The pandemic has changed many things, including the increasing need for accurate and timely data.
Statistics Canada has been releasing new data in The Daily every working day since the early 1930s and will continue doing so into the future. Information released at 8:30 a.m. in The Daily frequently moves markets, leads the news and starts conversations across Canada. Most important of all, the data are accurate, neutral, confidential and trusted.
As part of our commitment to reaching more Canadians, we are proud to announce the launch of StatsCAN Plus, a new way to tell our data stories throughout the day. It will also help Canadians better understand our rapidly changing world and make informed choices.
How will StatsCAN Plus differ from The Daily?
Stories in StatsCAN Plus will provide a statistical profile on days of note, offer data insights on topics Canadians are talking about, delve into the numbers behind an issue of the day, or tell a short data story about what's happening amongst a particular demographic or in a specific part of the country. We will draw on a wealth of statistics to shed light on aspects of the economy and paint an accurate portrait of all Canadians, young and old, rich and poor, healthy and frail, from all backgrounds and genders.
StatsCAN Plus will enable us to offer fresh analysis and to respond rapidly to events as they happen, by providing easily accessible, trusted data when Canadians need it.
StatsCAN Plus will be conversational in tone and visually appealing, featuring dynamic infographics, and short, story-driven data and analysis that will take less than three minutes to read. Most important of all, it will maintain the high standards of accuracy and neutrality enshrined in The Daily for the past 80 years.
Our goal is to broaden our audience to include the millions of Canadians who responded to the census earlier this year, as well as the tens of thousands who complete our surveys every year. We will do that by talking about stories that resonate with Canadians and linking those stories to our data.
That way, we can help readers make informed decisions, learn a little more about our country and give back to the 38 million Canadians we serve.
Stay tuned and come back for more data-driven insights and stories on StatsCAN Plus. To get updates on our latest content, please sign up to My StatCan.
Contact Information
For more information contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).