Fur Farm Report - 2009 Mink and Foxes

Agriculture Division

Confidential (when completed)

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

Si vous préférez ce questionnaire en français, veuillez cocher.

The purpose of this survey is to produce annual estimates of fur farm pelts produced in Canada. The information is used by all levels of government in developing policies and in addressing issues related to the fur industry.

Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia residents please note: To avoid duplication of enquiry this survey is conducted under a cooperative agreement for the sharing of information in accordance with:

Section 12, Statistics Act with the Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia Departments of Agriculture.

If you object to sharing this information please inform us in writing and mail your letter, along with the completed questionnaire to the Agriculture Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6.

Quebec Only: A data sharing arrangement exists under Section 11 of the Statistics Act with the L'Institut de la statistique du Québec.

Read each question carefully. When a question does not apply, put in a "0".
Where a mink/fox has died BUT was pelted, report it in the question on peltings.
INCLUDE mink/fox boarded by you for others in answering questions in this report.
EXCLUDE mink/fox boarded for you by others.

Please correct name or address if necessary.

Farm Name (if applicable)
Surname or Family Name
Usual First Name and Initital
Area Code
Box No.
Number and Street Name
Postal Code
Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Partner's Name (if applicable)
Partner's Name (if applicable)
Corporation Name (if different from farm name)

Mink/Foxes Boarded for Others at December 31, 2009
Name of Owner:
Name of Owner:

Live Mink/Foxes Sold during 2009
Name of Purchaser:
Name of Purchaser:

Live Mink/Foxes Purchased during 2009
Name of Seller:
Name of Seller:

Section A:

Mink (#)
Fox (#)

1. Live on farm at January 1, 2009
(a) male
(b) female
2. Bought in 2009
3. Taken as boarders in 2009
4. Kits (pups) born in 2009
5. Total (sum of 1 to 4)
Must equal total on line 12
6. Sold live in 2009
7. Boarders removed alive in 2009
8. Peltings in 2009 (include pelts taken from animals that died and spring peltings)
9. Died (not pelted); include loss of kits (pups)
10. Escaped or lost
11. Live on farm at December 31, 2009
(a) male
(b) female
12. Total (sum of 6 to 11)
Must equal total on line 5

Section B: Mink Pelts


1. Dark
2. Demi-buff
3. Pastel (including buff, dawn, orchid)

4. Sapphire
5. Pearl
6. Aleutian (including iris)
7. Violet
8. White
9. Silver Blue
10. Lavender
11. Blush
12. Mahogany
13. Other
14. Total Mink Pelted in 2009 (sum of lines 1 to 13)
Must equal code 928 in Section A

Section C: Fox Pelts


1. Silver
2. Pearl
3. Platinum
4. Glacier
5. Ranched Red
6. Ranched Cross
7. Blue
8. Amber
9. Other
10. Total Foxes Pelted in 2009 (sum of lines 1 to 9)
Must equal code 828 in Section A
