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The Weekly Review, March 17 to 21, 2025

Statistics Canada's look at the week.
Another record year for Canadian crude oil: Crude oil year in review, 2024

For the fourth consecutive year, production of crude oil and equivalent products reached a record high, up 4.3% from 2023 to 298.8 million cubic metres in 2024.
Nourish to flourish: A look at nutrition, costs, and trends in Canadians’ health

March is Nutrition Month in Canada, and this year’s theme is Nourish to Flourish. Food plays an important role in everyone’s life and is essential to all aspects of our health and well-being. From physical and mental health to social and cultural connections, we nourish to flourish.
How far to the nearest transit stop?

Transit agencies reported 1.6 billion passenger trips in 2024, equivalent to 40 transit rides for every Canadian. Many Canadians rely on public transit to get around every day, with over 1 in 10 commuters taking it to get to work, while others seldom or never use it. One factor often overlooked in the time spent “on public transport” is the time it takes to reach the nearest transit stop from home on foot.
In 2024, one in seven new vehicles sold in Canada were zero emission

In 2024, over 264,000 ZEVs were sold in Canada, valued at $17.3 billion. Unlike overall new sales, which hit their highest point in May, ZEV sales peaked in September, with 30,318 units sold.
The Weekly Review, March 10 to 14, 2025

Statistics Canada's look at the week.
How much is fraud affecting Canadians and Canadian businesses?

Let’s have a look at some key Statistics Canada data to see how many Canadians and Canadian businesses have been affected by fraud.
Mother Nature smiled on maple farmers in 2024

A sure sign of spring in Canada is snow melting and maple taps running on a sunny March day. However, a good maple run requires a stretch of mild spring days and frosty nights. For the fourth spring in six years, Mother Nature, in combination with the hard work of maple farmers, delivered a record-breaking maple run.
The great toilet paper scare of 2020

In the spring of 2020, toilet paper flew off store shelves amid a bout of panic buying—both here in Canada and globally—at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Readers will be relieved to know that during the crisis, toilet paper production in Canada held steady, at levels more than sufficient to meet domestic demand.