Throughout the pandemic, we have collected and analyzed data on how COVID-19 has impacted Canadians and their quality of life, amid the uncertainty of health, social and economic outcomes.
We provided updates at the six-month and one-year marks of the pandemic, through hundreds of charts that captured its impacts on things like mental health, employment, and the willingness of Canadians to comply with restrictions and get vaccinated.
Now, as the country prepares to enter the third year of the pandemic and new variants are emerging, we have published a year-end update with the latest data on the impacts of COVID-19 on the lives and livelihoods of Canadians.
For example, from March 2020 to May 2021, we estimated there were over 5% more deaths than what would have been expected without the pandemic. On the labour front, long-term unemployment was 77% above pre-pandemic levels as of November 2021.
Findings on many subjects—including immigration, inflation and mental health—are summarized in the Economic and Social Reports article “COVID-19 in Canada: An update on social and economic impacts, Fall 2021.”
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