Survey of Non-Bank Mortgage Lenders

  1. Indicate which type of lender this report covers.
    1. Insurance Company
    2. Credit Union
    3. Mortgage Investment Entity
    4. Mortgage Finance Company
    5. Trust Company
    6. Other (Specify)
  2. Did this reporting entity have residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. Report all insured and uninsured residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter.
    1. Total outstanding insured residential mortgages
      1. Value of residential mortgages outstanding
      2. Number of residential mortgages outstanding
    2. Total outstanding uninsured residential mortgages
      1. Value of residential mortgages outstanding
      2. Number of residential mortgages outstanding
    3. Total mortgages outstanding
  4. Report all insured residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter reported at question 3a by amortization period.
    1. Amortization period
      1. 5 years or less
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      2. More than 5 years and up to 10 years
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      3. More than 10 years and up to 15 years
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      4. More than 15 years and up to 20 years
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      5. More than 20 years
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      6. Non-amortized mortgages
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      7. Total insured residential mortgages outstanding
  5. Report all uninsured residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter reported at question 3b by amortization period.
    1. Amortization period
      1. 5 years or less
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      2. More than 5 years and up to 10 years
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      3. More than 10 years and up to 15 years
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      4. More than 15 years and up to 20 years
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      5. More than 20 years
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      6. Non-amortized mortgages
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      7. Total uninsured residential mortgages outstanding
  6. Report all insured residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter reported at question 3a by total debt service (TDS) ratio.
    1. Total debt service (TDS) ratio
      1. 30% or less
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      2. More than 30% and up to 35%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      3. More than 35% and up to 40%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      4. More than 40% and up to 45%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      5. More than 45% and up to 50%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      6. More than 50% and up to 55%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      7. More than 55% and up to 60%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      8. More than 60%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      9. Total insured residential mortgages outstanding
  7. Report all uninsured residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter reported at question 3b by total debt service (TDS) ratio.
    1. Total debt service (TDS) ratio
      1. 30% or less
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      2. More than 30% and up to 35%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      3. More than 35% and up to 40%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      4. More than 40% and up to 45%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      5. More than 45% and up to 50%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      6. More than 50% and up to 55%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      7. More than 55% and up to 60%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      8. More than 60%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      9. Total uninsured residential mortgages outstanding
  8. Report all insured residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter reported at question 3a by loan-to-value (LTV) ratio.
    1. Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio
      1. 65% or less
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      2. More than 65% and up to 75%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      3. More than 75% and up to 80%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      4. More than 80% and up to 85%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      5. More than 85% and up to 90%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      6. More than 90% and up to 95%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      7. More than 95%
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      8. Total insured residential mortgages outstanding
  9. Report all uninsured residential mortgages outstanding on the last business day of the calendar quarter reported at question 3b by loan-to-value (LTV) ratio.
    1. Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio
      1. 25% or less
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      2. More than 25% and up to 45%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      3. More than 45% and up to 65%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      4. More than 65% and up to 75%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      5. More than 75% and up to 80%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      6. more than 80%
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages extended
      7. Total uninsured residential mortgages extended
  10. Report all insured residential mortgages extended during the period ending on the last business day of the calendar quarter by type of increase.
    1. Increase type
      1. Mortgage origination for the purchase of property
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages extended
      2. Same lender refinancing
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages extended
      3. Same lender renewals
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages extended
      4. Other renewals, refinancing and other mortgages
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages extended
      5. Other increases (Specify other increases)
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages extended
      6. Total insured residential mortgages extended
  11. Report all uninsured residential mortgages extended during the period ending on the last business day of the calendar quarter by type of increase.
    1. Increase type
      1. Mortgage origination for the purchase of property
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages extended
      2. Same lender refinancing
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages extended
      3. Same lender renewals
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages extended
      4. Other renewals, refinancing and other mortgages
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages extended
      5. Other increases (Specify other increases)
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages extended
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages extended
      6. Total uninsured residential mortgages extended
  12. Report all new funds advanced with a fixed interest rate for the insured residential mortgages included in the amount reported at question 10 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      4. 5 years and over
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      5. Total new funds advanced with a fixed interest rate
  13. Report the weighted average interest rate charged on all new funds advanced with a fixed interest rate reported at question 12 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      4. 5 years and over
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
  14. Report all new funds advanced with a variable interest rate for the insured residential mortgages included in the amount reported at question 10 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      4. 5 years and over
        1. Value of new funds advanced for insured residential mortgages
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages
      5. Total insured new funds advanced with a variable interest rate
  15. Report the weighted average interest rate charged on all new funds advanced with a variable interest rate reported at question 14 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      4. 5 years and over
        1. Insured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
  16. Report all new funds advanced with a fixed interest rate for the uninsured residential mortgages included in the amount reported at question 11 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      4. 5 years and over
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      5. Total new funds advanced with a fixed interest rate
  17. Report the weighted average interest rate charged on all new funds advanced with a fixed interest rate reported at question 16 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      4. 5 years and over
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
  18. Report all new funds advanced with a variable interest rate for the uninsured residential mortgages included in the amount reported at question 11 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      4. 5 years and over
        1. Value of new funds advanced for uninsured residential mortgages
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages
      5. Total uninsured new funds advanced with a variable interest rate
  19. Report the weighted average interest rate charged on all new funds advanced with a variable interest rate reported at question 18 by term to maturity.
    1. Term to maturity
      1. Less than 2 years
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      2. 2 years to less than 3 years
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      3. 3 years to less than 5 years
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
      4. 5 years and over
        1. uninsured mortgage ─ weighted average rate percentage
  20. Report all insured residential mortgages in arrears on the last business day of the calendar quarter by days in arrears.
    1. Arrears days
      1. 1 to 30 days
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages in arrears
      2. 31 to 60 days
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages in arrears
      3. 61 to 90 days
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages in arrears
      4. over 90 days
        1. Value of insured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of insured residential mortgages in arrears
      5. Total insured residential mortgages in arrears
  21. Report all uninsured residential mortgages in arrears on the last business day of the calendar quarter by days in arrears.
    1. Arrears days
      1. 1 to 30 days
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
      2. 31 to 60 days
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
      3. 61 to 90 days
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
      4. over 90 days
        1. Value of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
        2. Number of uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
      5. Total uninsured residential mortgages in arrears
  22. Report the estimated percentage breakdown of total outstanding mortgages on the last business day of the calendar quarter in the amount reported at question 3 by provincial or territorial location of properties.
    1. Newfoundland and Labrador
      1. Percentage
    2. Prince Edward Island
      1. Percentage
    3. Nova Scotia
      1. Percentage
    4. New Brunswick
      1. Percentage
    5. Quebec
      1. Percentage
    6. Ontario
      1. Percentage
    7. Manitoba
      1. Percentage
    8. Saskatchewan
      1. Percentage
    9. Alberta
      1. Percentage
    10. British Columbia
      1. Percentage
    11. Yukon
      1. Percentage
    12. Northwest Territories
      1. Percentage
    13. Nunavut
      1. Percentage
    14. Total percentage breakdown of total outstanding mortgages