Entering the labour market: A few figures

School is finally done! You’re getting ready to join the working world for good. Some people look forward to it, overjoyed to finally be able to make a living and achieve their goals. For others, however, it can be a source of uncertainty. How long will it take me to find a job? Will I get a job in my field? Will I have a better chance if I continue studying?

These are some of the many questions that may be running through your head. We’ll try to answer them with our survey data.

Falling unemployment rate

The unemployment rate of young Quebeckers aged 25 to 29 years has been falling in recent years, from 9.0% in 2014 to 8.2% in 2015 and 7.4% in 2016.Footnote 1 Since you surely don’t want to be unemployed after graduation, especially when you start repaying your loans, this figure should make you happy.

Three years tops to find a job

The majority of college and university graduates (90% and over) who decide not to pursue their studies find employment within three years of graduating. The difference, however, lies in the pay. The annual median salary for a full-time job ranges from $41,600 for college graduates to $75,000 for doctoral graduates.Footnote 2

Delaying entry into the labour market

If you still have difficulty getting hired despite the statistics, you may be thinking of continuing your education in the hopes that it will help you find work. It could be worth it! In 2014, for men and women with university degrees, completing another postsecondary program after obtaining their degree was generally associated with higher employment rates, as well as higher weekly wages.Footnote 3

Also read: Entering the labour market: Tips for a successful job interview