Reporting entity
1. Indicate which type of corporation this report covers.
- A single corporation
- Part of a corporation
- A consolidated family of corporations
- Other (specify)
2. Is the reporting entity part of a Canadian consolidation?
- Yes
- No
3. Does this reporting entity have investments in partnerships or joint ventures?
- Yes
- No
4. Indicate the accounting standard used to complete this questionnaire.
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE)
- United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP)
- Other (specify)
5. Indicate the currency used to complete this survey.
- Canadian dollars
- U.S. dollars
6. What are the start and end dates of this enterprise's reporting period for the quarter ending:
7. Report your assets
- Cash and deposits – Canadian currency
- Cash and deposits – foreign currency
- Accounts receivable
- Allowance for credit losses on receivables
- Canadian investments in non-affiliates - debt securities issued by the Government of Canada
- Term-to-maturity of less than one year
- Term-to-maturity of one year or more
- Canadian investments in non-affiliates - debt securities issued by provincial and municipal governments
- Term-to-maturity of less than one year
- Term-to-maturity of one year or more
- Canadian investments in non-affiliates - debt securities issued by corporations, trusts or others
- Term-to-maturity of less than one year
- Term-to-maturity of one year or more
- Canadian investments in non-affiliates - corporate shares, fund or trust units and other equity
- Publicly traded
- Other equity
- Canadian investments in non-affiliates - other investments
- Foreign investments in non-affiliates - debt securities
- Term-to-maturity of less than one year
- Term-to-maturity of one year or more
- Foreign investments in non-affiliates - other investments
- Derivative assets
- Reverse repurchase agreements
- Mortgage loans to non-affiliates - secured by property in Canada
- Residential
- Non-Residential
- Mortgage loans to non-affiliates - secured by property outside Canada
- Mortgage loans to non-affiliates - accumulated allowance for credit losses
- Fixed assets
- Investment properties
- Accumulated depreciation
- All other assets
- Specify all major items within other assets
Total assets
Liabilities and surplus
8. Report your liabilities.
- Accounts payable
- Derivative liabilities
- Obligations related to repurchase agreements
- All other liabilities
- Specify all major items within other liabilities
- Liabilities to policyholders
- RRSP funds
- Other funds
Total liabilities
9. Report your surplus.
- Surplus
- Opening balance
- Net income (loss) for the current period
- Other additions (deductions)
- Specify all major items within other additions (deductions)
- Allocation of net investment income to policyholder
- Total liabilities and surplus
Closing balance
Revenue, expenses and net income
10. What period does this income statement cover?
11. Report your revenue.
- Interest revenue from Canadian sources
- Debt securities
- Mortgages
- Other interest revenue
- Interest revenue from foreign sources
- Dividends
- From Canadian corporations
- From foreign corporations
- Rental revenue
- Gains and losses - fair value adjustments
- Realized
- Unrealized
- Gains and losses - foreign exchange
- Realized
- Unrealized
- All other revenues
- Specify all major items within other revenues
Total revenue
12. Report your expenses.
- Management fees
- Dealer compensation expense
- Sales tax (HST) expense
- Software, research and development
- Depreciation
- Impairments
- All other expenses
- Specify all major items within other expenses
- Net income
Total expenses
Disclosure of selected accounts
13. Allocate the changes to selected assets and liabilities.
- Canadian and foreign investments in non-affiliates - debt securities
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses
- Canadian and foreign investments in non-affiliates - corporate shares, fund or trust units and other equity
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses
- Canadian and foreign investments in non-affiliates - other investments in non-affiliates
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses
- Mortgage loans - to non-affiliates
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses
- Fixed assets - investment properties
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses
- Other assets
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses
- Liabilities
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses
- Derivatives (assets and liabilities)
- Initial balance
- Net (purchases-sales or issuances-repayments and other changes)
- Fair value adjustments and foreign exchange valuation adjustments
- Other adjustments
- Closing balance
- Realized gains and losses