Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Adult Correctional Services in Canada Part 4: Resources - CSC Federal Tables

Confidential once completed

Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.



Purpose of Survey

The purpose of the Adult Correctional Services (ACS) survey is to provide important indicators as to the nature and characteristics of correctional case-flow that are of use to agencies responsible for the delivery of these services, the media and the public. The survey collects annual data on the delivery of adult correctional services from both the provincial/territorial and federal correctional systems.

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Please provide the name and title of the person who completed this questionnaire. We require this information for follow-up purposes. It is recommended that you keep a copy of this questionnaire for your records in case we require clarification about the information provided.

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Table 1.

Correctional Service of Canada facilities in operation at year-end, and by capacity (Formerly "Table 21" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Security level

Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown

Nova Scotia

  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown

New Brunswick

  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown


  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown


  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown


  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown


  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown


  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown

British Columbia

  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown


  • Community correctional centre
  • Minimum security
  • Medium security1
  • Maximum security2
  • Multi-level security
  • Unknown

Bed Capacity3

Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown


Nova Scotia

  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown


New Brunswick

  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown



  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown



  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown



  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown



  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown



  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown


British Columbia

  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown



  • Institutional
  • Community
  • Unknown


1. 'Medium security' includes, in some instances, minimum security & reception cells.

2. 'Maximum security' includes, in some instances, mental health beds & reception cells.

3. 'Capacity' includes normal association beds, reception beds, and psychiatric/mental health beds, but excludes cells closed, administrative segregation, suicide watch (observation) cells, & medical/hospital beds.

Source: National Capital, Accommodation and Operational Plan (NCAOP)


Table 2.

Total Correctional Service of Canada expenditures1 (Formerly 'Table 22' in 2008/2009 and earlier)

Current Expenditures

Actual Amount (nearest dollar)

  • Operating
  • Capital
  • Unknown


1. Correctional Service of Canada expenditures exclude CORCAN (a special operating agency that conducts industrial operations within penitentiaries).

Source: Public Accounts of Canada


Table 3.

Total Correctional Service of Canada operating expenditures1, by major service area (in current dollars) (Formerly "Table 23" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Operating Expenditures

Actual Amount (nearest dollar)

  • Headquarters and central services
  • Custodial services2
  • Community supervision services
  • Unknown


1. Correctional Service of Canada expenditures exclude CORCAN (a special operating agency that conducts industrial operations within penitentiaries).

2. Operating expenditures for custodial services exclude administrative costs from the five regional Headquarters and the National Headquarters.

Source: Public Accounts of Canada


Table 4.

Correctional Service of Canada staffing data1, by major service area (Formerly "Table 24" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Headquarters and central services

  • Actual number
  • Percent of total

Custodial services

  • Actual number
  • Percent of total

Community supervision services

  • Actual number
  • Percent of total


  • Actual number
  • Percent of total


  • Actual number
  • Percent of total

1. The staff figures represent full-time equivalents as of March 31. Since 2004/2005, staffing data include active employees or those with a paid leave of absence while in previous years, staffing data also included suspended employees as well as employees with an unpaid leave of absence. Comparisons to data from previous years should be made with caution. 


Table 5.

Correctional Service of Canada institutional operating cost (Formerly "Table 25" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Institutional operating cost1
Actual Amount (nearest dollar)

1. The institutional operating cost includes those costs such as salaries and administrative costs from the five regional Headquarters and the National Headquarters, but excludes capital expenditures and expenditures related to CORCAN (a special operating agency that conducts industrial operations within penitentiaries). Prior to 2001/2002, the institutional operating cost was based on federal operating expenditures for custodial services excluding administrative costs (Table 3). Therefore caution is recommended when comparing these data to previous publications.


Table 6.

Deaths of Correctional Service of Canada offenders, by cause of death (Formerly "Table 33" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

In custody


  • Suicide
  • Murder
  • Unknown
  • Legal intervention1
  • Other2


Not in custody (in the community)


  • Suicide
  • Murder
  • Legal intervention1
  • Unknown
  • Other2




  • Suicide
  • Murder
  • Legal intervention1
  • Unknown
  • Other2


1. 'Legal intervention' includes offenders killed by authorities while committing an offence such as hostage-taking incidents and escapes.

2. 'Other' refers to 'other death', death from natural causes, accidental deaths and overdoses.


Table 7.

Escapees from Correctional Service of Canada facilities, by type of escape (Formerly "Table 34" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Escapees from maximum security level institutions

Escapees from multi-level security institutions

Escapees from medium security level institutions

Escapees from minimum security level institutions



Note: These numbers represent the number of escapees per year from a facility or on temporary absence.


Table 8.

Correctional Service of Canada - Escorted and unescorted temporary absences (Formerly "Table 36" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Escorted temporary absences

  • Number completed
  • Number not completed1

Unescorted temporary absences

  • Number completed
  • Number not completed1

1. The number of 'temporary absence permits not completed' includes those 'unlawfully at large', and those 'detained by police'.

Note: These numbers represent the number of permits issued during a year.


Thank you for your cooperation

Please keep a copy of this survey for administrative follow-up.