Jobs in the culture sector rose above pre-pandemic levels for the first time, increasing 3.2% to 692,986 in the second quarter of 2022. Sport employment bounced back with the end of restrictions on attendance at professional sporting events but remained below pre-pandemic highs. Employment in the sport sector increased 7.2% to 94,742 jobs in the second quarter, following a 4.3% decline in the first quarter.
Within the culture sector, all domains had growth, with the largest job increases in audio visual and interactive media (+8,519 jobs or +4.6%), live performance (+5,054 or +8.1%) and visual and applied arts (+3,767 or +2.4%).
The film and video subdomain (+6,606 jobs or +8.0%) was the largest contributor to the growth in culture jobs in the second quarter, followed by performing arts (+4,755 or +8.2%) and design (+2,134 or +3.4%).
Overall, employment in the culture and sport sectors grew 3.7% in the second quarter, bringing the joint employment for the two sectors above their pre-pandemic (the fourth quarter of 2019) levels for the first time, as few provincial restrictions on business activity remained.
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