Corporations Returns Act – Schedule I – Ownership

Getting Started

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey collects detailed information on foreign ownership and control in the Canadian economy, which is reported annually to Parliament. The data will be used to track and analyze the level of foreign control in Canada and to make policy decisions affecting the level of foreign control in selected industries.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Corporations Returns Act.

Other important information

Use of data

Information reported on this return will be used to partially meet the data requirements of the Corporations Returns Act administration and other Statistics Canada programs.


This information is collected under the authority of the Corporations Returns Act. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this Act. Penalties for failing to file a return are outlined in Section 9 of the Act.


As stated in Section 16 of the Corporations Returns Act, C-43, the information contained in the Schedule I - Ownership return is not confidential. Data is available on the Inter-corporate Ownership (ICO) product.

Introduction statement

Why do we collect this information?

This return is designed to collect detailed information on foreign ownership and control in the Canadian economy. The information will be used to track and analyze the level of foreign control in Canada and to make policy decisions affecting the level of foreign control in selected industries.

Answering this questionnaire

For this questionnaire

This Schedule covers information for "company name" for your fiscal year ending in YYYY.

Who should complete this questionnaire?

Every individual corporation that is part of a group of commonly controlled corporations with combined assets exceeding 600 million dollars or combined revenue exceeding 200 million dollars is liable to file under the Corporations Returns Act. In addition, individual corporations with foreign equity exceeding a net book value of 1 million dollars are liable to file.

Fiscal Year-end

1. Please verify, correct or provide the fiscal year-end for "company name".

Fiscal year-end: YYYY-MM-DD

Corporate name and address

2. Has the address to "company name" changed?

  • Yes
    Please provide the address below.
    If the address of the corporation is outside Canada, please provide the address of its principal place of business in Canada.
    Address (number and street):
    Province or territory:
  • No

3. Has the mailing address to "company name" changed?

  • Yes
    Please provide Company name's mailing address.
    Attention of:
    e.g., legal department
    Address (number and street):
    Province, territory or state:
  • No

Corporate information

4. Has the nature of this business changed?
The Nature of Business is the primary business activity undertaken by the reporting corporation. If the corporation is not in operation on the fiscal year end day, the "Nature of Business" should be reported as "Inactive".

  • Yes
    Please provide the nature of this business:
  • No

5. Has any of the following information below changed?

If you are reporting an amalgamation or a change in jurisdiction, the effective date of the amalgamation or change in jurisdiction becomes the new date of incorporation.

If you are reporting a corporate name change, the date of incorporation does not change.

Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC)

  • it is a private corporation
  • it is not controlled directly or indirectly by one or more non-resident persons.

Other private corporation

  • it is resident in Canada
  • it is not a public corporation.

Public corporation

It has a class of shares listed on a prescribed Canadian Stock exchange.

Corporation controlled by a public corporation

If your corporation is a Canadian subsidiary of a public corporation, it does not qualify as a public corporation.

Other corporation

If "Other corporation" is selected you will be prompted to specify the type.

  • Yes
    Please provide the information below.
    Date of incorporation: YYYY-MM-DD
    • Act of incorporation
    • Federal
    • Provincial
      • Please select province or territory:
    • Outside of Canada
      • Please select the country:
    • Manner of incorporation
      • Articles of incorporation
      • Other
        Specify other manner of incorporation:
    • Type of corporation
      • Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC)
      • Other private corporation
      • Public corporation
      • Corporation controlled by a public corporation
      • Other
        Specify other type of corporation:
  • No

Legal Status

6. Has the legal status of "company name" changed?
dissolutions, corporate name changes, amalgamations and changes in jurisdiction

The Legal Status Change section collects information about corporate changes which may have an impact on how the Ownership return for the corporation is completed. When there has been a change to the corporation's legal status, please include a copy of the certificate for the change with the corporation's Ownership return.

The dissolution of a corporation is the termination of its existence as a legal entity. If the dissolution occurred after the eligible corporation's Fiscal Year End, the Ownership return must be completed in its entirety for that corporation.

An eligible corporation that has gone through a corporate name change is required to complete an Ownership return. The corporation's new corporate name and the date that the change took place are collected in this section of the Ownership return. Please attach a copy of the certificate for this corporate name change to the return.

An amalgamation is the fusion of two or more companies by transfer of the assets and liabilities to one of the constituent companies or a new organization. If the amalgamation occurred after the eligible reporting corporation's fiscal year end, the Ownership return must be completed for the reporting corporation. If the amalgamation occurred before the eligible reporting corporation's fiscal year end date, the Ownership return must be completed for the new resulting corporation. Please attach a copy of the certificate of amalgamation for this corporation to the return.

An eligible corporation that has undergone a change in jurisdiction is required to complete an Ownership return. Please attach a copy of the current certificate of incorporation for this corporation to the return.

  • Yes
    What legal changes occurred?
    • Dissolution
      What was the date of dissolution for "company name"?
      Date of dissolution: YYYY-MM-DD
    • Corporate name change

      7. What is the new corporate name for "company name"?

      • New corporate name:
      8. When did this name change take place?
      • Date of name change: YYY-MM-DD
    • Amalgamation

      9. How many corporations were in the amalgamation with "company name"?

      • Number of corporations:
      10. What were the corporates names of the other corporations?
      • Corporate name 1:
      • Corporate name 2:
      • Corporate name 3:
      • Corporate name 4, etc.:
      11. What is the new corporate name resulting from this amalgamation for "company name"?
      • New corporate name:

      12. When did this amalgamation take place?

      • Date of amalgamation: YYYY-MM-DD
    • Change of jurisdiction
      13. What is the new jurisdiction for "company name"?
      • New jurisdiction:
      14. When did this jurisdiction change take place?
      • Date of jurisdiction change: YYYY-MM-DD
  • No

Number of share classes

16. How many classes of non-voting shares does "company name" have?

Only include classes of shares with no voting rights. Any share classes with voting rights should be counted in question 17.

Number of classes of non-voting shares:

17. How many classes of voting shares does "company name" have?

Only include classes of shares with voting rights. Any share classes without voting rights should be counted in question 16.
Enter a maximum of 15 classes of voting shares

Number of classes of voting shares:

Voting share classes

The questions in this section collect information about the shares that have been issued by the corporation.
In the space provided for Share class description, indicate the title of each new class of shares (e.g., Common, Preferred, Other).

Share capital represents the ownership interest in a company as authorized by its instrument of incorporation.

Identify the number of votes per share for each class of share. This should not contain the aggregate percentage of ownership that the particular class of shares represent.

18. Please provide the information for the following voting share classes.

Share class description refers to the name of the share class (e.g., common, preferred A, preferred B, etc.).

Authorized share capital is the maximum extent of funding that can be raised through issue of shares. It is laid out in the company's charter documents.

Voting share 1
Share class description:
Number of shares authorized:
Authorized share capital (CAN$ ‘000):
Number of votes per shares:


19. How many Directors or Officers does "company name" have?

List the corporation's directors and officers, as of the end of the reporting period.

The board of your corporation must have at least one director. The number of directors is specified in your articles of incorporation.

Directors are responsible for supervising the activities of the corporation and for making decisions regarding those activities. Officers are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the corporation.

Enter a maximum of 30 Directors or Officers.

If "company name" has more than 30 Directors or Officers, please list the 30 Directors or Officers who own or hold the most voting shares.

Number of Directors or Officers:

Director or Officer

20. Please provide the following information for Director or Officer.

Provide the principal place of residence of the director or officer.  This refers to the personal address of the director or officer and not the corporation address.

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage or common-law partnership. A related family group may include individuals reported in questions 20 and 23. Each related family group must include at least 2 members.

Note: repeated up to 30 times depending on the number of Director or Officers reported at question 19.

First name:
Last name:
Is this individual a Director?

  • Yes
  • No


  • Chairman of the board
  • President
  • Executive vice-president
  • Vice president
  • Treasurer
  • Assistant treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Assistant secretary
  • Comptroller
  • Auditor
  • Other

Primary residing city:
Primary residing country:

Does this individual own or hold voting shares?

  • Yes
  • No

Is this individual part of a related family group?

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage and common-law partnership.

  • Yes
  • No

Number of voting shares for "corporate name"

21.Please provide the number of voting shares owned or held by "corporate name"

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada
a. Share class:    
b. Share class:    
c. Share class:    

Summary of voting shares for Directors and Officers

22. This is summary of voting shares reported for Directors and Officers.
Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing on the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada
Share class: "corporate name 1"    
Share class: "corporate name 2"    
Share class: "corporate name 3"    


23. How many other individuals own or hold 5% or more of the total voting shares of "company name"?


  • Directors and Officers reported in the previous question
  • Corporate shareholders, these can be added in question 27.

Enter a maximum of 20 individuals.
Number of individuals:

Other individual

24. Please provide the following information for other individual.

Provide the principal place of residence of the individual shareholder.  This refers to the personal address and not the corporation address.

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage or common-law partnership. A related family group may include individuals reported in questions 20 and 23. Each related family group must include at least 2 members.

Exclude Directors and Officers reported in the previous questions.

Note: repeated up to 20 times depending on the number of other individuals reported at question 23.

First name:
Please provide full first name.
Last name:
Please provide full last name.
Primary residing city:
Primary residing country:

Is this individual part of a related family group?
A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage and common-law partnership.

  • Yes
  • No

Number of voting shares for "First name"

25. Please provide the number of voting shares owned or held for "First name".

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada
Share class:    
Share class:    
Share class:    

Summary of voting shares for other individuals

26. This is summary of all your voting shares reported for other individuals.

Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing on the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada Total
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      

Related family group

27. For each individual listed, please indicate their inclusion in the appropriate related family group(s).

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage and common-law partnership.

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage or common-law partnership. A related family group may include individuals reported in questions 20 and 23. Each related family group must include at least 2 members.

The list of names for each Related family groups 1, 2 and 3 can extend up to 50 depending on if "Yes" was selected for each Director or Officer reported at question 20 and each Other individuals reported at question 24.

Related family group 1
Select all that apply.

  • Person name
  • Person name

Related family group 2
Select all that apply.

  • Person name
  • Person name

Related family group 3
Select all that apply.

  • Person name
  • Person name

Corporate shareholders

28. How many corporations own or hold 10% or more of "company name's" voting shares?

Include corporations, trusts, partnerships, or other business entities if they own or hold 10% or more of the total shares of the reporting corporation.

Exclude any shareholders who are individuals. They should be reported in questions 20 or 23.

Enter a maximum of 10 corporations.
Number of corporations:

29.Please provide the following information for corporate shareholder.

Note: repeated up to 10 times depending on the number of corporations reported at question 28.

Corporation's legal name:

Number of voting shares for "Corporation name"

30. Please provide the number of voting shares owned or held for "Corporation name".

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada
Share class:    
Share class:    
Share class:    

Summary of voting shares for corporations

31. This is summary of all your voting shares reported for corporations.

Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada Total
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      

Summary of all voting shares reported

32.This is summary of all your voting shares reported for Directors and Officers, Other individuals, and Corporations.

Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Canadian subsidiaries

33. How many Canadian subsidiaries does "Corporation name" directly own?

Include only directly owned subsidiaries in Canada.
Include only subsidiaries authorized to do business in Canada, in which "Company name" owns 10% or more of the shares with votes eligible to elect Directors.

Number of Canadian subsidiaries:

Canadian subsidiary

34. Please provide the following information for Canadian subsidiary X.

If the address of the subsidiary is outside Canada, please provide the address of its principal place of business in Canada.
Note: repeated up to 10 times depending on the number of corporations reported at question 33.

Legal name:
Province or territory:
Postal code:
Example: A9A 9A9
Date of incorporation:
Example: YYYY-MM-DD
Place of incorporation:

  • Federal
  • Provincial

Percentage directly owned:
Please enter a value between 10 and 100.

Share capital changes

35. Has the ownership of the share capital of "Company name" changed?

This section is very important as the information collected here is used to determine ownership and ultimately the country of control.

Choose "Yes" if there have been any changes since the previous reporting period to any of the following: amount of voting shares, voting share classes, Directors or Officers, individual shareholders holding 10% or more of voting shares, corporate shareholders.

These changes include any changes to "Company name's" voting share classes, Directors or Officers, individual shareholders or corporate shareholders.

  • Yes
  • No

Prefilled responses

Please note that certain questions may contain pre-filled information based on answers provided in previous returns or external public sources. Where applicable, please verify this information and update as required.
Please also note that this information is being provided in the language in which it was reported to us.

Non-voting share classes

36. Our records indicate that "Company name" has non-voting share classes. Is this correct?

  • Yes
  • No

How many non-voting share classes does "Company name 1" have?

Voting share classes

37. Our records indicate that "Company name" has X voting share class. Please verify the information below and correct where necessary.

Only include classes of shares with voting rights. Any share classes without voting rights should be counted in question 33.

The questions in this section collect information about the shares that have been issued by the corporation.

In the space provided for Share class description, indicate the title of each class of shares (e.g., Common, Preferred, Other).

Share capital represents the ownership interest in a company as authorized by its instrument of incorporation.

Identify the number of votes per share for each class of share. This should not contain the aggregate percentage of ownership that the particular class of shares represent.

  • To remove an existing voting share class, press the Remove share class button within the "Active voting share classes" section. The removed information gets transferred to the bottom of the page, in the "Removed voting share classes" section, with a confirmation message.
  • To add a new voting share class, enter the information for the new voting share class within the "Add a voting share class" section, then press the Add share class button.
  • To modify or correct existing information, select the applicable field and enter the change. Please do not overwrite an entire voting share class if it no longer exists, press the Remove share class button instead.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.

Active voting share classes
Share class description Number of shares authorized Authorized share capital (CAN$ ‘000) Number of votes per share
Class description


$         ,000


Directors and Officers

38. Our records indicate that "Company name" has X Director or Officer. Please verify the information below and correct where necessary.

List the corporation's directors and officers, as of the end of the reporting period.

The board of your corporation must have at least one director. The number of directors is specified in your articles of incorporation.

Directors are responsible for supervising the activities of the corporation and for making decisions regarding those activities. Officers are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the corporation.


  • To remove an existing Director or Officer, press the Remove Director or Officer button within the "Active Directors and Officers" section. The removed information gets transferred to the bottom of the page to the "Removed Directors and Officers" section, with a confirmation message.
  • To add a new Director or Officer, enter the information for the new individual within the "Add a Director or Officer" section, then press the Add Director or Officer button.
  • To correct spelling errors, select the applicable field and enter the change. Please do not overwrite an existing individual with another individual. If a Director or Officer is no longer within Company 1, please press the Remove Director or Officer button.
  • If Company 1 has more than 30 Directors or Officers, please list the 30 Directors or Officers who own or hold the most voting shares.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.

Active Directors and Officers
  First name Last name

39. Please verify the following information for "First Name Last Name" and correct where necessary.

Provide the principal place of residence of the director or officer.  This refers to the personal address of the director or officer and not the corporation address.

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage or common-law partnership. A related family group may include individuals reported in questions 36 and 39.  Each related family group must include at least 2 members.

Is this individual a Director?

  • Yes

Primary residing city:
Primary residing country:

  • No

Does this individual own or hold voting shares?

  • Yes
  • No

Is this individual part of a related family group?
A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage and common-law partnership.

  • Yes
  • No

Number of voting shares for "First Name Last Name"

40. Please provide the following information for "First Name Last Name".

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada
Share class:    
Share class:    
Share class:    

Summary of voting shares for Directors and Officers

41. This is summary of all your voting shares reported for Directors and Officers.

Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing on the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada Total
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      

Other individual shareholders

42. Our records indicate that there is "number of individual" who owns or holds 5% or more of the total voting shares of "Company name 1". Please verify the information below and correct where necessary.

Exclude Directors or Officers.


  • To remove an existing individual, press the Remove individual button within the "Active individuals" section. The removed information gets transferred to the bottom of the page to the "Removed individuals" section, with a confirmation message.
  • To add a new individual, enter the information for the new individual within the "Add an individual" section, then press the Add individual button.
  • To correct spelling errors, select the applicable field and enter the change. Please do not overwrite an existing individual with another individual. If an individual no longer owns or holds 5% or more of the total voting shares of Company 1, please press the Remove individual button.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.

Active individuals
  First name Last name

43. Please verify the following information for "First Name Last Name" and correct where necessary.

Provide the principal place of residence of the individual shareholder.  This refers to the personal address and not the corporation address.

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage or common-law partnership. A related family group may include individuals reported in questions 36 and 39.  Each related family group must include at least 2 members.

Primary residing city:
Primary residing country:
Is this individual part of a related family group?
A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage and common-law partnership.

  • Yes
  • No

Number of voting shares for "First Name Last Name"

44. Please provide the following information for "First Name Last Name".

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada
Share class:    
Share class:    
Share class:    

Summary of voting shares for Other individuals

45. This is summary of all your voting shares reported for Other individuals.
Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing on the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada Total
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      

Related family groups

46. For each individual listed, please indicate their inclusion in the appropriate related family group(s).

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage or common-law partnership. A related family group may include individuals reported in questions 36 and 39.  Each related family group must include at least 2 members.

A related family group is composed of individuals related by blood relationship, legal adoption, marriage and common-law partnership.

Related family group 1
Select all that apply.

  • First Name Last Name – Director or Officer
  • First Name Last Name – Individual investor

Related family group 2
Select all that apply.

  • First Name Last Name – Director or Officer
  • First Name Last Name – Individual investor

Related family group 3
Select all that apply.

  • First Name Last Name – Director or Officer
  • First Name Last Name – Individual investor

Corporate shareholders

47. Our records indicate that there is 1 corporation that owns or holds 10% or more of the total voting shares of Company X. Please verify the information below and correct where necessary.

Include corporations, trusts, partnerships or other business entities if they own or hold 10% or more of the total shares of the reporting corporation.

Exclude any shareholders who are individuals. They should be reported in questions 36 or 39.

  • To remove an existing corporation, press the Remove corporation button within the "Active corporations" section. The removed information gets transferred to the bottom of the page to the "Removed corporations" section, with a confirmation message.
  • To add a new corporation, enter the information for the new corporation within the "Add a corporation" section, then press the Add corporation button.
  • To correct spelling errors, select the applicable field and enter the change. Please do not overwrite an entire corporation with another corporation. If a corporation no longer owns or holds 10% or more of the total voting shares of Company 1, press the Remove corporation button.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada Total
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.

Active corporations
Corporation's legal name Legal name City Country

Number of voting shares for Legal Name

48. Please provide the following information for "Legal Name"

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada
Share class:    
Share class:    
Share class:    

Summary of voting shares for corporations

49. This is summary of all your voting shares reported for corporations.

Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing on the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada Total
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      

Summary of all voting shares reported

Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  In Canada Outside Canada Total
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      
Share class: "person name"      

50. This is summary of all your voting shares reported for Directors and Officers, Other individuals, and Corporations.

Note: Please review the values, and if changes are needed, return to that specific question by pressing on the Previous button to navigate the questionnaire.

Subsidiary changes

51. Have there been any changes in Company 1's ownership of its subsidiaries?

Include only directly owned subsidiaries in Canada.

Include increases or decreases in share ownership of Canadian subsidiaries directly owned by Company 1.

  • Yes
  • No

52. Our records indicate that "Company name" directly owns the following Canadian subsidiaries. Please verify the information below and correct where necessary.

Include only subsidiaries authorized to do business in Canada, in which "Company Name" owns 10% or more of the shares with votes eligible to elect Directors.

If the address of the subsidiary is outside Canada, please provide the address of its principal place of business in Canada.


  • To remove an existing Canadian subsidiary, press the Remove subsidiary button within the "Active Canadian subsidiaries" section. The removed information gets transferred to the bottom of the page to the "Removed Canadian subsidiaries" section, with a confirmation message.
  • To add a new Canadian subsidiary, enter the information for the new subsidiary within the "Add a Canadian subsidiary" section, then press the Add subsidiary button.
  • To correct spelling errors, select the applicable field and enter the change. Please do not overwrite an entire subsidiary with another subsidiary. If Company 1 no longer directly owns a certain subsidiary, press the Remove subsidiary button.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.

Active corporations
  City Province or territory Postal code

Legal Name

53. Please verify the following information for "Legal Name" and correct if necessary.

Date of incorporation:
Example: YYYY-MM-DD
Place of incorporation:

  • Federal
  • Provincial

Percentage directly owned:
Please enter a value between 10 and 100


54. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

55. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?
Enter your comments:


56. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this return for further information. Please complete the information below for the best person to contact regarding this subject.

I certify that the information herein is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge
First name:
Please provide full first name.
Last name:
Please provide full last name.
Email address:
Telephone number (including area code):
Example: 123-123-1234

57. Please provide the names of two additional contact persons. Statistics Canada may need to validate or confirm some of the information received. The first additional contact person must be the President or Vice-President of the corporation filing the return, while the second contact person can be one other officer thereof or another person duly authorized by the board of directors to act on behalf of the corporation.

If possible, please provide a group or generic email address instead of an individual email address. Example:

If you are filing on behalf of a third party (client) corporation, the second additional contact person can be from your firm.

Contact 1
First name:
Please provide full first name.
Last name:
Please provide full last name.
Email address:
Telephone number (including area code):
Example: 123-123-1234

Contact 2
First name:
Please provide full first name.
Last name:
Please provide full last name.
Email address:
Telephone number (including area code):
Example: 123-123-1234


If you are ready to submit the questionnaire, press the Submit button.