Access to Health Care Services and Waiting Times
Canadian Community Health Survey Rapid Response Questionnaire

ACCWTM: Rapid response module asked in March-June 2013. (Includes CCHS modules: HCU, ACC, WTM).

Health care utilization (HCU)

Core content

If (do HCU block = 1), go to HCU_D01.
Otherwise, go to HCU_END.

(not applicable)

^DOVERB_C ^YOU2 have a regular medical doctor?

  1. Yes (Go to HCU_D01AC)
  2. No
    DK, RF (Go to HCU_END)

Why ^DOVERB ^YOU2 not have a regular medical doctor?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. No medical doctors available in the area
  2. Medical doctors in the area are not taking new patients
  3. Have not tried to contact one
  4. Had a medical doctor who left or retired
  5. Other - Specify (Go to HCU_S01AB)
    DK, RF
    Go to HCU_D01A1


If proxy interview, ^DT_GOVERB = "goes".
Otherwise, ^DT_GOVERB = "go".

Is there a place that ^YOU2 usually ^DT_GOVERB to when ^YOU1 ^ARE sick or need^S advice about ^YOUR1 health?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to HCU_END)
    DK, RF (Go to HCU_END)

What kind of place is it?
INTERVIEWER: If the respondent indicates more than one usual place, then ask: What kind of place do you go to most often?

  1. Doctor's office
  2. Community health centre / CLSC
  3. Walk-in clinic
  4. Appointment clinic
  5. Telephone health line (for example, HealthLinks, Telehealth Ontario, Health-Line, TeleCare, Info-Sante)
  6. Hospital emergency room
  7. Hospital outpatient clinic
  8. Other - Specify (Go to HCU_S01A2)
    DK, RF
    Go to HCU_END


(not applicable)

^DOVERB_C ^YOU2 and this doctor usually speak in English, in French, or in another language?

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Arabic
  4. Chinese
  5. Cree
  6. German
  7. Greek
  8. Hungarian
  9. Italian
  10. Korean
  11. Persian (Farsi)
  12. Polish
  13. Portuguese
  14. Punjabi
  15. Spanish
  16. Tagalog (Filipino)
  17. Ukrainian
  18. Vietnamese
  19. Dutch
  20. Hindi
  21. Russian
  22. Tamil
  23. Other - Specify (Go to HCU_S01AC)
    DK, RF
    Go to HCU_END



Access to health care services (ACC)

Theme content. Only asked of a sub-sample.

If (do ACC block = 1), go to ACC_C2.
Otherwise, go to ACC_END.

If proxy interview or if age < 15, go to ACC_END.
Otherwise, go to ACC_D10.

If respondent is male, ^DT_SPECIALIST = "urologist". Otherwise, ^DT_SPECIALIST = "gynaecologist".

The next questions are about the use of various health care services.

I will start by asking about your experiences getting health care from a medical specialist such as a cardiologist, allergist, ^DT_SPECIALIST or psychiatrist (excluding an optometrist)
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

In the past 12 months, did you require a visit to a medical specialist for a diagnosis or a consultation?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R20)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R20)

In the past 12 months, did you ever experience any difficulties getting the specialist care you needed for a diagnosis or consultation?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R20)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R20)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty getting a referral
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. No specialists in the area
  4. Waited too long - between booking appointment and visit
  5. Waited too long - to see the doctor (i.e. in-office waiting)
  6. Transportation - problems
  7. Language - problem
  8. Cost
  9. Personal or family responsibilities
  10. General deterioration of health
  11. Appointment cancelled or deferred by specialist
  12. Still waiting for visit
  13. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  14. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S12)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_R20

What type of difficulties did you experience?

The following questions are about any surgery not provided in an emergency that you may have required, such as cardiac surgery, joint surgery, like knee or hip, caesarean sections and cataract surgery, excluding laser eye surgery.
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

In the past 12 months, did you require any non-emergency surgery?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R30)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R30)

In the past 12 months, did you ever experience any difficulties getting the surgery you needed?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R30)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R30)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty getting an appointment with a surgeon
  2. Difficulty getting a diagnosis
  3. Waited too long - for a diagnostic test
  4. Waited too long - for a hospital bed to become available
  5. Waited too long - for surgery
  6. Service not available - in the area
  7. Transportation - problems
  8. Language - problem
  9. Cost
  10. Personal or family responsibilities
  11. General deterioration of health
  12. Appointment cancelled or deferred by surgeon or hospital
  13. Still waiting for surgery
  14. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  15. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S22)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_R30

What type of difficulties did you experience?

Now some questions about MRIs, CAT Scans and angiographies provided in a non-emergency situation.
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

In the past 12 months, did you require one of these tests?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_D40)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_D40)

In the past 12 months, did you ever experience any difficulties getting the tests you needed?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_D40)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_D40)

What type of difficulties did you experience?

INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty getting a referral
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. Waited too long - to get an appointment
  4. Waited too long - to get test (i.e. in-office waiting)
  5. Service not available - at time required
  6. Service not available - in the area
  7. Transportation - problems
  8. Language - problem
  9. Cost
  10. General deterioration of health
  11. Did not know where to go (i.e. information problems)
  12. Still waiting for test
  13. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  14. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S32)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_D40

What type of difficulties did you experience?

If one person household then ^DT_YourFamily = " "
If one person household, ^DT_Family = "you"
Else, ^DT_YourFamily = "for yourself or a family member"
Else, ^DT_Family = "you or a family member"

If If one person household, go to ACC_R40B.
Otherwise go to ACC_R40., go to ACC_R40B.
Otherwise, go to ACC_R40.

Now I’d like you to think about yourself and family members living in your dwelling.
The next questions are about your experiences getting health information or advice when you needed it for yourself or a family member living in your dwelling.

INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.
Go to ACC_Q40

The next questions are about your experiences getting health information or advice when you needed it.
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

In the past 12 months, have you required health information or advice ^DT_YourFamily?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R50)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R50)

Who did you contact when you needed health information or advice ^DT_YourFamily?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Doctor’s office
  2. Community health centre / CLSC
  3. Walk-in clinic
  4. Telephone health line (for example, HealthLinks, Telehealth Ontario, Health-Line, TeleCare, Info-Sante)
  5. Hospital emergency room
  6. Other hospital service
  7. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S40A)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_Q41

Who did you contact when you needed health information or advice ^DT_YourFamily?

In the past 12 months, did you ever experience any difficulties getting the health information or advice ^DT_YourFamily?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_C50)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_C50)

Did you experience difficulties during “regular” office hours (that is, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday)?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_Q44)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_Q44)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_Q44)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician or nurse
  2. Did not have a phone number
  3. Could not get through (i.e. no answer)
  4. Waited too long to speak to someone
  5. Did not get adequate info or advice
  6. Language - problem
  7. Did not know where to go / call / uninformed
  8. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  9. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S43)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_Q44

What type of difficulties did you experience?

Did you experience difficulties getting health information or advice during evenings and weekends (that is, 5:00 to 9:00 pm Monday to Friday, or 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturdays and Sundays)?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_Q46)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_Q46)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_Q46)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician or nurse
  2. Did not have a phone number
  3. Could not get through (i.e. no answer)
  4. Waited too long to speak to someone
  5. Did not get adequate info or advice
  6. Language - problem
  7. Did not know where to go / call / uninformed
  8. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  9. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S45)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_Q46

What type of difficulties did you experience?

Did you experience difficulties getting health information or advice during the middle of the night?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_C50)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_C50)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_C50)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician or nurse
  2. Did not have a phone number
  3. Could not get through (i.e. no answer)
  4. Waited too long to speak to someone
  5. Did not get adequate info or advice
  6. Language - problem
  7. Did not know where to go / call / uninformed
  8. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  9. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S47)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_C50

What type of difficulties did you experience?

If one person household, go to ACC_R50B
Otherwise, go to ACC_R50, go to ACC_R50B.
Otherwise, go to ACC_R50.

Now some questions about your experiences when you needed health care services for routine or on-going care such as a medical exam or follow-up for yourself or a family member living in your dwelling.
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.
Go to ACC_Q50A

Now some questions about your experiences when you needed health care services for routine or on-going care such as a medical exam or follow-up.
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

Do you have a regular family doctor?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

In the past 12 months, did you require any routine or on-going care ^DT_YourFamily?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R60)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R60)

In the past 12 months, did you ever experience any difficulties getting the routine or on- going ^DT_Family needed?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R60)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R60)

Did you experience difficulties getting such care during "regular" office hours (that is, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday)?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_Q54)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_Q54)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_Q54)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. Do not have personal / family physician
  4. Waited too long - to get an appointment
  5. Waited too long - to see the doctor (i.e. in-office waiting)
  6. Service not available - at time required
  7. Service not available - in the area
  8. Transportation - problems
  9. Language - problem
  10. Cost
  11. Did not know where to go (i.e. information problems)
  12. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  13. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S53)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_Q54

What type of difficulties did you experience?

Did you experience difficulties getting such care during evenings and weekends (that is, 5:00 to 9:00 pm, Monday to Friday or 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturdays and Sundays)?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_R60)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_R60)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_R60)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. Do not have personal / family physician
  4. Waited too long - to get an appointment
  5. Waited too long - to see the doctor (i.e. in-office waiting)
  6. Service not available - at time required
  7. Service not available - in the area
  8. Transportation - problems
  9. Language - problem
  10. Cost
  11. Did not know where to go (i.e. information problems)
  12. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  13. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S55)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_R60

What type of difficulties did you experience?

The next questions are about situations when ^DT_Family have needed immediate care for a minor health problem such as fever, headache, a sprained ankle, vomiting or an unexplained rash.
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

In the past 12 months, did ^DT_Famiily require immediate health care services for a minor health problem?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_END)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_END)

In the past 12 months, did you ever experience any difficulties getting the immediate care needed for a minor health problem ^DT_YourFamily?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_END)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_END)

Did you experience difficulties getting such care during “regular” office hours (that is, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday)?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_Q64)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_Q64)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_Q64)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. Do not have personal / family physician
  4. Waited too long - to get an appointment
  5. Waited too long - to see the doctor (i.e. in-office waiting)
  6. Service not available - at time required
  7. Service not available - in the area
  8. Transportation - problems
  9. Language - problem
  10. Cost
  11. Did not know where to go (i.e. information problems)
  12. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  13. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S63)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_Q64

What type of difficulties did you experience?

Did you experience difficulties getting such care during evenings and weekends (that is, 5:00 to 9:00 pm, Monday to Friday or 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturdays and Sundays)?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_Q66)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_Q66)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_Q66)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. Do not have personal / family physician
  4. Waited too long - to get an appointment
  5. Waited too long - to see the doctor (i.e. in-office waiting)
  6. Service not available - at time required
  7. Service not available - in the area
  8. Transportation - problems
  9. Language - problem
  10. Cost
  11. Did not know where to go (i.e. information problems)
  12. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  13. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S65)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_Q66

What type of difficulties did you experience?

Did you experience difficulties getting such care during the middle of the night?
INTERVIEWER: It is important to make a distinction between "No" (Did not experience problems) and "Did not require at this time".

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to ACC_END)
  3. Not required at this time (Go to ACC_END)
    DK, RF (Go to ACC_END)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Difficulty contacting a physician
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. Do not have personal / family physician
  4. Waited too long - to get an appointment
  5. Waited too long - to see the doctor (i.e. in-office waiting)
  6. Service not available - at time required
  7. Service not available - in the area
  8. Transportation - problems
  9. Language - problem
  10. Cost
  11. Did not know where to go (i.e. information problems)
  12. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  13. Other - Specify (Go to ACC_S67)
    DK, RF
    Go to ACC_END

What type of difficulties did you experience?


Waiting times (WTM)

Rapid response module asked in March-June 2013

External variables required:

PROXMODE: proxy identifier, from the GR block.
FNAME: first name of respondent from household block.
DOWTM: do block flag, from the sample file.

PE_Q01: first name of specific respondent from USU block
PE_Q02: last name of specific respondent from USU block

Screen display:
Display on header bar PE_Q01 and PE_Q02 separated by a space

If (DOWTM block = 1), go to WTM_C01B.
Otherwise, go to WTM_END.

If proxy interview or if age < 15, go to WTM_END.
Otherwise, go to WTM_C01C.

If ACC_Q10 = 2 (did not require a visit to a specialist) and ACC_Q20 = 2 (did not require non emergency surgery) and ACC_Q30 = 2 (did not require tests)) or (ACC_Q10 = (DK, RF, BLANK) and ACC_Q20 = (DK, RF, BLANK) and ACC_Q30 = (DK, RF, BLANK)) or ((ACCS_Q10 = 2 and ACCS_Q20 = 2 and ACCS_Q30 = 2) or(ACCS_Q10 = (DK, R, BLANK) and ACCS_Q20 = (DK, R, BLANK) and ACCS_Q30 = (DK, R, BLANK)), go to WTM_END.
Otherwise, go to WTM_R01.

Now some additional questions about your experiences waiting for health care services.
INTERVIEWER: Press <1> to continue.

If ACC_Q10 = (2, DK, RF, BLANK) or ACCS_Q10 = (2, DK, R, BLANK) , go to WTM_C16.
Otherwise, go to WTM_Q02A.

If SEX=male, DT_GYNAECOE = "null ".
Otherwise, DT_GYNAECOE = ", gynaecologist".

You mentioned that you required a visit to a medical specialist such as a cardiologist, allergist, ^DT_GYNAECOE or psychiatrist.
In the past 12 months, did you require a visit to a medical specialist for a diagnosis or a consultation for a new illness or condition?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_C16)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_C16)

If sex = female, DT_GYNAECO = "Gynaecological problems".
Otherwise, DT_GYNAECO = "null".

For what type of condition?
If you have had more than one such visit, please answer for the most recent visit.

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Heart condition or stroke
  2. Cancer
  3. Asthma or other breathing conditions
  4. Arthritis
  5. Cataract or other eye conditions
  6. Mental health disorder
  7. Skin conditions
  9. Other – Specify (Go to WTM_S02B)
    DK, RF


A blank answer has been selected. Please return and correct.

Rule: Trigger hard edit if WTM_Q02B=8 and sex=male.

Were you referred by…?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. A family doctor
  2. Another specialist
  3. Another health care provider
  4. Did not require a referral
    DK, RF

Have you already visited the medical specialist?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q08A)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q08A)

Thinking about this visit, did you experience any difficulties seeing the specialist?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q07A)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q07A)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.  Question ACC_Q12 (or ACCS_Q12) previously asked about any difficulties getting specialist care. This question (WTM_Q06) deals with difficulties experienced for the most recent visit for a new illness or condition.

  1. Difficulty getting a referral
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. No specialists in the area
  4. Waited too long - between booking appointment and visit
  5. Waited too long - to see the doctor (i.e. in-office waiting)
  6. Transportation - problems
  7. Language - problem
  8. Cost
  9. Personal or family responsibilities
  10. General deterioration of health
  11. Appointment cancelled or deferred by specialist
  12. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  13. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S06)
    DK, RF


If WTM_Q03 = 1 or 2, DT_APPOINTMENT = "you and your doctor decided that you should see a specialist".
If WTM_Q03 = 3, DT_APPOINTMENT = "you and your health care provider decided that you should see a specialist".
Otherwise, DT_APPOINTMENT = "the appointment was initially scheduled".

How long did you have to wait between when ^DT_APPOINTMENT and when you actually visited the specialist?
INTERVIEWER: Probe to get the most precise answer possible.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_D10)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q07A > 31 and WTM_N07B = 1) or (WTM_Q07A > 12 and WTM_N07B = 2) or (WTM_Q07A > 18 and WTM_N07B=3).

How long have you been waiting since ^DT_APPOINTMENT?
INTERVIEWER: Probe to get the most precise answer possible.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_D10)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q08A > 31 and WTM_N08B = 1) or (WTM_Q08A > 12 and WTM_N08B = 2) or (WTM_Q08A > 18 and WTM_N08B=3).

If WTM_Q04 = 1, DT_WAITTIME1 = "was the waiting time".
Otherwise, DT_WAITTIME1 = "has the waiting time been".

In your view, ^DT_WAITTIME1…?

  1. Acceptable (Go to WTM_Q12)
  2. Not acceptable
  3. No view
    DK, RF

In this particular case, what do you think is an acceptable waiting time?

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q12)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q11A > 31 and WTM_N11B = 1) or (WTM_Q11A > 12 and WTM_N11B = 2) or (WTM_Q11A > 18 and WTM_N11B=3).

Was your visit cancelled or postponed at any time?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q14)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q14)

Was it cancelled or postponed by…?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Yourself
  2. The specialist
  3. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S13)
    DK, RF


Do you think that your health, or other aspects of your life, have been affected in any way because you had to wait for this visit?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_C16)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_C16)

How was your life affected as a result of waiting for this visit?

  1. Worry, anxiety, stress
  2. Worry or stress for family or friends
  3. Pain
  4. Problems with activities of daily living (e.g., dressing, driving)
  5. Loss of work
  6. Loss of income
  7. Increased dependence on relatives/friends
  8. Increased use of over-the-counter drugs
  9. Overall health deteriorated, condition got worse
  10. Health problem improved
  11. Personal relationships suffered
  12. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S15)
    DK, RF


If ACC_Q20 = (2, DK, RF, BLANK) or ACCS_Q20 = (2, DK, R, BLANK), go to WTM_C30.
Otherwise, go to WTM_D16.

If sex = female, DT_HYSTERECTOMY = "Hysterectomy (Removal of uterus)".
Otherwise, DT_HYSTERECTOMY = "null".

You mentioned that in the past 12 months you required non emergency surgery.

What type of surgery did you require? If you have had more than one in the past 12 months, please answer for the most recent surgery.

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Cardiac surgery
  2. Cancer related surgery
  3. Hip or knee replacement surgery
  4. Cataract or other eye surgery
  6. Removal of gall bladder
  7. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S16)
    DK, RF

A blank answer has been selected. Please return and correct.

Rule: Trigger hard edit if WTM_Q16=5 and sex=male.


Did you already have this surgery?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q22)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q22)

Did the surgery require an overnight hospital stay?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Did you experience any difficulties getting this surgery?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q21A)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q21A)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply. ACC_Q22 (or ACCS_Q22) asked previously about any difficulties experienced getting the surgery you needed.  This question (WTM_Q20) refers to difficulties experienced for the most recent non emergency surgery.

  1. Difficulty getting an appointment with a surgeon
  2. Difficulty getting a diagnosis
  3. Waited too long - for a diagnostic test
  4. Waited too long - for a hospital bed to become available
  5. Waited too long - for surgery
  6. Service not available - in the area
  7. Transportation - problems
  8. Language - problem
  9. Cost
  10. Personal or family responsibilities
  11. General deterioration of health
  12. Appointment cancelled or deferred by surgeon or hospital
  13. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  14. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S20)
    DK, RF


How long did you have to wait between when you and the surgeon decided to go ahead with surgery and the day of surgery?
INTERVIEWER: Probe to get the most precise answer possible.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_D24)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q21A > 31 and WTM_N21B = 1) or (WTM_Q21A > 12 and WTM_N21B = 2) or (WTM_Q21A > 18 and WTM_N21B=3).

Will the surgery require an overnight hospital stay?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

How long have you been waiting since you and the surgeon decided to go ahead with the surgery?
INTERVIEWER: Probe to get the most precise answer possible.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_D24)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q23A > 31 and WTM_N23B = 1) or (WTM_Q23A > 12 and WTM_N23B = 2) or (WTM_Q23A > 18 and WTM_N23B=3).

If WTM_Q17 = 1, DT_WAITTIME2 = "was the waiting time".
Otherwise, DT_WAITTIME2 = "has the waiting time been".

In your view, ^DT_WAITTIME2…?

  1. Acceptable (Go to WTM_Q26)
  2. Not acceptable
  3. No view
    DK, RF

In this particular case, what do you think is an acceptable waiting time?

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q26)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q25A > 31 and WTM_N25B = 1) or (WTM_Q25A > 12 and WTM_N25B = 2) or (WTM_Q25A > 18 and WTM_N25B=3).

Was your surgery cancelled or postponed at any time?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q28)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q28)

Was it cancelled or postponed by…?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Yourself
  2. The surgeon
  3. The hospital
  4. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S27)
    DK, RF


Do you think that your health, or other aspects of your life, have been affected in any way due to waiting for this surgery?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_C30)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_C30)

How was your life affected as a result of waiting for surgery?

  1. Worry, anxiety, stress
  2. Worry or stress for family or friends
  3. Pain
  4. Problems with activities of daily living (e.g., dressing, driving)
  5. Loss of work
  6. Loss of income
  7. Increased dependence on relatives/friends
  8. Increased use of over-the-counter drugs
  9. Overall health deteriorated, condition got worse
  10. Health problem improved
  11. Personal relationships suffered
  12. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S29)
    DK, RF


If ACC_Q30 = (2, DK, RF, BLANK) or ACCS_Q30 = (2, DK, R, BLANK) , go to WTM_END.
Otherwise, go to WTM_Q30.

Now for MRIs, CAT Scans and angiographies provided in a non emergency situation.

You mentioned that in the past 12 months you required one of these tests.

What type of test did you require?

If you have had more than one in the past 12 months, please answer for the most recent test.

INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imagining)
  2. CAT Scan (Computed Axial Tomography)
  3. Angiography (Cardiac Test)
    DK, RF

For what type of condition?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Heart disease or stroke
  2. Cancer
  3. Joints or fractures
  4. Neurological or brain disorders (e.g., for MS, migraine or headaches)
  5. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S31)
    DK, RF


Did you already have this test?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q39A)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q39A)

Where was the test done?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Hospital (Go to WTM_Q35)
  2. Public clinic (Go to WTM_Q35)
  3. Private clinic (Go to WTM_Q34)
  4. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S33)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q36)


Was the clinic located…?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. In your province
  2. In another province
  3. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S34)
    DK, RF


Were you a patient in a hospital at the time of the test?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Did you experience any difficulties getting this test?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q38A)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q38A)

What type of difficulties did you experience?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply. ACC_Q32 (or ACCS_Q32) asked previously about any difficulties experienced getting the tests you needed.  This question (WTM_Q37) refers to difficulties experienced for the most recent diagnostic test.

  1. Difficulty getting a referral
  2. Difficulty getting an appointment
  3. Waited too long - to get an appointment
  4. Waited too long - to get test (i.e. in-office waiting)
  5. Service not available - at time required
  6. Service not available - in the area
  7. Transportation - problems
  8. Language - problem
  9. Cost
  10. General deterioration of health
  11. Did not know where to go (i.e. information problems)
  12. Unable to leave the house because of a health problem
  13. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S37)
    DK, RF


How long did you have to wait between when you and your doctor decided to go ahead with the test and the day of the test?
INTERVIEWER: Probe to get the most precise answer possible.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_D40)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q38A > 31 and WTM_N38B = 1) or (WTM_Q38A > 12 and WTM_N38B = 2) or (WTM_Q38A > 18 and WTM_N38B=3).

How long have you been waiting for the test since you and your doctor decided to go ahead with the test?
INTERVIEWER: Probe to get the most precise answer possible.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_D40)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q39A > 31 and WTM_N39B = 1) or (WTM_Q39A > 12 and WTM_N39B = 2) or (WTM_Q39A > 18 and WTM_N39B=3).

If WTM_Q32 = 1, DT_WAITTIME3 = "was the waiting time".
Otherwise, DT_WAITTIME3 = "has the waiting time been".

In your view, ^DT_WAITTIME3…?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.  It is important to make a distinction between "No view" and "Don’t Know".

  1. Acceptable (Go to WTM_Q42)
  2. Not acceptable
  3. No view
    DK, RF

In this particular case, what do you think is an acceptable waiting time?

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365
DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q42)

INTERVIEWER: Enter unit of time.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months
    (DK, RF not allowed)

An unusual value has been entered. Please confirm.

Rule: Trigger soft edit if (WTM_Q41A > 31 and WTM_N41B = 1) or (WTM_Q41A > 12 and WTM_N41B = 2) or (WTM_Q41A > 18 and WTM_N41B=3).

Was your test cancelled or postponed at any time?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_Q44)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_Q44)

Was it cancelled or postponed by…?
INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Yourself
  2. The specialist
  3. The hospital
  4. The clinic
  5. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S43)
    DK, RF


Do you think that your health, or other aspects of your life, have been affected in any way due to waiting for this test?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to WTM_END)
    DK, RF (Go to WTM_END)

How was your life affected as a result of waiting for this test?
INTERVIEWER: Mark all that apply.

  1. Worry, anxiety, stress
  2. Worry or stress for family or friends
  3. Pain
  4. Problems with activities of daily living (e.g., dressing, driving)
  5. Loss of work
  6. Loss of income
  7. Increased dependence on relatives/friends
  8. Increased use of over-the-counter drugs
  9. Overall health deteriorated, condition got worse
  10. Health problem improved
  11. Personal relationships suffered
  12. Other - Specify (Go to WTM_S45)
    DK, RF