How to Read the NAPCS Canada 2012 v1.2 Concordance Tables

The concordance tables presented here for NAPCS Canada 2012 v1.2 show the relationship between NAPCS 2012 v1.1 and NAPCS 2012 v1.2 for those areas of the classification which have changed. Areas of the classification that have not changed are not covered by the tables presented here.

The first table shows the relationship of NAPCS 2012 v1.2 to NAPCS 2012 v1.1. It presents the concordance in the order of NAPCS 2012 v1.2, with the NAPCS 2012 v1.2 code shown on the left side of the table.

The second table shows the relationship of NAPCS 2012 v1.1 to NAPCS 2012 v1.2. It presents the concordance in the order of NAPCS 2012 v1.1, with the NAPCS 2012 v1.1 code shown on the left side of the table.

The two tables, taken together, provide a cross-reference of the relationship between the two classifications and provide information that is useful when converting data from one classification to the other.

A third table is also included. It presents the NAPCS 2012 v1.1 and NAPCS 2012 v1.2 categories which are identical, only the title has changed.

How to Read the Concordance Tables

Below are examples illustrating types of situations found in these tables.

Example 1: The NAPCS 2012 v1.1 and NAPCS 2012 v1.2 categories are identical, only the title has changed.
NAPCS 2012 v 1.1 NAPCS 2012 v 1.2 Explanatory notes
1551131, Other precious metal ores and concentrates 1551131, Platinum group metal ores and concentrates  
Example 2: A category in one classification is exactly equivalent to more than one category in the other classification.
NAPCS 2012 v 1.2 NAPCS 2012 v 1.1 Explanatory notes
8431116, Reservation service for passenger transportation, n.e.c. 8431112, Reservation service for bus seats and airport shuttle services  
8431113, Reservation service for rail seats  
8431115, Reservation service for ferry transportation  
Example 3: A category in one classification is equivalent to part of a category in the other classification.
NAPCS 2012 v 1.2 NAPCS 2012 v 1.1 Explanatory notes
4211111, Military aircraft 4211111*, Military aircraft except drones for military uses

When the concordance relates one category on the left to only part of a category on the right, this partial relationship is denoted by an asterisk (*) against the code on the right.

The asterisk marked category will reappear in the table against all the other categories on the left to which it also partially relates.

Whenever an asterisk appears, there is an explanatory note. The note specifies the particular piece of the right-hand side category that is accounted for by the category on the left-hand side. In some cases, for brevity, the note begins with the word "except". In those cases, the note is to be interpreted as indicating that all of the contents of the right-hand side category are accounted for by the left-hand side category, except for the particular piece that is specified, which is accounted for by one or more other left-hand side categories.

Example 4: A category in one classification is linked to more than one category in the other classification.
NAPCS 2012 v 1.1 NAPCS 2012 v 1.2 Explanatory notes
642111, Basic research services 642211*, Research and development services in natural and engineering science and technologies basic research services in natural and engineering science and technologies
642212*, Research and development services in social sciences and humanities basic research services in social sciences and humanities
Example 5: A category in one classification is linked to more than one category in the other classification, sometimes accounting for the entire category and sometimes only part of it.
NAPCS 2012 v 1.1 NAPCS 2012 v 1.2 Explanatory notes
6611411, Custom work services for agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing 6611111*, Support services for crop production custom work services for crop production
6611211*, Support services for animal production, hunting and fishing custom work services for animal production, hunting and fishing
6611411, Custom work services for forestry