Consulting Services Price Report

This document is confidential when completed.
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  • Legal name
  • Business name
  • Title of contact
  • First name of contact
  • Last name of contact
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  • Postal code/Zip code
  • Language preference
    • English
    • French

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this act.

Survey purpose

The data collected in this survey will be used to produce indexes that measure changes in the prices of the various services offered by the industry and will improve statistical estimates of the Consulting Services Industry with respect to volume of activity and productivity. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your answers are confidential

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.

Fax or other electronic transmission disclosure

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded to all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Your participation is important
Your participation is vital to ensuring that the information collected in this survey is accurate and comprehensive.

Record linkages
To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please return the questionnaire within 15 days.
Please mail the completed questionnaire in the enclosed envelope, fax it to Statistics Canada at 1-613-951-3117 or email to

Lost the return envelope or need help? Call us at 1-888-951-4550 or mail to:
Statistics Canada, Producer Prices Division, 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6

Visit our website

A - Contract Selection

The purpose of this survey is to monitor quarterly changes in the prices of consulting services over time. To do this, you will first select a contract that your company has completed in the recent past.  In future quarters, you will report the price that your company would charge if you were to price-out (i.e. provide a price estimate/quote) and start work on the selected contract.

Business activity:


  • Please select a contract that was signed within the last twelve (12) months from the business activity printed above.
  • Please select a contract whose price was determined using one (or a combination) of the following methods:
    Time-Based Fees: The amount of time (i.e hours or days) required to complete the contract and the associated professional fees are communicated to the client (typically on the project contract, invoice, or bill).
    Flat/Fixed Fee (lump-sum fee): An overall fee for the contract is proposed which may (or may not) be based on an internal estimate of the time and resources required to complete the contract.
  • If your firm has not estimated fees using any of the above methods, please call 1-888-951-4550 for further instructions.
  • The contract that you select should be:
    Representative: The contract is representative of the typical contracts performed by your firm.
    Relevant: The contract was signed with the client within the last twelve (12) months.
    Simple to re-estimate: You will be able to provide a new price estimate for this contract in future quarters.

B - Contract Description

The purpose of this section is to report information about the selected contract.

  1. Provide an identifier for the selected contract (client/project name, project number, invoice number, etc.).
  2. Indicate the type of client.
    • new client
    • existing client
  3. Indicate the sector to which the client belongs.
    • public
    • private
  4. What was the date on which the price of the selected contract was agreed upon with the client?
  5. What were the start and finish dates for the work you did on this contract?
  6. Provide a brief description of the project.

C - Contract Pricing

The purpose of this section is to report information about professional fees and other billable charges for the selected contract.
Report all dollar amounts in Canadian dollars (CAD).
Exclude: GST/HST and all other taxes collected for remittance to a government agency.

C1 - Professional Fees

First-Time Respondents:

  • For the selected contract, report the number of consulting days and the corresponding daily rates for each professional level whose time was charged to the selected contract (Table 1).

All Respondents:

  • Report the number of consulting days and the corresponding daily rates for each professional level that would be billed if you were to price-out (i.e. provide a price estimate/quote) and start work on the selected contract on the date indicated below (Table 2).

Note: if your company does not bill using daily rates use the conversion 1 day = 7.5 hrs.

Table 1 and table 2
  Table 1 Table 2
<Date> <Date>
Professional Level Days Rate Total Days Rate Total
Example: Senior Partner 10 $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00 12 $ 550.00 $ 6,600.00
Total Professional Fees Total $ Total $


C2 - Overhead and Profit

Not Applicable

C3 - Charges Other Than Professional Fees

First-Time Respondents:

  • For the selected contract, report those charges other than professional fees that are agreed upon with the client before work starts on the project and that are included in the initial project proposal (Table 5).

All Respondents:

  • Update each charge other than professional fees that would be billed if you were to price-out (i.e. provide a price estimate/quote) and start work on the selected contract on the date indicated below (Table 6). You may add/remove charges as needed.
Table 5 and table 6
  Table 5 Table 6
Charges Other Than Professional Fees <Date> <Date>
Example: Translation, Meals, Photocopying $150.00 $198.00
Total: Charges Other Than Professional Fees $ $


C4 -Total Price

All Respondents:

Please provide the total price (Tables 7 & 8)

Table 7 and table 8
  Table 7 Table 8
  <Date> <Date>
Total Price: Professional Fees + Charges Other Than Professional Fees $ $


C5 - Reason for Price Change

If there is a change in the total price (comparing Table 7 and Table 8 above), what is the reason for this change?
(check all that apply)

  • Change in input costs
  • Change in regulatory requirements in industry
  • Change in market demand
  • Change in productivity (Example: technological change, personnel mix and/or time required to complete work)
  • Change in competitive environment (Example: industrial concentration, more/less competition)
  • Other: (please specify)

E - Comments

We welcome any suggestions that you may have for improving the Consulting Services  Price Report.

F - Certification

I certify that the information contained herein is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Name of person to contact for further information (please print)

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Telephone Number
  • Ext.
  • Fax No.
  • email Address

Time to complete questionnaire

How long did you spend collecting and reporting the information needed to complete this questionnaire?


Pre-filled Questionnaire

Do you prefer to receive a pre-filled questionnaire, next quarter, containing the information you provided on this Price Report?

Please check

  • YES, send me a pre-filled questionnaire
  • NO, do not pre-fill my questionnaire



Please make a copy of this completed questionnaire for your records.
Please mail the completed questionnaire in the enclosed envelope.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.