Spaghetti sauce that simmers for hours and whose scent reaches every corner of the house. So many memories from childhood, adolescence and beyond are associated with spaghetti, right? This is a dish that brings families and friends together and that everyone loves , even if the taste varies from one batch to the next, depending on the chef. But the basic ingredients remain the same: beef, tomato, garlic and pasta. The remaining ingredients are a secret passed down from parent to child, and any deviation from the original recipe is sacrilegious. On this National Spaghetti Day, pay tribute to your family recipe!
Beef first
Whether it’s extra-lean, medium lean or lean, it doesn’t matter, the choice is yours, but several kilos of ground beef are part of the traditional spaghetti sauce recipe. It’s often bought in large quantities so the pot can be filled and the leftovers frozen. Isn’t this the best fix for a weekday meal when our schedules are packed?
Canadian farmers held 12.3 million cattle and calves on their farms on July 1, 2022, down 2.8% from the same date the previous year. This represents the largest year-over-year decrease since July 1, 2015, when record high prices encouraged farmers to sell their animals.
Inventories on July 1, 2022, were down 1.4% to 2.8 million head in Eastern Canada and declined 3.2% to 9.5 million head in Western Canada, as the lingering effects of drought conditions in 2021, primarily feed shortages, maintained pressure on the livestock sector. Alberta held the largest cattle inventories among the provinces on July 1, 2022, representing 43.5% of the national total, followed by Saskatchewan (20.7%) and Ontario (13.0%).
No arguments about tomatoes
For the sauce, some swear by San Marzano. For others, it is fresh, local tomatoes right from the vine. Get together, compare your sauces and vote for your favourite. Are you competitive? No fighting! It’s all just for fun.
In 2021, Canadian farmers produced 515 013 metric tonnes of fresh tomatoes, down from 492 072 metric tonnes in 2020. In 2021, the area harvested reached 15,424 acres, an increase from 14,668 acres in 2020.
A bit of garlic here and a bit of garlic there
Many will tell you that garlic is an essential ingredient in spaghetti sauce. One thing is for certain, it’s a basic ingredient that lends itself to many recipes.
Local garlic is more flavourful than its imported counterpart and preserves better. By storing it in a dry, dark place, you can keep it for more than six months. Say, do you pair your spaghetti with delicious garlic bread? Is it toasted and buttered to perfection and used to mop up the last bit of sauce?
Pasta! Pasta!
Did you know that Canadian durum wheat is internationally recognized for its quality? And, of course, we produce and export it to the delight of gourmands here and abroad.
Well, then, are you craving some good spaghetti now? Put your apron on, get cooking, send out your invitations, have a seat and enjoy this comforting classic.
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