the protection of biodiversity and habitat)
  • foregone revenues resulting from regulations or conventions that reduce the allowable harvest (e.g., for logging activities).

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for the protection of biodiversity and habitat during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

22. Of the total expenditures reported in question 21, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

Noise and vibration abatement

23. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for noise and vibration abatement during the 2021 fiscal year.

Include expenditures related to:

  • the control, reduction and abatement of noise and vibration, including preventive in-process modifications at the source, the construction of anti-noise or anti-vibration facilities, or any other related activities
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures related to workers' health and safety.

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for noise and vibration abatement during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

24. Of the total expenditures reported in question 23, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

Protection against radiation

25. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for the protection against radiation during the 2021 fiscal year.

Include expenditures related to:

  • protection of ambient media
  • the transport and treatment of high-level radioactive waste
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures related to:

  • the prevention of technological hazards (e.g., external safety of nuclear power plants)
  • workers' health and safety
  • management of low-level radioactive waste (reported in question 1).

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for the protection against radiation during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

26. Of the total expenditures reported in question 25, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

Environmental charges

27. Report the amount this establishment paid in environmental charges during the 2021 fiscal year.

Exclude expenditures on environmental charges already reported in another question and carbon taxes. If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report the amount this establishment paid in environmental charges during the 2021 fiscal year.
Permits, approvals, fees, special assessments and related fees  
Carbon offset credits – Exclude carbon taxes  
Fines, penalties or damage awards paid to government agencies or individuals, or other charges paid to regulating bodies in order to allow operations to take place at this establishment  
All other environmental charges - Specify all other environmental charges:   
Total environmental charges  

Other environmental protection activities

28. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for environmental protection during the 2021 fiscal year that were not already reported.

Include expenditures related to:

  • the general administration of your environmental program
  • environmental training and information programs not already reported
  • assessments or audits not already reported
  • any other environmental protection expenditures not already reported
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods and services.

Exclude expenditures related to:

  • research and development (not covered in this survey)
  • heat or energy savings and management (to be reported in question 31a)
  • clean vehicles and transportation equipment (to be reported in question 31b)
  • the production of renewable or clean energy (to be reported in questions 31c and 31e)
  • the purchase of biofuels, biochemicals or biomaterials (to be reported in question 31d).

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses for environmental protection during the 2021 fiscal year that were not already reported.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

29. Of the total expenditures reported in question 28, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

30. Describe any changes or events that may have affected the reported environmental protection values for this establishment compared to the last reporting period.

e.g., We installed low-NOx burners in 2021 – for air pollution management

Environmental technologies and processes

31. During the 2021 fiscal year, did this establishment have expenditures in any of the following categories?

Include both operating and capital expenditures.

During the 2021 fiscal year, did this establishment have expenditures in any of the following categories?
  Yes No
Heat or energy savings and management    
Clean vehicles and transportation equipment    
Production of energy from renewable sources, whether for sale or own use    
Purchase of biofuels, biochemical products or biomaterials    
Production of nuclear energy    

Heat or energy savings and management

32. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses related to the management of energy resources through heat or energy savings and management during the 2021 fiscal year.

Include expenditures related to:

  • energy savings through in-process modifications
  • purchase of efficient industrial or commercial equipment, demand management technologies, or energy storage technologies
  • purchase of energy efficiency services or smart grid services
  • building and fleet energy audits
  • thermal insulation activities
  • energy recovery activities
  • assessments and audits
  • activities related to measurement, control, laboratories
  • more efficient furnace
  • lighting upgrades
  • both own-account expenses (e.g., employee wages and salaries) and purchased goods, technologies and services.

Exclude expenditures related to:

  • pollution abatement and control or prevention for air pollution (to be reported in question 12)
  • the purchase of energy-efficient vehicles (to be reported in question 37)
  • renewable/clean energy production (to be reported in questions 39 and 43)
  • the purchase of biofuels (to be reported in question 42).

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses related to the management of energy resources through heat or energy savings and management during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

33. Of the total expenditures reported in question 32, report the proportion spent on purchased goods, technologies and services.

Purchased goods, technologies and services are goods, technologies and services provided by an outside company or service provider. They exclude in-house or own-account expenditures, such as employee wages and salaries.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Percentage spent

34. Which of the following goods and technologies related to heat or energy savings and management were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Include machinery, equipment, products, and technologies.

Select all that apply.

Efficient industrial or commercial equipment

  • High efficiency burners and boilers e.g., Energy Star
  • High efficiency pumps and motors e.g., Energy Star, NEMA PremiumTM
  • High efficiency industrial or commercial HVAC e.g., Energy Star
  • Combined heat and power generation (CHP/cogeneration)
  • High efficiency industrial or commercial lighting systems e.g., Energy Star
  • Automation and control technologies
  • Energy efficient filters and processes
  • Advanced insulation e.g., super insulating materials (SIMs), vacuum insulation panels (VIP), gas-filled panels (GFP), and aerogel-based products (ABP)
  • Predictive maintenance technologies e.g., twinning, sensors, related software
  • Other efficient industrial or commercial equipment - Specify other efficient industrial or commercial equipment:
  • No purchases

Demand management technologies

  • Smart inverters
  • Smart meters and devices
  • Phasor measurement units
  • Management systems e.g., software
  • Other demand management technologies - Specify other demand management technologies:
  • No purchases

Energy storage technologies

  • Flywheels
  • Equipment for pumped hydro systems
  • Equipment for compressed air systems
  • Advanced batteries e.g., NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion, NaS, NaNiCl, hybrid flow, redox flow, hydrogen storage, synthetic natural gas
  • Fuel cells
  • Thermal storage systems
  • Double-layer capacitors (DLC)
  • Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
  • Other energy storage technologies - Specify other energy storage technologies:
  • No purchases

35. Which of the following services related to heat or energy savings and management were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

Energy efficiency services

  • Green building certification services
  • Building or fleet energy audit and air leakage testing services
  • Energy management system services
  • Energy monitoring services
  • Energy demand control services
  • Data analysis and modelling services
  • Process integration services
  • Services for advanced insulation activities
  • Energy efficiency consulting
  • Predictive maintenance services
  • Other energy efficiency services - Specify other energy efficiency services:
  • No purchases

Smart grid services 

  • Energy storage solutions
  • Microgrid solutions
  • Cyber security services
  • Data management and communications solutions
  • Demand management services e.g., peak load management and load following
  • Monitoring solutions services e.g., self-healing grids
  • Other smart grid services - Specify other smart grid services:
  • No purchases
36. Report this establishment's expenditures for goods, technologies and services related to the management of energy resources through heat or energy savings and management during the 2021 fiscal year in each of the following categories.
Efficient industrial or commercial equipment  
Demand management technologies  
Energy storage technologies  
Energy efficiency services  
Smart grid services  

Clean vehicles and transportation equipment

37. Report the amount this establishment spent on the purchase of clean vehicles and transportation equipment during the 2021 fiscal year.

Include the purchase of:

  • electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles (all-types)
  • fuel efficient aircraft
  • electric vehicle infrastructure
  • alternative fuel and refuelling infrastructure
  • low rolling resistance tires
  • vehicle emissions monitoring technologies
  • alternative fuel retrofit technologies
  • equipment or software for vehicle fleet management and logistics.


  • operating and maintenance costs for running clean vehicles
  • expenses for fleet energy audits (to be reported in question 32)
  • any equipment or vehicles for sale.

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Total expenditures

38. Which of the following clean vehicles and transportation equipment were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

Fuel efficient vehicles

  • Electric vehicles - Include all vehicle-types.
  • Hybrid vehicles - Include all vehicle-types.
  • Fuel cell vehicles - Include all vehicle-types.
  • Fuel efficient aircraft
  • Other clean vehicles - Specify other clean vehicles:
  • No purchases

Clean transportation equipment

  • Electric vehicle infrastructure - Include charging stations.
  • Alternative fuel and refuelling infrastructure - Include hydrogen and natural gas.
  • Low rolling resistance tires
  • Vehicle emission monitoring
  • Alternative fuel retrofit technologies
  • Equipment or software for vehicle fleet management and logistics
  • Other clean transportation equipment - Specify other clean transportation equipment:
  • No purchases

Production of energy from renewable sources

39. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses related to the production of energy from renewable sources during the 2021 fiscal year, including both electricity and heat.

Report also the proportion of energy produced from renewable sources for own use.

Include expenditures related to:

  • the production of energy from renewable sources, whether for sale or own use
  • the installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment, including infrastructure to support the production of renewable energy (e.g., costs for approvals and planning, transmission and distribution lines and other infrastructure)
  • the operating and maintenance expenses of existing equipment.

Exclude expenditures related to:

  • the purchase of the feedstock used to produce energy, such as biofuels (to be reported in question 42)
  • the production of nuclear energy (to be reported in question 43)
  • electricity purchased from the grid.

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

For this question, please report expenditures related to the production of energy from renewable sources, whether for sale or own use.

Renewable energy:

Energy obtained from resources that can be naturally replenished or renewed within a human lifespan, that is, the resource is a sustainable source of energy. This includes: wind, solar, aero-thermal, geothermal, hydrothermal, from wave, tidal and ocean thermal energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses related to the production of energy from renewable sources during the 2021 fiscal year, including both electricity and heat.
  Capital expenditures
Operating expenses
Percentage of energy production for own use
Wind Energy      
Geothermal Energy      
Energy produced from small hydroelectric facilities      
Energy produced from large hydroelectric facilities      
Solar Energy      
Energy from waste      
Other energy production from renewable resources 1 - Specify      
Other energy production from renewable resources 2 - Specify      
Other energy production from renewable resources 3 - Specify      
Total expenditures for the production of renewable energy      

40. Which of the following goods or technologies used for the production of renewable energy were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

Wind Energy

  • Wind turbine equipment, nacelle, blades, towers
  • Switchgear, transformers
  • Other goods or technologies used for the production of wind energy:
  • No purchases

Geothermal Energy

  • Heat pumps
  • Other goods and technologies used for the production of geothermal energy - Specify all other goods or technologies used for the production of geothermal energy:
  • No purchases

Production of energy from small hydroelectric facilities

  • Turbines and related components - Exclude wave and tidal energy.
  • Turbines and related components for wave or tidal energy
  • Generators, valves, gates, transformers, switchgear
  • Include components.
  • Other goods or technologies used for the production of energy from small hydroelectric facilities - Specify all other goods or technologies used for the production of energy from small hydroelectric facilities:
  • No purchases

Production of energy from large hydroelectric facilities

  • Turbines and related components - Exclude wave and tidal energy.
  • Turbines and related components for wave or tidal energy
  • Generators, valves, gates, transformers, switchgear - Include components.
  • Other goods or technologies used for the production of energy from large hydroelectric facilities - Specify all other goods or technologies used for the production of energy from large hydroelectric facilities:
  • No purchases

Production of solar energy

  • Active solar heating equipment - e.g., glazed flat plate collectors, glazed evacuated tubes and collectors, unglazed panels and collectors for heating pools, perforated cladding for solar air heating
  • Active solar-power generation equipment - e.g., concentrating mirrors, receivers
  • Photovoltaic energy equipment - e.g., photovoltaic cells, modules, panels and arrays, inverters for solar photovoltaic systems
  • Other goods or technologies used for the production of solar energy - Specify all other goods or technologies used for the production of solar energy:
  • No purchases

Production of bioenergy

  • Mixers and centrifuges
  • Filtration systems
  • Biofuel reactors - e.g., distillation towers, pyrolizers, catalyst beds, gasifiers, heat digesters
  • Washers
  • Dryers
  • Heaters
  • Storage systems related to bioenergy production
  • Shredders and chippers
  • Combined heat and power bioenergy systems
  • Domestic woodstoves
  • Biomass-fired industrial boilers
  • Anaerobic digesters
  • Other goods or technologies used for the production of bioenergy - Specify all other goods or technologies used for the production of bioenergy - Exclude purchased biofuels:
  • No purchases

Production of energy from waste

  • Liquid organic waste to energy equipment
  • Solid organic waste to energy equipment
  • Other goods and technologies used for the production of energy from waste - Specify all other goods or technologies used for the production of energy from waste:
  • No purchases

Purchase of biofuels, biochemical products and biomaterials

41. Which of the following biofuels, biochemicals and biomaterials were purchased by this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.


  • Pellets, chips, cubes, briquettes
  • Black pellets
  • Energy logs
  • Biocoal
  • Biochar
  • Ethanol, cellulosic ethanol
  • Biodiesel
  • Renewable diesel
  • Pyrolysis oil
  • Synthetic fuels e.g., DME, Fisher Tropsch fuels, Biojet fuels
  • Bio-oil, pyrolytic oil, biomethanol
  • Biobutanol
  • Biogas
  • Renewable natural gas e.g., biomethane
  • Syngas
  • Biohydrogen
  • Other bioenergy and biofuels - Specify other bioenergy and biofuels:
  • No purchases

Biochemical products

  • Aromatics, amino and organic acids, phenols, polyols
  • Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
  • Biochar
  • Bio-oils, lubricants
  • Solvents, adhesives, paints, coatings
  • Biopolymers and resins
  • Biopesticides
  • Biostimulants
  • Additives and catalysts e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, enzymes
  • Other biochemical products - Specify other biochemical products:
  • No purchases


  • Mats, cellulose products
  • Bio-based auto parts, building materials, panels, cross laminated timber
  • Plastics, films, foams, hydrogels
  • Nanomaterials and nanocomposites
  • Nanocrystalline cellulose
  • Other biomaterials - Specify other biomaterials:
  • No purchases
42. During the 2021 fiscal year, how much did this establishment spend on purchases in each of the following categories of biofuels, biochemicals and biomaterials?
Biochemical products  
Total expenditures  

Production of nuclear energy

43. Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses related to the production of nuclear energy during the 2021 fiscal year.

Exclude the costs of any feedstock used to produce energy such as uranium.

If the expenditure is zero, enter '0' in the corresponding box. When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

Report this establishment's capital expenditures and operating expenses related to the production of nuclear energy during the 2021 fiscal year.
Capital expenditures  
Operating expenses  
Total expenditures  

44. Which of the following goods and technologies related to the production of nuclear energy were purchased during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

  • Nuclear reactors or nuclear island components
  • Nuclear fuel handling, processing, and fabrication equipment
  • Other goods or technologies related to the production of nuclear energy - Specify all other goods or technologies related to the production of nuclear energy:
  • No purchases

45. Describe any changes or events that may have affected the reported environmental technologies and processes values for this establishment compared to the last reporting period.

e.g., We bought two fuel efficient vehicles in 2021

Drivers and obstacles

46. Which of the following were drivers to the adoption of new or significantly improved clean technologies, systems or equipment for this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

  • Sufficient return on investment - i.e., sufficient business case
  • Regulations
  • Government incentives
  • Carbon pricing
  • Voluntary agreement
  • Public image
  • Corporate policy
  • Part of regular capital turnover
  • Other drivers - Specify other drivers:
  • There were no drivers during the 2021 fiscal year

47. Which of the following were obstacles to the adoption of new or significantly improved clean technologies, systems or equipment for this establishment during the 2021 fiscal year?

Select all that apply.

  • Lack of regulations
  • Changing regulations
  • Insufficient return on investment - i.e., no business case
  • Difficulty in obtaining financing - e.g., internal, private or government
  • Competing capital investments
  • Lack of information or knowledge related to systems or equipment (new or significantly improved)
  • Lack of available systems or equipment (new or significantly improved)
  • Lack of technical skills required to support this type of investment
  • Lack of technical support or services - e.g., from consultants or vendors
  • Regulatory or policy barriers
  • Organizational structure too inflexible
  • Decisions made by parent, affiliate or subsidiary businesses
  • Difficulty in integrating new technologies with existing infrastructure, systems, standards and processes
  • Other obstacles - Specify other obstacles:
  • There were no obstacles during the 2021 fiscal year

Environmental management practices

48. Did this establishment use an environmental management system during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

49. Did this establishment develop and/or follow a pollution prevention plan during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

50. Did this establishment use Life Cycle Management, Life Cycle Assessment, Design for Environment (DfE) or Ecodesign principles for decision-making during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

51. Was this establishment certified under the ISO 14000 family of environmental management standards during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

52. Did this establishment participate in any environmental voluntary agreements or voluntary environmental programs during the 2021 fiscal year?

e.g., Environmental Performance Agreements (EPAs), Canadian GHG Reductions Registry, Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC), Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC), etc.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

Specify the programs, accords or agreements:

53. Did this establishment have a 'green' procurement policy or guidelines during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

54. Did this establishment have an environmental supply chain management policy during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

55. Did this establishment implement any new or improved environmental processes and practices in response to an environmental supply chain management policy in place at a supplier or client business during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

56. Did this establishment take advantage of any Canadian federal, provincial/territorial, or local government environmental incentive programs, grants, loans, or tax credits during the 2021 fiscal year?

e.g., ecoENERGY Initiatives, Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP), SD Tech Fund, or Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance or Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

Specify the incentive programs, grants or loans:

57. Did this establishment perform a greenhouse gas emissions inventory during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

58. Did this establishment participate in any form of carbon-trading, either by purchasing or selling carbon offset credits in the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes, purchased carbon offset credits only OR purchased more than sold
  • Yes, sold carbon offset credits only OR sold more than purchased
  • No, did not participate in any of the above
  • Don't know

59. Did this establishment participate in any other environmental management practices during the 2021 fiscal year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't know

Specify the other environmental management practices:

Contact person

60. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name:
  • Last name:
  • Title:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number (including area code):
  • Extension number (if applicable):
    The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code):


61. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours:
  • Minutes:

62. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?