With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, snowmobiling makes for great, physically distanced winter fun. However, despite its popularity, there is still potential for injury and death while using a snowmobile.
From 2013 to 2019, on average, 73 people in Canada died from snowmobile accidents every year, across all provinces and territories. These results are based on insights released from the Canadian Vital Statistics - Death Database and the Canadian Coroner and Medical Examiner Database.
The study found that the vast majority of snowmobile fatalities occurred among men (89%), and, in three-quarters of fatalities, the driver was alone on the snowmobile.
To minimize the risks while snowmobiling, the Safe Riders Snowmobile Safety Awareness Program has published the following recommendations: not riding while impaired from alcohol, travelling at safe speeds, wearing a helmet, wearing clothes appropriate to the weather, carrying safety equipment appropriate to the environment, travelling in a group, and avoiding snowmobiling on ice or where there is a risk of avalanche.
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