As we approach the three-year mark of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned a lot not only about the disease itself, but also about the ripple effects through the health care system.
Recently, Statistics Canada released a video discussing the agency’s response to evolving health information needs during the pandemic, and highlighting future priorities with a look to the post-pandemic years.
The video also touches on how the impact of the pandemic on the health care system and the lives of Canadians will be long-lasting. This has included delays for surgeries, diagnoses and other treatments. Canadians’ mental health has also suffered.
In addition to health data collected on a regular basis, Statistics Canada launched many new surveys between 2020 and 2022, gathering information about key pandemic-related issues. Topics include mental health, children and youth, as well as nursing and the residential care sectors.
Another key priority for the agency is the ongoing understanding of health inequities and how the pandemic did not affect everyone the same way.
Check out our dashboard COVID-19: a data perspective for more publications and analyses.
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