Archived – Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) - Notes 1996-2001

Section XIII:  Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; ceramic products; glass and glassware

Chapter 68:  Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials


  1. This Chapter does not cover:

    a) Goods of Chapter 25;

    b) Coated, impregnated or covered paper of heading No. 48.10 or 48.11 (for example, paper coated with mica powder or graphite, bituminised or asphalted paper);

    c) Coated, impregnated or covered textile fabric of Chapter 56 or 59 (for example, fabric coated or covered with mica powder, bituminised or asphalted fabric);

    d) Articles of Chapter 71;

    e) Tools or parts of tools, of Chapter 82;

    f) Lithographic stones of heading No. 84.42;

    g) Electrical insulators (heading No. 85.46) or fittings of insulating material of heading No. 85.47;

    h) Dental burrs (heading No. 90.18);

    ij) Articles of Chapter 91 (for example, clocks and clock cases);

    k) Articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings, prefabricated buildings);

    l) Articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games and sports requisites);

    m) Articles of heading No. 96.02, if made of materials specified in Note 2 (b) to Chapter 96, or of heading No. 96.06 (for example, buttons), No. 96.09 (for example, slate pencils) or No. 96.10 (for example, drawing slates); or

    n) Articles of Chapter 97 (for example, works of art).

  2. In heading No. 68.02 the expression "worked monumental or building stone" applies not only to the varieties of stone referred to in heading No. 25.15 or 25.16 but also to all other natural stone (for example, quartzite, flint, dolomite and steatite) similarly worked; it does not, however, apply to slate.

Chapter 69:  Ceramic products


  1. This Chapter applies only to ceramic products which have been fired after shaping. Headings Nos. 69.04 to 69.14 apply only to such products other than those classifiable in headings Nos. 69.01 to 69.03.
  2. This Chapter does not cover:

    a) Products of heading No. 28.44;

    b) Articles of heading No. 68.04;

    c) Articles of Chapter 71 (for example, imitation jewellery);

    d) Cermets of heading No. 81.13;

    e) Articles of Chapter 82;

    f) Electrical insulators (heading No. 85.46) or fittings of insulating material of heading No. 85.47;

    g) Artificial teeth (heading No. 90.21);

    h) Articles of Chapter 91 (for example, clocks and clock cases);

    ij) Articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings, prefabricated buildings);

    k) Articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games and sports requisites);

    l) Articles of heading No. 96.06 (for example, buttons) or of heading No. 96.14 (for example, smoking pipes); or

    m) Articles of Chapter 97 (for example, works of art).

Chapter 70:  Glass and glassware


  1. This Chapter does not cover:
    1. Goods of heading No. 32.07 (for example, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, glass frit, other glass in the form of powder, granules or flakes);
    2. Articles of Chapter 71 (for example, imitation jewellery);
    3. Optical fibre cables of heading No. 85.44, electrical insulators (heading No. 85.46) or fittings of insulating material of heading No. 85.47;
    4. Optical fibres, optically worked optical elements, hypodermic syringes, artificial eyes, thermometers, barometers, hydrometers or other articles of Chapter 90;
    5. Lamps or lighting fittings, illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates or the like, having a permanently fixed light source, or parts thereof of heading No. 94.05;
    6. Toys, games, sports requisites, Christmas tree ornaments or other articles of Chapter 95 (excluding glass eyes without mechanisms for dolls or for other articles of Chapter 95); or
    7. Buttons, fitted vacuum flasks, scent or similar sprays or other articles of Chapter 96.
  2. For the purposes of headings Nos. 70.03, 70.04 and 70.05:
    1. glass is not regarded as "worked" by reason of any process it has undergone before annealing;
    2. cutting to shape does not affect the classification of glass in sheets;
    3. the expression "absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer" means a microscopically thin coating of metal or of a chemical compound (for example, metal oxide) which absorbs, for example, infra-red light or improves the reflecting qualities of the glass while still allowing it to retain a degree of transparency or translucency; or which prevents light from being reflected on the surface of the glass.
  3. The products referred to in heading No. 70.06 remain classified in that heading whether or not they have the character of articles.
  4. For the purposes of heading No. 70.19, the expression "glass wool" means:
    1. Mineral wools with a silica (SiO2) content not less than 60% by weight;
    2. Mineral wools with a silica (SiO2) content less than 60% but with an alkaline oxide (K2O or Na2O) content exceeding 5% by weight or a boric oxide (B2O3) content exceeding 2% by weight.
    Mineral wools which do not comply with the above specifications fall in heading No. 68.06.
  5. Throughout the Classification, the expression "glass" includes fused quartz and other fused silica.

Subheading Note.

  1. For the purposes of subheadings Nos. 7013.21, 7013.31 and 7013.91, the expression "lead crystal" means only glass having a minimum lead monoxide (PbO) content by weight of 24%.