Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Adult Correctional Services in Canada Part 6: Resources - Parole Board of Canada

Confidential once completed

Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.



Purpose of Survey

The purpose of the Adult Correctional Services (ACS) survey is to provide important indicators as to the nature and characteristics of correctional case-flow that are of use to agencies responsible for the delivery of these services, the media and the public. The survey collects annual data on the delivery of adult correctional services from both the provincial/territorial and federal correctional systems.

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Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing or releasing statistics that could reveal information obtained from this survey questionnaire. The data reported on the questionnaire will be treated in strict confidence and used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other regulation.

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Contact Information

Please provide the name and title of the person who completed this questionnaire. We require this information for follow-up purposes. It is recommended that you keep a copy of this questionnaire for your records in case we require clarification about the information provided.

Name of person completing form:

Table 1.

Total Parole Board of Canada operating expenditures (in current dollars) (Formerly "Table 23" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Operating expenditures

Actual Amount (nearest dollar)


Table 2.

Full time equivalents1 utilized by the Parole Board of Canada (Formerly "Table 26" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Type of employees

  • Board members
  • Part-time board members
  • Staff
  • Unknown


Program Activities2

  • Conditional release decisions
  • Conditional release openness and accountability
  • Pardon decisions and clemency recommendations
  • Internal services3
  • Unknown


1. Prior to 1999/2000 this table recorded 'person-years' but as a result of a Treasury Board directive, a 'full time employee' became a 'full time equivalent'.

2. As of 2007/2008, the reporting requirements have been changed from strategic outcome to program activities.

3. As of 2009/2010, the name for the program activity was changed to Internal Services fromCorporate Management to better reflect the data that was collected under that umbrella.


Table 3.

Grant rate, by type of release by the Parole Board of Canada (Formerly "Table 38" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Federal Offenders

Escorted temporary absence

  • Granted
  • Denied
  • Grant rate (%)

Unescorted temporary absence

  • Granted
  • Denied
  • Grant rate (%)

Day parole

  • Granted
  • Denied
  • Grant rate (%)

Full parole

  • Granted
  • Denied
  • Grant rate (%)

Provincial/territorial offenders1

Day parole

  • Granted
  • Denied
  • Grant rate (%)

Full parole

  • Granted
  • Denied
  • Grant rate (%)

1. These data represent decisions for provincial/territorial offenders in provinces/territories that do not operate their own parole boards, but who are released by the Parole Board of Canada and supervised by Correctional Service of Canada.


Table 4.

Federal outcomes1 for offenders released by the Parole Board of Canada, by type of conditional release (Formerly "Table 39" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Day Parole


Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence



Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence

Full Parole2


Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence



Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence


Statutory Release


Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence



Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence


1. The outcomes presented represent only those for which the conditional release was completed during the reference year. An offender does not enter the 'revocations with offence' category until declared guilty.

2. Full parole outcomes constitute determinate sentences only.

Note: Data represent outcomes of federal jurisdiction offenders in federal or provincial facilities.


Table 5.

Provincial/territorial outcomes1 for offenders released by the Parole Board of Canada, by type of conditional release (Formerly "Table 40" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)

Day parole


Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence



Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence


Full parole


Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence



Successful completions
Revoked for breach of condition
Revocations with offence

  • Non-violent
  • Violent
  • Unknown

Total revocations with offence


1. The outcomes presented represent only those for which the conditional release was completed
during the reference year.

Note: These data represent outcomes for provincial/territorial offenders in provinces/territories that do not operate their own parole boards, but who are released by the Parole Board of Canada and supervised by Correctional Service of Canada.


Table 6.

Parole Board of Canada - Residency conditions1 on statutory release (Formerly "Table 41" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)


  • Imposed2
  • Cancelled
  • Unknown


  • Imposed
  • Prolonged
  • Removed
  • Unknown

1. A residency condition refers to a condition requiring the offender to reside in a halfway house while on statutory release.

2. Includes cases which were referred for detention and in which the final decision was statutory release with residency.


Table 7.

Parole Board of Canada - Residency conditions1 on federal full parole (Formerly "Table 42" in 2008/2009 and earlier.)


  • Imposed2
  • Cancelled
  • Unknown


  • Imposed
  • Prolonged
  • Removed
  • Unknown

1. A residency condition refers to a condition requiring the offender to reside in a halfway house while on full parole.

2. Includes cases which were referred for detention and in which the final decision was statutory release with residency.


Thank you for your cooperation

Please keep a copy of this survey for administrative follow-up.