2024 Census Test: Form 3A

Français au verso

  • Prov.
  • CD
  • CU
  • VR line No.
  • CLD
  • Questionnaire No.
  • FR
  • UR
  • EM
  • TR

Message from the Chief Statistician of Canada

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the 2024 Census Test. The information you provide is converted into statistics used by communities, businesses, and governments to plan services and make informed decisions about employment, schools, public transportation and hospitals.

Preparations for the 2026 Census have begun, and Statistics Canada is seeking your participation in this important test.

Your answers are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act and kept strictly confidential. By law, you must complete a 2024 Census Test questionnaire.

Statistics Canada makes use of existing sources of information such as immigration, income tax and benefits data to ensure the least amount of burden is placed on households.

The information that you provide may be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes or may be combined with other survey or administrative data sources.

Make sure you count yourself into Canada's statistical portrait, and complete your census test questionnaire today.

Thank you,

Anil Arora
Chief Statistician of Canada

Complete your census questionnaire:

  • Please print using CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Mark circles with "x".

Any questions?

Confidential when completed

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. S-19.

Step A

1. What is your telephone number?

  • Ext.

2. What is the address where you received this questionnaire?

  • Number (and suffix, if applicable)
    (e.g., 302, 151 B, 16 1/2)
  • Street name, street type (e.g., DR = Drive), direction (e.g., N = North)
  • Apartment, unit or room
  • City, municipality, town, village or First Nations reserve
  • Province or territory
  • Postal code

3. What is the mailing address of this dwelling, if different from above?
(e.g., Rural Route, PO Box, General Delivery)

Step B

What is your name?

  • Family name(s)
  • Given name(s)

The following questions refer to your situation on May 14, 2024.

Step C

If you are:

  • a Canadian citizen
  • a landed immigrant (permanent resident)
  • a person who has claimed refugee status (asylum seeker) in Canada or their family member
  • a person from another country with a work or study permit or their family member

Continue with step D

If you are:

  • a resident of another country visiting Canada, for example, on vacation or on a business trip
  • a government representative of another country

Mark "x" the circle
STOP HERE and see instructions in step E on page 6.

Step D

Is this your main residence?

  • Yes
    • Continue with question 1. a) on the next page
  • No, but I have no other residence in Canada
    • Continue with question 1. a) on the next page
  • No, it is somewhere else in Canada
    • Specify complete address
      • Number (and suffix, if applicable) (e.g., 302, 151 B, 16 1/2)
      • Street name, street type (e.g., DR = Drive), direction (e.g., N = North)
      • Apartment, unit or room
      • City, municipality, town, village or First Nations reserve
      • Province or territory
      • Postal code
      • Telephone number


You should be included on the household questionnaire for the above address. See instructions in step E on page 6.

1. a) Is there any other address in Canada where someone may include you on the census form for that household?

For example, at the home of a parent, relative or friend, or a place where you live while working, or a vacation home.

  • No
    • Go to question 2.
  • Yes
    • Specify complete address
      • Number (and suffix, if applicable) (e.g., 302, 151 B, 16 1/2)
      • Street name, street type (e.g., DR = Drive), direction (e.g., N = North)
      • Apartment or unit
      • City, municipality, town, village or First Nations reserve
      • Province or territory
      • Postal code
      • Telephone number

1. b) Please give the name of another adult (if any) living at this other address.

  • Family name(s)
  • Given name(s)
  • No other adult

2. What are your date of birth and age?

If exact date of birth is not known, enter best estimate. For children less than 1 year old, enter 0 for age.

  • Day
  • Month
  • Year
  • Age

3. What is your gender?

Gender refers to an individual's personal and social identity as a man (or a boy), a woman (or a girl), or a person who is not exclusively a man (or a boy) or a woman (or a girl), for example, non-binary, agender, gender fluid, queer or Two-Spirit.

  • Man or boy
  • Woman or girl
  • Non-binary person

4. What was your sex at birth?

Sex at birth refers to the sex recorded on a person's first birth certificate. It is typically observed based on a person's reproductive system and other physical characteristics.

  • Male
  • Female

5. What is your status here (at the address you entered on the front cover)?

Mark "x" or specify one response only.

  • Resident (e.g., client, tenant, patient)
  • Roommate, lodger or boarder
  • Employee (e.g., staff, manager, owner)
  • Employee's family member
  • Other status — specify:

6. What is your marital status?

Mark "x" one circle only.

  • Never legally married
  • Legally married (and not separated)
  • Separated, but still legally married
  • Divorced
  • Widowed

7. Are you living with a partner?

Living with a partner refers to two people who live together as a couple and who are not married, regardless of the duration of the relationship.

  • Yes
  • No

8. Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

Mark "x" one circle only.

  • English only
  • French only
  • Both English and French
  • Neither English nor French

9. a) What language(s) do you speak on a regular basis at home?

  • English
  • French
  • Other language(s) — specify:

If you indicate only one language in question 9. a), go to question 10.

9. b) Of these languages, which one do you speak most often at home?

Indicate more than one language only if they are spoken equally at home.

  • English
  • French
  • Other language — specify:

10. What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood and still understand?

If this person no longer understands the first language learned, indicate the second language learned.

  • English
  • French
  • Other language — specify:

The following questions collect information in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to support education programs in English and French in Canada.

11. Is this dwelling located in Quebec?

  • No
    • Continue with question 12.
  • Yes
    • Go to question 15.

12. Did you do any of your primary or secondary schooling in French in Canada (including immersion)?

Mark "x" one circle only.

  • Yes (previously or currently attending)
  • No
    • Go to step E

13. In which type of program was this schooling in French done?

  • A regular French program in a French-language school
  • A French immersion program in an English-language school
    • Go to step E
  • Both types of programs
  • Other program — specify:

14. For how many years did you attend a regular French program in a French-language school in Canada?

  • Number of years in primary schooling (including kindergarten and middle school)
    • Number of years
      • Go to step E
  • Number of years in secondary schooling
    • Number of years
      • Go to step E

15. Did you do any of your primary or secondary schooling in an English-language school in Canada (including French immersion)?

Mark "x" one circle only.

  • Yes (previously or currently attending)
  • No
    • Go to step E

16. For how many years did you do your schooling in an English-language school in Canada (including French immersion)?

  • Number of years in primary schooling (including kindergarten)
    • Number of years
  • Number of years in secondary schooling
    • Number of years

Step E

You have now completed your questionnaire.

Please see instructions on the envelope.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The law protects what you tell us

The confidentiality of your responses is protected by law. All Statistics Canada employees have taken an oath of secrecy. Your personal information cannot be given to anyone outside Statistics Canada without your consent. This is your right.

Reasons why we ask the questions

Steps A to D and question 1 are used to collect contact information and determine who should be included on the questionnaire. They help us ensure that we have counted everyone we need to count and that no one is counted twice.

Questions 2 to 7 provide information about the demographic characteristics of people in Canada. This information is used by all levels of government to make important decisions, such as planning community services and social programs, including Old Age Security and the Canada Child Benefit. It is also used by municipalities to plan a variety of services, such as child care, schools, hospitals and emergency services.

Questions 8 to 10 are used to provide a profile of the linguistic diversity of Canada's population. This information is used to estimate the need for services in English and French, and to better understand the current state and the evolution of Canada's various language groups, including official languages, Indigenous languages and other non-official languages.

Questions 11 to 16 collect information in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to support education programs in English and French in Canada.


Please use the space provided below if you have concerns, suggestions or comments to make about:

  • the steps to follow or the content of this questionnaire (for example, a question that was difficult to understand or to answer)
  • the characteristics of the questionnaire (for example, the design, the format, the size of the text).