International Travel Survey of Canadian Residents

Confidential when completed
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Welcome back to Canada!

We are currently conducting a travel survey between Canada and foreign countries and we would be interested in knowing about the trip you have taken. Information from this voluntary survey will be used by members of the Canadian tourism industry and government tourism organizations to better understand and serve you, the travelling public.

We would appreciate it if you could spare 10 to 15 minutes of your time to complete this questionnaire. Upon completion, please return the questionnaire to us by using the postage paid envelope.

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. S-19) and individual information from your questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential.

Thank you for your co-operation on this important survey.

  1. Where do you live? Usual place of residence Please print
    • City/Town
    • Province/Territory
    • Postal code
  2. Where and when did you leave Canada?
    • Name of Canadian border crossing or airport
    • Day Month Year
    Where and when did you return to Canada?
    • Name of Canadian border crossing or airport
    • Day Month Year
    The next questions refer to your travelling party. Your travelling party is either yourself (if travelling alone) OR yourself, your friends and family members travelling with you. In your travelling party, include only those for whom you are able to report spending and activities.
  3. How many people including yourself were in the travelling party?
  4. How many people in the travelling party were in each of the following groups?
    • Female — Age groups:
      • Under 2 years
      • 2 to 11
      • 12 to 14
      • 15 to 19
      • 20 to 24
      • 25 to 34
      • 35 to 44
      • 45 to 54
      • 55 to 64
      • 65 to 74
      • 75 and over
    • Male — Age groups:
      • Under 2 years
      • 2 to 11
      • 12 to 14
      • 15 to 19
      • 20 to 24
      • 25 to 34
      • 35 to 44
      • 45 to 54
      • 55 to 64
      • 65 to 74
      • 75 and over
  5. What was the travelling party's main reason for taking this trip outside Canada?
    Check one only.
    (e.g. If a person on a business trip took his/her family along to visit relatives, check reason for trip as "business".)
    • Business
      • Meetings
      • Convention, conference, trade show, seminar
      • Other work
    • Pleasure
      • Holiday, vacation
      • Visit friends or relatives
      • Visit second home, cottage, condo
      • Attend events, attractions
    • Other
      • Personal (medical, wedding, etc.)
      • Transit to / from other parts of Canada
      • Educational study
      • Shopping
      • Other - Specify
  6. On this trip outside Canada, did anyone in the travelling party ...
    Check all that apply.
    • Visit friends or relatives
    • Attend a festival or fair
    • Attend a cultural performance (a play, a concert, etc.)
    • Visit a museum or art gallery
    • Visit a historic site
    • Visit a zoo, aquarium or botanical garden
    • Attend a sports event
    • Go shopping
    • Go sightseeing
    • Go to a bar or night club
    • Go to a casino
    • Visit a theme or amusement park
    • Visit a national or state nature park
    • Participate in sports or outdoor activities – Specify:
      • Boating - motor boat, sail boat, kayak, canoe or other
      • Golfing
      • Downhill skiing or snowboarding
      • Hunting
      • Fishing
      • Other sports or outdoor activities – Specify
  7. How would you rate the following aspects of your trip?
    • Transportation services
      • Good
      • Average
      • Poor
      • Not applicable
    • Accommodation services
      • Good
      • Average
      • Poor
      • Not applicable
    • Hospitality of local people
      • Good
      • Average
      • Poor
      • Not applicable
    • Value for your money
      • Good
      • Average
      • Poor
      • Not applicable
    • Variety of things to see and do
      • Good
      • Average
      • Poor
      • Not applicable
  8. When leaving Canada, did you travel...
    • to U.S.A. only (including Hawaii)
    • directly to other countries
    • to other countries via the U.S.A.
    When returning to Canada, did you travel...
    • from U.S.A. only (including Hawaii)
    • directly from other countries
    • from other countries via the U.S.A.
  9. For this trip, what means of transportation did you use
    • ... to leave Canada? Check one only.
      • Commercial
        • Plane
        • Train
        • Boat
        • Bus
      • Other
        • Private automobile
        • Rented automobile
        • Private plane
        • Private boat
        • Other
    • ... to return to Canada? Check one only.
      • Commercial
        • Plane
        • Train
        • Boat
        • Bus
      • Other
        • Private automobile
        • Rented automobile
        • Private plane
        • Private boat
        • Other
    • ... while outside Canada? Check all that apply.
      • Commercial
        • Plane
        • Train
        • Boat
        • Bus
      • Other
        • Private automobile
        • Rented automobile
        • Private plane
        • Private boat
        • Other (metro, subway, taxi)
    If commercial transportation was not used to leave, return or while outside Canada, then go to Question 14.
  10. If commercial transportation (plane, bus, train or boat) was used, please report the routes, carriers and fares (including taxes). Please print.
    • From where did the travelling party leave?
      • Name of city and country
    • To where did the travelling party go?
      • Name of city and country
    • What was the name of the carrier(s) used?
    • Were the fares... Check one.
      • one way
      • round trip
      • package tour
    • How much were these fares (including package tours) for the entire travelling party? (.00)
    • Currency (if other than CAN$)
  11. What type of fare was used? Check all that apply.
    • First class
    • Business class
    • Economy class
    • Charter
    • Frequent flyer plan
  12. Were these fares part of a package?
    • No
    • Yes — Which of the following item(s) was (were) also included? Check all that apply.
      • Accommodation / meals
      • Accommodation only
      • Rented car
      • Other
  13. Did your trip include...
    • a cruise
    • a Eurail pass
  14. For this trip, what was the total spending outside Canada for all persons in the travelling party?
    Include cash/credit transactions for food, accommodation, entertainment, merchandise, gifts, auto operation, local transportation, etc., even if paid for by someone else or a business. Include all taxes and tips. Exclude fares and/or packages reported in Question 10. Estimates appreciated.
    • Amount (.00)
    • Currency (if other than CAN$)
    • Number of persons included in spending
  15. What country(ies) or U.S. state(s) did the travelling party visit?
    Please name all places visited even if you did not stay overnight. (Exclude stop-overs at airports.)
    Please print.
    • Name of places visited
      • What was the total amount spent by the travelling party in each country or state? (.00)
      • Currency (if other than CAN$)
      • How many nights were spent in each country or state?
      • Where did the travelling party stay? Check all that apply.
        • Hotel
        • Motel
        • Home of friends or relatives
        • Camping or trailer park
        • Cottage or cabin
        • Other
  16. Please distribute total spending (as reported in Question 14) in each of the following categories. Estimates appreciated.
    If estimates can not be provided, report approximate percentages (%) of total spending.
    The sums in Questions 14, 15 and 16 should agree.
    • Accommodation
      • Total spending (in same currency as question 14) (.00) or %
    • Transportation within country(ies) or state(s) visited (include gasoline expenditures, rented car, intercity plane, bus and train fares, boat tours, local bus, taxi)
      • Total spending (in same currency as question 14) (.00) or %
    • Food and beverages
      • Total spending (in same currency as question 14) (.00) or %
    • Recreation and entertainment
      • Total spending (in same currency as question 14) (.00) or %
    • Other (souvenirs, shopping, photos, etc.)
      Specify major items
      • Total spending (in same currency as question 14) (.00) or %
  17. Does anyone in the travelling party own any of the accommodations used on this trip?
    • Yes
    • No
  18. What percentage of these expenditures (including fares) was paid ...
    • personally? (including family/friends): %
    • by business?: %
    • by government?: %

We welcome comments on any aspect of your trip especially those which would help us to better understand your responses.


Please use attached postage paid envelope to mail your questionnaire.

Thank you very much for your co-operation