Municipal Land Use and Regulation 2022

Why are we conducting this survey?

Statistics Canada is conducting a new survey on behalf of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) called the Municipal Land Use and Regulation survey which will measure the degree of local land use restrictions across municipalities in Canada.

Survey data will be used to create an index of Land Use Regulation. This index will serve as a ranking system for municipalities on planning policies that could potentially incent the provision of affordable housing.

In addition, the data will be used by CMHC as an empirical basis for promoting policies aimed at increasing affordability and inclusion in the housing supply as part of their 2030 vision for creating affordable housing.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Although voluntary, your participation is important so that the information collected is as accurate and complete as possible.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the response burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about record linkage:


Telephone: 1-877-949-9492

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Investment, Science and Technology Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

Data sharing agreements

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data, and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Investment, Science and Technology Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, as well as the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

General information

1. According to our records, the current jurisdiction you are reporting for is:

Please confirm whether this is the current jurisdiction.

  • Yes, this is the current jurisdiction
  • No, this is not the current jurisdiction
    • Please provide the correct jurisdiction.

2. What is the current size of this jurisdiction in square kilometres (km2)?

The area of this jurisdiction (#{CurrentJurisdiction}), according to the previous census, is reported below. Please confirm or update if required.

Square Kilometres

3. Since the beginning of 2017, how has the administrative overhead for your planning and building permitting offices changed for this jurisdiction?

Administrative overhead may include salaries and wages, rent, utilities, and office expenses, etc.

  • Increased
  • Decreased
  • Unchanged

General characteristics of land regulatory process

4. In this jurisdiction, how involved are the following in affecting residential building activities and growth management procedures?

*Note this question is in grid form.

Row Categories:
Sub-question a. City or Municipal Council

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable

Sub-question b. Municipal Directors

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable


Sub-question c. Community Organizations

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable


Sub-question d. Regional governments or planning boards

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable


Sub-question e. Provincial or Territorial Legislature

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable


Sub-question f. Local Courts or Tribunals

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable


Sub-question g. Provincial or Territorial Courts or Tribunals

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable


Sub-question h. Indigenous groups

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable


Sub-question i. Other organization

  • No Involvement
  • Minimal Involvement
  • Moderate Involvement
  • Major Involvement
  • Not applicable

4A. "Other organization" was selected in the previous question, please specify the other organization involved in affecting residential building activities and growth management.

Specify other organization:

5. To the best of your knowledge and for the following types of zoning in this jurisdiction, how does the supply of land compare to the demand?

Supply of land includes land whether held publicly or privately, that is vacant and zoned for development "by right" for the type of building indicated.

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Single detached homes

Includes detached single family homes, cottages, and mobile homes.

  • Supply more than demand
  • Supply about right
  • Supply less than demand


Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

  • Supply more than demand
  • Supply about right
  • Supply less than demand


Sub-question c. Apartments

  • Supply more than demand
  • Supply about right
  • Supply less than demand


Sub-question d. Mixed-use residential

  • One or more dwelling units attached to commercial units or other non-residential space together in a single building.
  • Supply more than demand
  • Supply about right
  • Supply less than demand


Sub-question e. Non-residential

e.g., Commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.

  • Supply more than demand
  • Supply about right
  • Supply less than demand

6. In 2022, what was the total number of applications for the following types of zoning changes?

*Note this question is in grid form

Type of zoning change


Sub-question a. New residential development

Total number submitted

Sub-question a. New residential development

Total number approved


Sub-question b. All other residential zoning changes

Total number submitted

Sub-question b. All other residential zoning changes

Total number approved


Sub-question c. New non-residential development

Total number submitted

Sub-question c. New non-residential development

Total number approved


Sub-question d. All other non-residential zoning changes

Total number submitted

Sub-question d. All other non-residential zoning changes

Total number approved

Rezoning and regulatory approval

7A. For development projects that require rezoning, which of the following are required to approve residential land-use changes?

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Local Planning Commission or Committee

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question b. City or Municipal Council

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question c. Municipal Directors or Commissioners

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question d. Municipal Manager of Planning Department

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question e. Municipal Zoning Board

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question f. Environmental Assessments

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question g. Public hearings or public consultations

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question h. Public Health unit

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question i. Design Review board

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question j. Other

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation

7B. "Other" was selected in the previous question, please specify the additional steps required to approve residential land use changes.

Specify additional steps required:

7C. For development projects that do not require rezoning, which of the following are required to approve residential land-use changes?

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Local Planning Commission or Committee

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question b. City or Municipal Council

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question c. Municipal Directors or Commissioners

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question d. Municipal Manager of Planning Department

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question e. Municipal Zoning Board

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question f. Environmental Assessments

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question g. Public hearings or public consultations

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question h. Public Health unit

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question i. Design Review board

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation


Sub-question j. Other

  • Approval required
  • Consultation required
  • No obligation

7D. "Other" was selected in the previous question, please specify the additional steps required to approve residential land use changes.

Specify additional steps required:

Residential land use regulation

8. Does this jurisdiction currently have any land available for residential development?

Supply of land includes land whether held publicly or privately, that is vacant and zoned for development "by right".

  • Yes
  • No

9. Does this jurisdiction have a minimum residential lot size requirement?

  • Yes
    • Is the minimum lot size requirement the same across the entire jurisdiction?
      • Yes
      • No
  • No

10A. What is the largest minimum lot size requirement for single detached homes?

Includes detached single family homes, cottages, and mobile homes.

  • Less than 250 m2 (approx. 0.06 acres)
  • Between 250 m2 and 499 m2 (approx. 0.06 acres and approx. 0.12 acres)
  • Between 500 m2 and 1000 m2 (approx. 0.12 acres and approx. 0.25 acres)
  • Over 1000 m2 (approx. 0.25 acres or more)

10B. What is the largest minimum lot size requirement for semi-detached or row homes?

  • Less than 250 m2 (approx. 0.06 acres)
  • Between 250 m2 and 499 m2 (approx. 0.06 acres and approx. 0.12 acres)
  • Between 500 m2 and 1000 m2 (approx. 0.12 acres and approx. 0.25 acres)
  • Over 1000 m2 (approx. 0.25 acres or more)

10C. What is the largest minimum lot size requirement for apartments?

  • Less than 250 m2 (approx. 0.06 acres)
  • Between 250 m2 and 499 m2 (approx. 0.06 acres and approx. 0.12 acres)
  • Between 500 m2 and 1000 m2 (approx. 0.12 acres and approx. 0.25 acres)
  • Over 1000 m2 (approx. 0.25 acres or more)

11. Does this jurisdiction place annual limits on the total number of new construction building permits allowed for the following types of buildings?

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Single detached homes

Includes detached single family homes, cottages, and mobile homes.

  • Yes
  • No


Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

  • Yes
  • No


Sub-question c. Apartments

  • Yes
  • No

12. Does this jurisdiction place annual limits on the total number of new dwellings or units that can be built for the following types of buildings?

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Single detached homes

Includes detached single family homes, cottages, and mobile homes.

  • Yes
  • No


Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

  • Yes
  • No


Sub-question c. Apartments

  • Yes
  • No

13. Do developers have to comply with any of the following requirements to build in this jurisdiction?

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Include affordable housing, however defined, in their projects

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never


Sub-question b. Provide beautification, mandatory land, parkland, or open space dedication (or fee in lieu of dedication)

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never


Sub-question c. Pay development charges (fees, costs or levies related to infrastructure creation or improvement)

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never


Sub-question d. Provide accessibility provisions

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never


Sub-question e. Conduct environmental impact assessments

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never


Sub-question f. Implement environmental building standards (LEED® or other passive building standards)

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never


Sub-question g. Other requirements

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

13A. "Other requirements" was selected in the previous question, please specify the additional requirements developers must comply with to build in this jurisdiction.

Specify other requirements:

Lot development and review time

14. Since the beginning of 2017, has this jurisdiction approved the creation of any new lots for residential development?

  • Yes
  • No

15. Since the beginning of 2017, approximately how much have fees levied on developers changed for the following types of development in this jurisdiction?

Include development charges and other associated fees with meeting the regulatory burden for zoning, permits, etc.

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Single detached homes

  • Decreased or No change
  • 1% to 25% increase
  • 26% to 50% increase
  • 51% to 75% increase
  • 76% increase and over


Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

  • Decreased or No change
  • 1% to 25% increase
  • 26% to 50% increase
  • 51% to 75% increase
  • 76% increase and over


Sub-question c. Apartments

  • Decreased or No change
  • 1% to 25% increase
  • 26% to 50% increase
  • 51% to 75% increase
  • 76% increase and over


Sub-question d. Mixed-use residential

One or more dwelling units attached to commercial units or other non-residential space together in a single building.

  • Decreased or No change
  • 1% to 25% increase
  • 26% to 50% increase
  • 51% to 75% increase
  • 76% increase and over


Sub-question e. Non-residential

e.g., Commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.

  • Decreased or No change
  • 1% to 25% increase
  • 26% to 50% increase
  • 51% to 75% increase
  • 76% increase and over

16. What is the typical length of time required to complete the review of a development project which requires a change in zoning for this jurisdiction?

*Note this question is in grid form

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)

Project Type


Sub-question a. Single detached homes

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question c. Apartments

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question d. Mixed-use residential One or more dwelling units attached to commercial units or other non-residential space together in a single building.

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question e. Non-residential

p. ex. Commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.

17. What is the typical length of time required to complete the review of a development project which does not require a change in zoning for this jurisdiction?

*Note this question is in grid form

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)

Project Type


Sub-question a. Single detached homes

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question c. Apartments

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question d. Mixed-use residential One or more dwelling units attached to commercial units or other non-residential space together in a single building.

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)


Sub-question e. Non-residential

Commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.

Approximate Length of time (in weeks)

18. Since the beginning of 2017, how did the length of time required to complete the review and approval of the residential projects in this jurisdiction change?

*Note this question in grid form

Sub-question a. Single detached homes

  • Less time
  • About the same
  • More time


Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

  • Less time
  • About the same
  • More time


Sub-question c. Apartments

  • Less time
  • About the same
  • More time


Sub-question d. Mixed-use buildings

One or more dwelling units attached to commercial units or other non-residential space together in a single building.

  • Less time
  • About the same
  • More time

19. What is the typical amount of time between application for rezoning and the issuance of a development permit for the following types of projects?

*Note this question is in grid form.

Sub-question a. Single detached homes

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

Sub-question c. Apartments

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

Sub-question d. Mixed-use buildings

One or more dwelling units attached to commercial units or other non-residential space together in a single building.

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

20. What is the typical amount of time between the initial application for a building permit and the issuance of the permit for the following types of projects?

*Note this question is in grid form

Sub-question a. Single detached homes

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

Sub-question b. Semi-detached and row homes

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

Sub-question c. Apartments

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

Sub-question d. Mixed-use buildings

One or more dwelling units attached to commercial units or other non-residential space together in a single building.

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 to 6 months
  • 7 to 12 months
  • 13 to 24 months
  • 25 to 36 months
  • Over 36 months
  • Not applicable

21. Please indicate the impact the following factors have in acting as a constraint to residential development in this jurisdiction for single detached homes.

Includes single detached houses, cottages and mobile homes

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Supply of land

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question b. Cost of land

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question c. Cost of new infrastructure

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question d. Density restrictions

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question e. Impact fees or exactions

Impact fees and other types of exactions are assessed on developments as a condition of approval of a proposed project and paid to the municipality.

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question f. Cost of construction

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question g. Municipal budget constraints

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question h. Municipal council opposition to growth

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question i. Citizen opposition to growth

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question j. School crowding

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question k. Length of review process for zoning

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question l. Length of review process for building permits

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question m. Length of review process for land development plan

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable

22. Please indicate the impact the following factors have in acting as a constraint to residential development in this jurisdiction for multi-unit buildings.

Includes single detached houses, cottages and mobile homes

*Note this question is in grid form


Sub-question a. Supply of land

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question b. Cost of land

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question c. Cost of new infrastructure

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question d. Density restrictions

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question e. Impact fees or exactions

Impact fees and other types of exactions are assessed on developments as a condition of approval of a proposed project and paid to the municipality.

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question f. Cost of construction

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question g. Municipal budget constraints

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question h. Municipal council opposition to growth

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question i. Citizen opposition to growth

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question j. School crowding

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question k. Length of review process for zoning

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question l. Length of review process for building permits

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable


Sub-question m. Length of review process for land development plan

  • Major impact
  • Moderate impact
  • Minimal impact
  • No impact
  • Not applicable

23. What is the most common form of residential development in this jurisdiction?

Redevelopment includes infill, conversions and other forms of intensification on brownfield lands which have been repurposed for redevelopment of residential dwellings.

Multi-unit buildings include semi-detached, row homes and apartments.

  • New development, single detached homes
  • New development, multi-unit buildings
  • Redevelopment, single detached homes
  • Redevelopment, multi-unit buildings

24. Does this jurisdiction have a greenbelt which limits the physical expansion of the urban area of the municipality?

Greenbelts are reserved lands surrounding the jurisdiction that include the objective of restricting urban sprawl. Other commonly used terms include; Urban Containment Boundary, Urban Growth Boundary and/or Growth Containment Boundary.

  • Yes
  • No

25. Does this jurisdiction mandate affordable housing or have affordable housing targets as part of a municipal plan?

Affordable housing includes non-market housing which is subsidized as well as market housing costing less than 30% of local median income.

  • Yes
  • No

26. Please indicate your preferred unit of measure for reporting affordable housing targets.

  • Units
  • Percentage

27. Please provide the number of affordable housing units targeted for development for 2022 in this jurisdiction.

*Note this question is in grid form

Single detached (total units)

Multi-unit (total units)

Type of Affordable Housing


Sub-question a. Subsidized or non-market housing

Single detached (total units)

Sub-question a. Subsidized or non-market housing

Multi-unit (total units)


Sub-question b. Market housing costing less than 30% of local median income

Single detached (total units)

28. Please provide the percentage of affordable housing units targeted for development for 2022 in this jurisdiction.

*Note this question is in grid form

Type of Affordable Housing


Sub-question a. Subsidized or non-market housing

Single detached (%)

Sub-question a. Subsidized or non-market housing

Multi-unit (%)


Sub-question b. Market housing costing less than 30% of local median income

Single detached (%)

Sub-question b. Market housing costing less than 30% of local median income Multi-unit (%)


29. Does this jurisdiction currently have an Official Plan for future development?

An official plan describes a jurisdictions upper, lower or single tier municipal council or planning board's policies on how land should be used. It is prepared with input from the community and helps to ensure that future planning and development will meet its specific needs.

  • Yes
    • What year was this plan last updated?
      • Year
  • No
    • Is this jurisdiction planning or developing an Official Plan?
      • Yes
      • No