Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS)

The Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) is a crowdsource electronic questionnaire that uses an experimental method with the aim to collect important information about lasting general health problems and symptoms and about the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Collection period:

From July 4, 2023 to August 29, 2023

Collection methods:

Electronic questionnaire

Survey participation:



Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19. Your information will be kept strictly confidential.

Data sharing agreements and record linkage

Data sharing agreements

If you provided consent, Statistics Canada will share your data with Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and provincial and territorial ministries of health under the data sharing agreements.

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this data collection initiative and to reduce the response burden, Statistics Canada may combine the information you provide with other survey or administrative data sources.

Topics covered in the survey

This survey asks questions about

  • Presence of COVID-19 in the subpopulations of particular interest (e.g., health-care workers, vulnerable groups);
  • Protection against COVID-19;
  • Health concerns;
  • Use of the health care system;
  • Prescribed medications.

Published data

Statistics Canada publishes the results of its surveys in many formats. To find all the documents related to this survey, follow the links below and type the name of the survey in the search engine located at the left of your screen to filter the results.

Data: You will find tables, profiles of a community or region, thematic maps, public use microdata files, and data visualization tools.

Analysis: You will have direct access to Stats in brief (e.g., releases from The Daily, fact sheets), articles and reports, and journals and periodicals.

Survey-specific questions

What is the Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey?

The Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) is an electronic questionnaire that aims to collect important information about lasting general health problems and symptoms and about the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How is the data collection initiative conducted?

The Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) allows jurisdictions, including those excluded from the Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey (CCAHS) Wave 2, to measure the health status of their population and obtain estimates for subpopulations of particular interest (e.g., health-care workers, vulnerable groups).

What are the objectives of this data collection initiative?

This important data collection initiative aims to collect information about lasting health problems and symptoms and about COVID-19. The purpose is to gather information on the presence of COVID-19, protection against COVID-19, health concerns, use of the health care system and prescribed medications.

Why should I participate in this data collection initiative?

By participating in this data collection initiative, the respondent plays an important role in:

  • understanding the health of Canadians
  • understanding the COVID-19 pandemic and its ongoing impacts to health
  • developing health services that affect all Canadians.

Even if you do not think you have been exposed to COVID-19, your participation is important as it will provide useful information about the virus and insight into the overall health of Canadians. Questionnaire results will be used to develop programs and services to respond to needs related to the pandemic.

Do I have to take part in this data collection initiative?

Your participation in this data collection initiative is voluntary. However, your participation will help to ensure that questionnaire results are complete.

Health is an important part of everyone's life. It's important that we have participation from all sorts of people, including those in good health.

The data we collect from you and other participants will provide policy makers, provincial health departments, researchers and health professionals with a comprehensive source of information to assist them in addressing the health needs of all Canadians, now and in the future.

I've already been in a survey. Why must I do more?

Your contribution has been important and we hope we can count on your support for this data collection initiative too.

What kinds of questions are you asking?

The questionnaire asks questions about

  • COVID-19 information:
    • Symptoms (types, duration, severity)
    • health status
    • impacts on daily activities
  • Health information:
    • Long-term health symptoms
    • Long-term health conditions
    • Interactions with the health care system
    • Medication use

Where can I find out more about the questionnaire?

If you have any other questions, please contact us toll-free 1-866-498-8518 or 1-866-753-7083 (TTY). You can also send an e-mail to

Who is involved in conducting this data collection initiative?

The data collection initiative is being conducted by Statistics Canada, in partnership with Public Health Agency of Canada and participating provinces.

Who has been consulted in the making of this data collection initiative?

Statistics Canada developed the questionnaire content through consultations with its partners, Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, and the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force. We have consulted with Health Canada's research ethics board and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

This process ensures that the questionnaire will provide answers that meet the research needs and priorities of the health research community in Canada.

Why is the government spending money on this data collection initiative when it could be put into health care?

It is important that decisions about health priorities be well informed so that your tax money can be spent in the most effective way. In order to develop policies and prevention programs that will lead to cost reductions in the health care system, the federal and provincial governments need a complete and accurate picture of the health of Canadians. The Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) will help evaluate the extent of the health status associated with the COVID-19 pandemic such as the prevalence of COVID-19 infection, protection against COVID-19 and other health concerns such as long-term health symptoms and conditions, use of the health care system and medication use, amongst Canadians. Through the integration with health and social administrative data, the survey will also provide a platform to explore emerging public health issues, including the impact of COVID-19 on health and social well-being.

I'm too old. Other people could better answer your questions.

Health is an important part of everyone's life. We need to interview a variety of people, old and young, men and women, etc. Besides, there aren't any right or wrong answers to these questions. Your answers are important to us and we appreciate your participation.

Can I choose not to answer certain questions?

Yes. Even after having agreed to participate in this data collection initiative, you may choose not to answer specific questions you find sensitive or where you feel uncomfortable providing a response.

What is the difference between gender and sex?

Gender refers to the gender that a person internally feels ('gender identity' along the gender spectrum) and/or the gender a person publicly expresses ('gender expression') in their daily life, including at work, while shopping or accessing other services, in their housing environment or in the broader community. A person's current gender may differ from the sex a person was assigned at birth (male or female) and may differ from what is indicated on their current legal documents. A person's gender may change over time.

If I consent to participate, do I have to do all the parts of the questionnaire?

No. You may choose to answer only some parts of the questionnaire. You may choose to withdraw from any part of the questionnaire at any time.

Does Statistics Canada report my results to public health authorities or other government departments?

Under the Statistics Act, individuals' information is collected, used and disseminated for statistical purposes only. Statistics Canada is prohibited in this legislation from disclosing personal information to any government, police agency or court of law, for any other purpose, without the individual's consent.

Who uses the information collected?

The users of the data collected, include:

  • Health Canada
  • the Public Health Agency of Canada
  • the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
  • the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force
  • provincial and territorial ministries of health
  • health planners across the country
  • physicians
  • health researchers
  • journalists.

How will the data be used? Who will use it?

Objective statistical information is vital to researchers, analysts and decision-makers across Canada. Results of the Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey could be used by:

  • Parliament and other policy makers, to track major initiatives, set priorities for prevention and research programs, and evaluate policy and program outcomes
  • Epidemiologists, biomedical and health service researchers, to understand trends in diseases and the relationship of observed risk factors to diseases
  • Public health professionals, to track preventable illnesses and evaluate the impact of prevention and intervention programs
  • Advocacy groups, to raise awareness and assist in their surveillance of health issues such as heart disease, lung disease and health disparities.

What is data linkage?

Statistics Canada may combine the information you provided to the Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) with your health data from your provincial health department, health registries or other recognized health organizations. This is known as data linkage and is only done for statistical purposes and to improve health research. Findings from projects based on linkage could be used by governments in health promotion and to monitor, evaluate and change policies related to health care and the use of health services. We will not provide your information to provincial health departments, and any linkages would be conducted by Statistics Canada staff and access limited to a need-to-know basis.

For this data collection initiative, we would like to link your CHCS information with tax information from the Canada Revenue Agency. This will reduce the number of questions related to your income.

Does Statistics Canada share personal health information?

Only with participants' consent, Statistics Canada is authorized by law to share information with another organization that wants to collect similar information to avoid duplication. Participants are informed at the time of collection of organizations that wish to have questionnaire responses and the purpose for which they want it. Participants may always decline any sharing request, in which case Statistics Canada will not share your information.

Who does the Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) have a data sharing agreement with?

If you provided your consent, Statistics Canada will share your data with Health Canada (HC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and provincial and territorial ministries of health under the data sharing agreements. The information shared will be used for statistical and research purposes only.

Respondents will be asked for consent to share their information from this data collection initiative, including direct identifiers such as name, address, telephone number and health card number, with provincial and territorial ministries of health, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Only postal codes and questionnaire responses would be shared with federal partners, and identifiers may only be shared with provincial partners upon request.

Will the information provided remain confidential?

The Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, which ensures that the information you provide will be kept confidential. We do not release any information that could identify you or any member of your family, unless you gave your consent or as permitted by the act.

It is a priority for the agency to protect information provided by the participants, because it is a fundamental part of the trust established between Statistics Canada and the participants of our surveys.

How does Statistics Canada ensure that all this will be kept confidential?

The Statistics Act ensures that any information you provide to us remains strictly confidential. Statistics Canada goes to extraordinary lengths to protect you. No unauthorized persons outside of Statistics Canada will ever be permitted to see your individual responses.

  • All employees of Statistics Canada are under oath, meaning they are subject to severe penalties including prosecution if they do not safeguard your confidentiality.
  • Personal information obtained by Statistics Canada from surveys is never released. All publications and other releases are carefully reviewed from this point of view.

For the Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey, we have consulted with a range of experts in the areas of science, ethics, privacy and law to ensure we have every safeguard in place to store your samples securely and ensure your privacy and the confidentiality of your data.

Is Statistics Canada gathering free data for the big pharmaceutical companies?

No. Corporations, like the public, will have access to the questionnaire's final aggregate data, but the goal of the Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS) is to provide data for research and decision making that will benefit all Canadians, not to help companies. Objective statistical information is vital to researchers, analysts and decision-makers across Canada. Results from the CHCS will provide a solid foundation for informed decisions by elected representatives, Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, health research institutes, academics, non-profit organizations, as well as individual Canadians.

Are you going to sell my information?

No. We do not sell any personal information about survey participants.

Will my name get on any mailing lists?

No. Survey lists from Statistics Canada are for internal use only and are kept strictly confidential. They are not used for any marketing purposes, and they are not sold to private companies.

I (think I) have had COVID-19 more than once. How should I answer the questions in this collection initiative related to COVID-19?

Please read the questions very carefully before answering, and consider all of your experience with COVID-19 as it relates to the question.

For example, if a question asks about a confirmed infection (an infection with a positive test result), answer the question considering everything you have experienced related to any confirmed infection you have had.

For more information about this survey