Look up in the sky: It’s a bird! It’s a plane!
No, wait… it’s definitely a bird.
The diverse landscapes in Canada support a great abundance and variety of birds. Even in winter. And although technically National Bird Day is an American initiative, we figured Canadians could join in on the bird love as well. Canadians do love their birds.
The most recent data available show that one-quarter of Canadian households had bird feeders and bird houses in their yards in 2017. Meanwhile, 8% of households had purchased products such as bird identification books or binoculars, or took trips to watch birds that year. With many of us spending more time at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the physical distancing recommendations, the opportunities to get closer to our avian friends can only have grown.
Approximately 440,000 binoculars were imported into Canada in 2018, for a total value of $24.5 million.
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