2023 Annual Waste Management Survey

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey will provide information that will help Canadians understand how much waste is managed by governments and businesses in Canada. Data will be collected from businesses within the waste management industry, as well as from businesses that are engaged in handling some or all of their own waste, through partnerships and material recovery agreements. The results will assist businesses and policy makers in making sound decisions related to waste management, based on data that apply specifically to activities conducted in this area. The survey will provide a comprehensive picture of waste management in Canada.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at statcan.esdhelpdesk-dsebureaudedepannage.statcan@statcan.gc.ca or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with Environment and Climate Change Canada, Infrastructure Canada, the Recycling Council of Alberta, and the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Reporting period information

1. Information should be reported for this Jurisdiction/Company's most recent fiscal year that ended at any time between April 1, 20xx and March 31, 20xx .

Fiscal Year Start date:

Fiscal Year End date:

2. What is the reason the reporting period does not cover a full year?

Select all that apply.

  • Seasonal operations
  • New business
  • Change of ownership
  • Temporarily inactive
  • Change of fiscal year
  • Ceased operations
  • Other
    Specify other reason the reporting period does not cover a full year

Waste management services - Business

This survey applies to operating province.

3. Indicate which of the following waste management activities or services this company provides in operating province.

Definitions and explanations


Non-hazardous waste (garbage):
Included in this category are materials, products or by-products for which the waste generator has no further use and which are received for disposal at waste disposal facilities or for processing at a waste processing facility.

Residential waste:
Residential waste refers to waste from primary and seasonal dwellings, which includes all single family, multi-family, high-rise and low-rise residences.

It includes:

  • the waste picked up by the municipality, (either using its own staff, or through contracted companies)
  • the waste from residential sources which is self-hauled to depots, transfer stations and landfills.

Construction, renovation and demolition waste (CR&D):
CR&D waste, also referred to as DLC (demolition, land clearing and construction waste), refers to waste generated by construction, renovation and demolition activities. It generally includes materials such as brick, painted wood, drywall, metal, cardboard, doors, windows, wiring. It excludes materials from land clearing on areas not previously developed. CR&D waste can come from residential sources such as house renovations or from non-residential sources for example the construction or demolition of office buildings.

Hazardous waste:
Includes materials or substances that given their corrosive, inflammable, infectious, reactive and toxic characteristics, may present a real or potential harm to human health or the environment. Due to their hazardous nature they require special handling, storing, transportation, treatment and disposal as specified by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (1985), The Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1988), The Basel Convention (1989), or the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste Regulations (1992).

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) waste, non-residential:
IC&I waste is the waste generated by all non-residential sources in a municipality, and is excluded from the residential waste stream. This includes:

  • industrial waste, which is generated by manufacturing, and primary and secondary industries, and is managed off-site from the manufacturing operation. It is generally picked up under contract by the private sector
  • commercial waste is generated by commercial operations such as shopping centres, offices, etc. Some commercial waste (e.g., from small street-front stores) may be picked up by the municipal collection system along with the residential waste
  • institutional waste is generated by institutional facilities such as schools, hospitals, government facilities, senior homes, universities, etc. This waste is generally picked up under contract with the private sector.

Organic material collection, non-residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, wood waste and paper products) from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, agriculture, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities.

Organic material collection, residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, yard trimmings) from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection.

Organic processing services:
The breakdown of organic materials through either composting or anaerobic digestion processes.

Recyclable material collection services, non-residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous recyclable material, (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass), from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities. Recyclable material may be taken to an intermediate site such as a material recycling facility or transfer facility.

Recyclable material collection, residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous recyclable material (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass) from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection. Recyclable material may be taken to an intermediate site such as a material recovery facility or transfer facility. Recyclable material may be collected on a regular or flexible schedule.

Recycling services (non-hazardous waste):
Recovery and reprocessing of recyclable material (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass) from the non-hazardous waste stream by baling, cleaning, sorting, reducing volume and preparing for shipment. Generally these activities take place in a material recycling facility (MRF).

Transfer station (non-hazardous):
A facility at which wastes transported by vehicles involved in collection are transferred to other vehicles that will transport the wastes to a disposal (landfill or incinerator) or recycling facility.

Waste collection services, non-residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse, trash and commingled material from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, agriculture, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities. Waste may be taken to an intermediate site or to a final disposal site.

Waste collection services, residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse, trash and commingled material from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection. Waste may be taken to an intermediate site or to a final disposal site.

Waste hauling or transportation:
The transportation of waste from one site or geographic area to another. This excludes the collection of waste and is limited to activities such as waste exporting or the shipping of wastes from transfer station to disposal or processing facility.

Select all that apply.

Non-hazardous solid waste (garbage), recyclables and organics

  • Waste collection, residential
  • Waste collection, non-residential
    • Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)
    • Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)
  • Waste hauling or transportation
  • Recyclable material collection or organic material collection, residential
  • Recyclable material collection or organic material collection, non-residential
  • Recycling or organic processing services
    e.g., material recycling facility, composting facility
  • Waste transfer station
  • Waste disposal or processing facility
  • Other non-hazardous waste services
    • Specify other non-hazardous waste services

Hazardous waste

  • Hazardous waste
    e.g., waste collection, waste transfer facility, waste treatment, waste recycling, waste disposal facility

Other waste management activities or services

  • Other waste management activities or services
    e.g., waste collection, waste transfer facility, waste treatment, waste recycling, waste disposal facility
    • Specify other waste management activities or services

Waste management services - Government

4. In 20xx, did this jurisdiction provide waste management services for itself?

  • Yes
  • No

Which services do you provide?

Select all that apply.

  • Collection
  • Disposal or processing
  • Recycling or organic material processing
  • Waste management planning or administration

5. In 20xx, did this jurisdiction provide waste management services to any other municipalities, cities, villages, towns or townships?

  • Yes
  • No

How many municipalities, cities, villages, towns or townships? (Maximum of 15)

6. Specify the names of the municipalities, cities, villages, towns and townships.


7. Which waste management services were provided by your jurisdiction?

Select all that apply.

Definitions and explanations


Organic processing services:
The breakdown of organic materials through either composting or anaerobic digestion processes.

Recycling services (non-hazardous waste):
Recovery and reprocessing of recyclable material (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass) from the non-hazardous waste stream by baling, cleaning, sorting, reducing volume and preparing for shipment. Generally these activities take place in a material recycling facility (MRF).

Waste collection services, non-residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse, trash and commingled material from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, agriculture, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities. Waste may be taken to an intermediate site or to a final disposal site.

Waste collection services, residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse, trash and commingled material from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection. Waste may be taken to an intermediate site or to a final disposal site.

  • Collection
  • Disposal or processing
  • Recycling or organic material processing
  • Waste management planning or administration

Collection or transportation of non-hazardous recyclable materials

15. In 20xx, did this jurisdiction have a curbside collection program for recyclable materials?

Definitions and explanations


Recyclable material collection services, non-residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous recyclable material, (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass), from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities. Recyclable material may be taken to an intermediate site such as a material recycling facility or transfer facility.

Recyclable material collection, residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous recyclable material (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass) from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection. Recyclable material may be taken to an intermediate site such as a material recovery facility or transfer facility. Recyclable material may be collected on a regular or flexible schedule.

  • Yes
  • No

16. Were recyclable materials collected or transported by this jurisdiction's employees?

  • Yes
  • No

17. Were recyclable materials collected or transported by contractors hired by this jurisdiction?

  • Yes
  • No

How many contractors? (Maximum of 15)

18. Specify the names of contractors hired by this jurisdiction.


19. Were recyclable materials collected or transported by another jurisdiction?

  • Yes
  • No

How many other jurisdictions? (Maximum of 15)

20. Specify the names of the jurisdictions.


21. How many facilities were used to process recyclable materials?

Number of facilities (Maximum of 15)

22. Specify the names of the facilities where the recyclable materials were taken for processing.


Collection or transportation of organic materials

23. In 20xx, did this jurisdiction have a curbside collection program for organic materials destined for processing?

Definitions and explanations


Organic materials:
Materials that are or were once living, such as leaves, grass, yard trimmings, agricultural crop residues, wood waste, and paper and paperboard products or food scraps.

Organic material collection, residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, yard trimmings) from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection.

Organic material collection, non-residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, wood waste and paper products) from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, agriculture, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities.

  • Yes
  • No

24. Were organic materials collected or transported by this jurisdiction's employees?

  • Yes
  • No

25. Were organic materials collected or transported by contractors hired by this jurisdiction?

  • Yes
  • No

How many contractors? (Maximum of 15)

26. Specify the names of the contractors hired by this jurisdiction.


27. Were organic materials collected or transported by another jurisdiction?

  • Yes
  • No

How many other jurisdictions? (Maximum of 15)

28. Specify names of the other jurisdictions.


29. How many facilities were used to process these organic materials?

Number of facilities (Maximum of 15)

30. Specify the names of the facilities where the organic materials were taken for processing.

e.g., composting, anaerobic digestion

Definitions and explanations


Organic materials:
Materials that are or were once living, such as leaves, grass, yard trimmings, agricultural crop residues, wood waste, and paper and paperboard products or food scraps.

Organic processing services:
The breakdown of organic materials through either composting or anaerobic digestion processes.


Waste management services

31. In 20xx, did this company provide waste management services to a municipality, waste management commission, or other waste management body?

Definitions and explanations


Waste management services include the following:
Residential and non-residential non-hazardous recyclable material collection and processing

Residential and non-residential non-hazardous organic material collection and processing

Residential and non-residential non-hazardous waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse and trash collection and processing

  • Yes
  • No

How many municipalities, waste management commissions, or other waste management bodies? (Maximum of 15)

32. Specify the names of the municipalities, waste management commissions or waste management bodies.

Municipality, waste management commission or waste management body

Collection or transportation of non-hazardous recyclable materials

35. In 20xx, did this company collect or transport non-hazardous recyclable materials?

Definitions and explanations


Recyclable material collection services, non-residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous recyclable material, (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass), from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities. Recyclable material may be taken to an intermediate site such as a material recycling facility or transfer facility.

Recyclable material collection, residential (non-hazardous):
Collection of non-hazardous recyclable material (e.g., cardboard, paper, plastics, metals, glass) from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection. Recyclable material may be taken to an intermediate site such as a material recovery facility or transfer facility. Recyclable material may be collected on a regular or flexible schedule.

  • Yes
  • No

To how many facilities was this material brought? (Maximum of 15)

36. Specify the names of the facilities where the recyclable materials were taken.


Collection or transportation of organic materials

37. In 20xx, did this company collect or transport organic materials?

Definitions and explanations


Organic materials:
Materials that are or were once living, such as leaves, grass, yard trimmings, agricultural crop residues, wood waste, and paper and paperboard products or food scraps.

Organic material collection, non-residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, wood waste and paper products) from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, agriculture, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities.

Organic material collection, residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, yard trimmings) from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection.

  • Yes
  • No

To how many facilities was the material taken? (Maximum of 15)

38. Specify the names of the facilities where the organic material was taken for processing.


Organic material processing

39. In 20xx, did this Jurisdiction/Company own or operate a facility where organic materials were processed?

Definitions and explanations


Organic materials:
Materials that are or were once living, such as leaves, grass, yard trimmings, agricultural crop residues, wood waste, and paper and paperboard products or food scraps.

Organic material collection, residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, yard trimmings) from dwellings, including apartment buildings and condominiums. Examples of collection methods are curbside collection, back door pick-up, and automated collection.

Organic material collection, non-residential:
Collection of organic material (e.g., food scraps, leaves, grass, wood waste and paper products) from sources such as heavy and light industry, manufacturing, agriculture, warehousing, transportation, retail and wholesale commercial activities, restaurants, offices, educational or recreational facilities, health and other service facilities.

Include landfills or sites where organic materials were composted.

  • Yes
  • No

How many facilities? (Maximum of 15)

40. Please provide the name and owner of each processing facility.


Facility name

Facility owner

What type of process is used in the treatment of organic materials?

Type of process

Note: If the type of process is not listed, select "Other specify"

  • Aerobic processing (composting)
  • Anaerobic digestion (biomethanation)
  • Other specify

Organic material processing

41. For the specified facility, indicate which organic materials are processed at the facility.

Definitions and explanations


Processing residue:
The portion of the materials that is deemed non-marketable after processing due to breakage, transportation or processing limitations. The residue produced at the facility as a result of the processing of acceptable waste is not for beneficial use.

Estimating sources of waste (garbage), recyclables and organic materials:
It is acknowledged that it is often very difficult to track the quantities of waste and recyclable materials by source unless the business or local government collects or prepares materials from only one source (e.g., a firm that collects waste only from IC&I sources).

In this survey, you are being asked to estimate the proportion of materials by source of material at three points (if applicable and known): at the facility where organic material is processed, at the facility where recyclables are prepared and at disposal. If you engage in one or more of these activities, you will be asked to estimate the proportion of waste, recyclable or organic materials from residential, non-residential and construction and demolition sources. While it is recognized that such estimates may be difficult to make, you are asked to be as accurate as possible.

Sources of materials:
Refers to the sources of generation of the waste or recyclable material. These sources are classified as residential, industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) and construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D). It is sometimes difficult to ascertain the source of a given material because of lack of tracking or complex collection arrangements (e.g., when collection is contracted out or when collection vehicles pick up materials from a mix of sources on their routes).

Food waste:
Includes food wastes and food scraps from households and non-residential sources such as grocery stores, restaurants, etc., destined for composting or anaerobic digestion.

Source separated organic materials (SSO):
Source separation of organics is the setting aside of organic waste materials at their point of generation (the home, office, or other place of business) by the generator. Examples of SSO materials are food scraps, soiled paper packaging such as ice cream boxes, muffin paper, flour and sugar bags, paper coffee cups and paper plates.

Leaf and yard waste:
Includes any waste collected from a yard or garden such as leaves, grass clippings, plants, tree trimmings and branches.

Forestry waste:
The debris or leftover waste from the management of forests. This would include trees, stumps, branches, etc., that were discarded.

Wood waste:
The primary constituents of wood waste are used lumber, trim, trees, branches, and other wood debris from construction and demolition clearing and grubbing activities. It includes: dimensional lumber, plywood, particle board and fibre board, crating, wood fencing, pressure treated lumber, wood shingles, wooden doors, creosoted wood products, demolition wood waste, painted wood.

Agricultural waste:
All waste materials produced as a result of agricultural activities, including, for example, residues from the application of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other chemicals, wastewater, bedding material, etc.

Includes solid or semisolid material obtained from treated wastewater.

Include all quantities of food waste, materials from source separated organics programs (SSO), leaf and yard waste as well as Christmas trees and pumpkins.

Exclude industrial sludge, portable toilet waste, and oil field waste.

Leaf and yard waste

Please provide the amount and source of leaf and yard waste processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Provide the percentage of total leaf and yard waste disposed as processing residue.

e.g., overs, cross contaminated materials

Total percentage

Food waste and SSO material

Please provide the amount and source of food waste and SSO material processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Provide the percentage of total food waste and SSO disposed as processing residue.

e.g., overs, cross contaminated materials

Total percentage

Forestry waste and wood waste

Please provide the amount and source of forestry waste and wood waste processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Provide the percentage of total forestry waste and wood waste disposed as processing residue.

e.g., overs, cross contaminated materials

Total percentage

Agricultural waste

Please provide the amount and source of agricultural waste processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.


Please provide the amount and source of biosolids processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Other type of organic material 1

Please provide the amount and source of other type of organic material 1 processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Specify other type of organic material 1

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Other type of organic material 2

Please provide the amount and source of other type of organic material 2 processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Specify other type of organic material 2

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Other type of organic material 3

Please provide the amount and source of other type of organic material 3 processed at this facility.

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Specify other type of organic material 3

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure (UOM)

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best estimate for each source.


42. In 20xx, did this Jurisdiction/Company own or operate a facility (municipally or privately operated) that prepared materials for recycling?

e.g., material recycling facility (MRF), recycling centre, drop-off depot

Definitions and explanations


Recycling is defined as the process whereby a recyclable material (e.g., glass, metal, plastic, paper) is diverted from the waste stream in order to be remanufactured into a new product, or is used as a raw material substitute.

Recycling centre/drop off depot:
A facility or site where the public can bring materials for recycling or re-use. In some cases, household hazardous waste or special waste is accepted at these sites.

Material Recycling Facility (MRF):
A facility where materials that are collected for recycling are prepared or processed. The preparation or processing can include sorting, baling, cleaning, crushing, volume reduction and storing until shipment.

  • Yes
  • No

How many facilities? (Maximum of 15)

43. Please provide the name and owner of each recycling facility.


Facility name

Facility owner

44. For the specified facility, indicate your best estimate of the sources of recycled materials.

Definitions and explanations


Processing residue:
The portion of the materials that is deemed non-marketable after processing due to breakage, transportation or processing limitations. The residue produced at the facility as a result of the processing of acceptable waste is not for beneficial use.

Estimating sources of waste (garbage), recyclables and organic materials:
It is acknowledged that it is often very difficult to track the quantities of waste and recyclable materials by source unless the business or local government collects or prepares materials from only one source (e.g., a firm that collects waste only from IC&I sources).

In this survey, you are being asked to estimate the proportion of materials by source of material at three points (if applicable and known): at the facility where organic material is processed, at the facility where recyclables are prepared and at disposal. If you engage in one or more of these activities, you will be asked to estimate the proportion of waste, recyclable or organic materials from residential, non-residential and construction and demolition sources. While it is recognized that such estimates may be difficult to make, you are asked to be as accurate as possible.

Sources of materials:
Refers to the sources of generation of the waste or recyclable material. These sources are classified as residential, industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) and construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D). It is sometimes difficult to ascertain the source of a given material because of lack of tracking or complex collection arrangements (e.g., when collection is contracted out or when collection vehicles pick up materials from a mix of sources on their routes).

Ferrous metals:
These are metals which contain iron. They may have small amounts of other metals or other elements added, to yield specific properties. All ferrous metals are magnetic and give little resistance to corrosion. Steel is an example of a ferrous metal. The recycling of ferrous metals include but is not limited to the processing of tin/steel cans, strapping, as well as the extraction of metals from appliances.

Scrap metal:
Any metal cutting or reject of a manufacturing operation, which may be suitable for recycling.

Material composed of natural or synthetic fibers, including any combination of animal derived material such as wool or silk, plant-derived material such as linen and cotton, and synthetic material such as polyester or nylon (e.g., towels, shoes, purses, clothing, curtains and carpets).

White goods:
Includes metal items such as: stoves, fridges, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, washers, dryers, hot water tanks, metal sinks, microwaves, and various other metal items.

PET (1): Polyethylene Terephthalate, commonly abbreviated as PET or PETE, is a polymer resin of the polyester family. PET is identified by the number 1 recycling symbol. Commonly recyclable PET materials include 2 litre soda bottles, water bottles, cooking oil bottles, peanut butter jars.

HDPE (2): High Density Polyethylene is a polyethylene thermoplastic made from petroleum. HDPE is identified by the number 2 recycling symbol. Some commonly recycled HDPE materials include detergent bottles, milk jugs, and grocery bags.

All other plastics (3-7): Polyvinyl Chloride - PVC (3), Low Density Polyethylene - LDPE (4), Polypropylene - PP (5), Polystyrene - PS (6), Other (7). Common uses: (3) plastic pipes, outdoor furniture, shrink wrap, water bottles, (4) dry cleaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners, (5) aerosol caps, drinking straws, (6) packaging pellets, Styrofoam cups, (7) food containers.

Electronics are items that function through the use of electricity and/or batteries. Also included are items that have a circuit board but do not necessarily require electricity from an outlet (such as telecommunication equipment). Examples are personal computers, laptops, monitors, peripheral devices (printers, scanners, etc.), telephones, cell phones, facsimile machines, stereos, portable music players and children's toys containing electronic components.

Construction, renovation and demolition waste (CR&D):
CR&D waste, also referred to as DLC (demolition, land clearing and construction waste), refers to waste generated by construction, renovation and demolition activities. It generally includes materials such as brick, painted wood, drywall, metal, cardboard, doors, windows, wiring. It excludes materials from land clearing on areas not previously developed. CR&D waste can come from residential sources such as house renovations or from non-residential sources for example the construction or demolition of office buildings.

Only count quantities once.

  • organic materials reported in question 41
  • any hazardous material (e.g., batteries, motor oil, light bules, paint, nuclear waste, etc.)


Newsprint and magazines

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Corrugated cardboard

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Mixed paper fibre and boxboard

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.


Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Ferrous metals

Include ferrous scrap metal.

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

White goods

e.g., household appliances

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.


Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.


Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Mixed metals

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.


Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure

Was the plastic processed at this facility baled?

  • Yes
  • No


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Aseptic containers and tetra packs

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Gable top containers

e.g., milk cartons

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.


Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.


Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D) material

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.


Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Other 1

Specify type of material

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Other 2

Specify type of material

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Other 3

Specify type of material

Quantity of materials

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other specify
    Specify other unit of measure


If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Construction, renovation and demolition (CR&D)

If the exact source breakdown is not available, please provide your best percentage estimate for each source.

Processing residue

45. Provide the percentage of the total material disposed as processing residue.

Processing residue: The portion of the materials that is not deemed marketable after processing due to breakage, transportation or processing limitations.

e.g., overs, cross contaminated materials

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Total percentage for this recycling facility.

Plastic bales

46. For the plastic reported by this recycling facility in question 44, please select the types of material and provide the total weight prepared in 20xx.

Definitions and explanations


Loose material that is compressed and bound together with cords or hoops.

PET Bottles – Containers (including thermoforms):
Any whole Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, #1) package labeled with the ASTM D7611 "#1, PET or PETE" resin identification code including and not limited to egg cartons, baskets, clamshell containers, cups, lids, cake domes, covers, blister pack without paperboard backing, tubs, deli containers, trays and folded PET sheet containers.

HDPE colour Bottles – Containers:
Any whole, blow-molded, High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2) bottle containing the ASTM D7611 "#2, HDPE" resin identification code that is pigmented and opaque.

HDPE natural Bottles – Containers:
Rigid plastic items generated in a positive sort from a curbside, drop-off, or other public or private recycling programs from which the Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, #1) and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2) bottles have been removed.

Mixed Rigid Plastic 3-7:
Rigid plastic items generated in a positive sort from a curbside, drop-off, or other public or private recycling programs from which the Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, #1) and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2) bottles have been removed. Pre-picked plastic consists of non-PET and non-HDPE household bottles and all non bottle containers including thermoform packaging, cups, trays, clamshells, food tubs and pots, and all large rigid plastics, primarily PE and PP (includes plastic crates, carts, buckets, baskets and plastic lawn furniture). Metal, as typically found in toys or bucket handles, should be removed when possible. Plastic items from construction or demolition should not be included in pre-picked bales.

Mixed Rigid Plastic 1-7:
Rigid plastic generated in a positive sort from a curbside, drop-off, or other public or private recycling program that does not separately sort any plastic bottles. Bales consist of all plastic bottles – no bottles should be removed from the mix prior to baling – and household containers (including thermoform packaging, cups, trays, clamshells, food tubs and pots, and bulky rigid plastic (e.g., drums, crates, buckets, baskets, toys, totes and lawn furniture).

Mixed Bulky Rigid:
Any large rigid High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2) and/or Polypropylene (PP, #5) plastic bulky item. Examples include crates, buckets, baskets, totes, and lawn furniture.

PET Thermoforms:
Any whole Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, #1) package labeled with the ASTM D7611 "#1, PET or PETE" resin identification code including and not limited to egg cartons, baskets, clamshell containers, cups, lids, cake domes, covers, blister pack without paperboard backing, tubs, deli containers, trays and folded PET sheet containers.

PP Bottles and Containers:
Any Polypropylene (PP, #5) whole bottle or container product. Examples include prescription bottles, yogurt cups, margarine tubs, ice cream tubs, cold drink cups, microwaveable trays, tofu tubs, dishwasher safe storage containers, hangers, bottle cap enclosures, etc.

PE Retail Bags and Film:
Any polyethylene bag and overwrap accepted by retailers from their customers or polyethylene stretch wrap or other film generated back of house may be included. Bags may be mixed color or printed and primarily High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2) but are expected to include other polyethylene bags and LDPE/LLDPE overwrap. Films may be coded with ASTM D7611 resin identification code "#2, HDPE" and #4, LDPE".

MRF Film:
Film collected and sorted at an MRF, typically generated from curbside collections consisting of HDPE grocery/retail bags, LDPE, or LLDPE films.

PE Clear Film:
Any mix of natural polyethylene, High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2), Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE, #4) or Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE, #4) film, totaling at least 95% clear or natural polyethylene film is accepted. Films may be coded with ASTM D7611 resin identification code.

Agriculture Film:
Any film collected after in field use. Examples of which may be mulch film and irrigation (drip) tubing which is polyethylene based.

Rigid PVC:
Examples include PVC siding used in residential applications, PVC pipe that is round in shape and can be green, white, blue, purple and grey in color, window and door frames.

Expanded Polystyrene:
Expanded Polystyrene Foam

Post-consumer TPO Plastic Automotive:
This grade consists of painted auto bumper covers removed from motor vehicles.

  • PET bottles - containers (including thermoforms)
  • HDPE colour bottles – containers
  • HDPE natural bottles – containers
  • Mixed rigid plastic 3-7
  • Mixed rigid plastic 1-7
  • Mixed bulky rigid
  • PET thermoforms
  • PP bottles and containers
  • PE retail bags and film
  • MRF film
  • PE clear film
  • Agriculture film
  • Rigid PVC
  • Expanded polystyrene
  • Post-consumer TPO plastic automotive
  • Other type of material

Exports of recyclable materials

58. In 20xx, did this Jurisdiction/Company own or operate a facility in operating province that transported or exported recyclable materials to a material recycling facility (MRF) in another province or territory or in another country?

Exclude exports of recyclable materials to end markets in other provinces or the United States.

  • Yes
  • No

How many facilities? (Maximum of 15)

59. Provide the names of facilities handling recyclable materials for the purpose of exporting to another province or territory or to another country.


Facility name

Facility operator

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other
    Specify other unit of measure

Quantity of recyclables exported to another province or territory

Quantity of recyclables exported to the United States

Quantity of recyclables exported to countries other than the United States

Imports of recyclable materials

60. In 20xx, were recyclable materials from outside operating province processed in this Jurisdiction/Company's material recycling facility/facilities (MRF)?

  • Yes
  • No

Unit of measure

Note: If the UOM is not listed, select "Other specify".

  • Metric tonnes
  • Kilograms
  • Pounds
  • Cubic meters
  • Cubic yards
  • Short ton
  • Truck load
  • Bale
  • Units or items
  • Other
    Specify other unit of measure

61. Report the quantity of recyclable materials processed from other provinces or territories or from the United States.

Quantity of recyclables processed from other provinces or territories in the unit of measure specified in question 57.

Quantity of recyclables processed from the United States in the unit of measure specified in question 57.

Waste management services - Business

62. Did this company provide waste management services in more than one province or territory in 20xx?

  • Yes
  • No

63. Indicate the other provinces or territories in which this company provides waste management services.

Select all that apply.

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon