The Weekly Review, March 10 to 14, 2025

March 14, 2025, 2:00 p.m. (EDT)

Canada's net foreign asset position increased at the end of the fourth quarter of 2024 

Canada's net foreign asset position increased by $166.6 billion to $1,994.6 billion at the end of the fourth quarter of 2024, a fifth consecutive quarterly increase. The increase largely reflected the depreciating Canadian dollar relative to the US dollar, which increased the value of Canada's international assets by more than international liabilities.

Source: Canada's international investment position, fourth quarter 2024

Household net worth rose in all four quarters of 2024

Households were wealthier in the fourth quarter of 2024 as their net worth—the value of all assets minus all liabilities—increased $236.3 billion (+1.4%) to $17,495.0 billion. Household net worth rose in all four quarters of 2024, as households ended the year with nearly $1.2 trillion in additional wealth compared to the end of 2023. The gap in wealth between the wealthiest (top 20% of the wealth distribution) and the least wealthy (bottom 40% of the wealth distribution) was 61.4 percentage points in the third quarter of 2024, with the wealthiest households benefitting from stronger appreciation of their financial assets. Overall, 68.0% of financial assets were held by the top 20% of the wealth distribution.

Source: National balance sheet and financial flow accounts, fourth quarter 2024

Manufacturing sales increased in January 2025

Total manufacturing sales increased 1.7% to $73.0 billion in January, mainly on higher sales in the motor vehicle industry group (+11.1%) as well as the petroleum and coal product subsector (+4.7%). Chemical product sales declined the most, down 7.4% to $5.0 billion in January. On a year-over-year basis, total manufacturing sales rose 3.0% in January. On a constant dollar basis, sales increased 0.9% in January, while the Industrial Product Price Index rose 1.6%.

Source: Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, January 2025  

Wholesale sales rose in January 2025 

Wholesale sales (excluding petroleum, petroleum products, and other hydrocarbons and excluding oilseed and grain) rose 1.2% to $85.1 billion in January. Sales increased in five of the seven subsectors, representing 77.6% of total wholesale sales. The largest increases came from the motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and accessories subsector (+3.7%) and the building material and supplies subsector (+3.5%). Wholesale sales were 2.7% higher in January compared with the same month one year earlier.

Source: Wholesale Trade, January 2025

The rate of police-reported fraud continues to rise

The police-reported rate of general fraud in 2023 was 12% higher than in 2022, while the rates of identity fraud (-6%) and identity theft (-24%) dropped. Despite these differences, there were over 201,000 total incidents of all fraud types reported by police in 2023. In fact, the combined rate of all fraud types nearly doubled over the course of a decade, from 260 incidents per 100,000 population in 2013 to 501 incidents per 100,000 population in 2023.

Source: How much is fraud affecting Canadians and Canadian businesses?

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