The holidays are quickly approaching, and this week is typically the one that kickstarts the holiday shopping season. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday are all around the corner, each day offering a different approach to the way we shop and share gifts. Take a look at some statistics related to each day.
While Black Friday and Cyber Monday have been around for some time, Small Business Saturday and Giving Tuesday are newer additions to this week of note. They encourage Canadians to think deeper about the way they shop and the act of giving more generally. If we’ve learned one thing today, it’s that there is no shortage of ways to be generous. No matter how you choose to spread joy this season, we hope you have fun doing it. Happy gifting!

November 25: Black Friday
Notoriously one of the biggest and busiest shopping days of the year, Black Friday is a day when many stores offer major discounts. Some open as early as midnight to offer eager shoppers early access to deals.
Canadian shoppers may have taken advantage of some Black Friday deals last year, with building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers (+3.6%); jewellery, luggage and leather goods stores (+3.3%); clothing stores (+2.5%); and food and beverage stores (+0.9%) all seeing increases in sales compared with the month before.

November 26: Small Business Saturday
In 2021, small businesses made up 98.0% of all employer businesses in Canada. Consider stocking up on gifts and holiday décor from your local small businesses for Small Business Saturday, a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities.

November 28: Cyber Monday
After having a relaxing Sunday, many stores will be offering discounts on their online storefronts for Cyber Monday.
More than four in five Canadians (82%) shopped online in 2020, a significant jump from 77%C in 2018, most likely because of the COVID-19 pandemic and restricted access to brick-and-mortar stores at that time. E-commerce operating revenue accounted for 7.8% ($52.5 billion) of total store and non-store retail revenue in 2020, up from 4.2% in 2019.
In both 2018 and 2020, physical goods such as clothing, groceries, books and electronics constituted the most frequent type of goods bought online.

November 29: Giving Tuesday
Started here in Canada in 2013, Giving Tuesday is all about encouraging people to do good and express generosity. Here are some ideas:
Give time
In 2018, nearly 8 in 10 (79%) Canadians aged 15 years and older reported volunteering, either as part of an organization or on their own without the involvement of a group. Altogether, 24 million people contributed to improving the health, well-being, education and safety of the Canadian population and enhancing Canadian communities.
Make someone smile or help a neighbour
Having someone in your corner—whether it’s a friend, family member or a neighbour—is crucial to a better quality of life. Thankfully, the majority of Canadians say they have someone to count on. From January to March 2022, three in four residents of the provinces aged 15 and older reported that they always or often have people to depend on when needed. Those living in rural areas (78%) were slightly more likely than urban dwellers (75%) to say they have someone to count on.
- Make a gift
In 2016, half of Canadians aged 15 and over participated in creative activities, with crafts being the most popular, followed by making music and visual arts.
Thinking of baking something? In 2021, there were 58.0 kilograms of wheat flour available per person in Canada. Need a taste tester? We’re volunteering!
- Make a donation if you can
Total donation amounts reported by tax filers in 2020 increased to nearly $10.6 billion (+2.7%), with the median donation amount being $340.
Fun fact: While most donations reported by tax filers are made by older donors (65 and older), the youngest age group (0 to 24) is contributing more often than before! The total amount of donations from this age group increased by 19.1%, and the total number of donors by 22.8%.

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