What does it mean to be Canadian? Canada Day, on July 1, is a unique opportunity to reflect on this question and celebrate our culture, diversity and contributions. Here are some statistics that define us.

More people at celebrations
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada’s population grew at almost twice the rate of every other G7 country from 2016 to 2021, rising 5.2% to just under 37 million people in 2021. The Canadian family is growing, and we’re betting that young and old alike will gather in greater numbers to celebrate their Canadian pride.

On the menu: tonnes of taters!
On July 1, it’s a safe bet that potatoes will be on the table. From ketchup chips, to potatoes roasted on the barbecue, to poutine—originally from Quebec and known all over the world—the potato in all its forms is a part of our traditions. Did you know that there are nearly 400 varieties of seed potatoes registered in Canada? In addition, Canada produced over 5.6 million tonnes of this tuber in 2021.

A little thirsty? Cheers!
Whether you’re around a pool, on a patio or at a show, you’re sure to raise a glass when you see fireworks shining in the sky, almost everywhere, across the country.
Perhaps you’ll wet your whistle with a glass of beer, which was the favourite alcoholic beverage of Canadians in 2020/2021, accounting for just over one-third (36.0%) of total alcohol sales.
Happy Canada Day to everyone!

Contact information
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