For many Canadians, a Christmas tree is part of the holiday ambience. Mistletoe hung where you can see, every couple tries to stop…and look at the data.
The 2021 Census of Agriculture counted 1,364 farms that grew Christmas trees for sale, spread over 50,803 acres. Quebec (19,169) had the most acres, and the neighbouring census agricultural regions of Estrie and Chaudière-Appalaches in the southeastern part of the province combined made up 89.3% of this area.
Ontario (418) had the most farms, followed by British Columbia (276) and Quebec (257). Nova Scotia’s 213 farms were more than the combined total of the Prairie and Maritime provinces (199).
In June 2022, there were 1,895 business locations nationwide in the nursery and tree production industry, which comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing various nursery products and trees, including Christmas trees.
Cash receipts received by Canadian Christmas tree producers totalled nearly $163.5 million, up from $81.9 million in 2016.
O Christmas tree, how steadfast are your exports?
Canada exported over 2.4 million fresh Christmas trees in 2021, most of which (97.2%) ended up in the United States. Final destinations for most of them were Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, North Carolina and Virginia.
Most of the remaining exports in 2021 were to warmer climates in the Western Hemisphere, including Panama, Curaçao, Bermuda, Aruba, St. Maarten (Dutch part) and Barbados.
Since the beginning of the current export tracking series in 1988, Canada’s fresh Christmas trees have set down (temporary) roots across the globe, including the Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Greenland, Ireland, Belgium, Hungary, Papua New Guinea, Ecuador, Togo, Algeria, Namibia, Australia, Kuwait, Venezuela and Guatemala.
In 2007, Canada exported 486 fresh trees to the French Southern Territories, a series of islands stretching from north of Madagascar to Adélie Land, which is on the Antarctic continental shelf. So, while we can’t “pine”-point exactly where these trees ended up, it’s possible that some reached the farthest continent!
In 1989, exports branched out to over 2.9 million fresh trees, the highest number on record. It would take 30 years for that number to tick back up to 2.8 million.
And believe it or not, Canada has imported small amounts of fresh Christmas trees over the years as well, mostly from the United States.
So, whether your tree comes from across the street, across the border, or anywhere in between, enjoy the season, and have fun decorating! Be careful not to spill the eggnog, and remember to follow fire safety tips.
Contact information
For more information, contact the Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).