Quebec farmers contribute mightily when it comes to breakfast fare, from the maple syrup on your pancakes, the blueberries you sprinkle on top, the bacon on the side, the cranberries in your muffin and the cream in your coffee.
Over nine in ten (91.3%) maple syrup farms counted during the 2021 Census of Agriculture were in Quebec. The number of taps in the province rose 14.4% from five years earlier to 48.7 million taps, despite operational challenges related to the pandemic, such as equipment cleaning and barrel delivery services.
Almost three-fifths of the total cranberry area reported in Canada was in Quebec (58.4%), up 3.9 percentage points from five years earlier.
Quebec accounted for 40.9% of the blueberry acreage in Canada, and acreage in the province rose from 71,666 acres in 2016 to 79,091 acres in 2021.
Over one-third of dairy cows in Canada were found on Quebec farms (36.4%). In Quebec, dairy farms accounted for just under one-quarter (24.5%) of total farm revenues and 15.1% of total farms.
Just under one in three pigs in Canada were found on Quebec farms (29.6%). The average number of pigs per farm reporting pigs in Quebec increased by 5.1% from 2016 to 2,434 pigs in 2021.
To learn more about how Quebec farmers help put food on our tables, check out the full 2021 Census of Agriculture provincial profile on Statistics Canada’s website.
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