A hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate can help take the chill out of a cold winter day. Almost four in five Canadian households with someone who drank hot beverages outside the home (79%) reported that at least one person used a refillable cup or mug in 2021.
Almost 9 in 10 households in Sherbrooke with someone who drank hot beverages outside the home reported using a refillable cup or mug for their hot beverages in 2021. This was the highest rate nationally, followed by households in Lethbridge (88%) and Abbotsford-Mission (85%). Households in Saint John (67%) and London (69%) were least likely to report using a refillable mug.
Over one-quarter of Canadian households (28%) told us they always or almost always used a refillable cup or mug for their hot beverages when outside the home, while one-third said they often (18%) or sometimes (17%) did so.
Households in Sherbrooke (42%), Kelowna (41%) and Trois-Rivières (40%) were most likely to report always using a refillable cup or mug outside of their home, while households in Saint John’s (19%) and Halifax (20%) were least likely to do so.
Whether you choose a refillable or disposable cup or mug, that hot beverage will probably cost you more. In December 2022, Canadians paid more, on average, for tea (+13.3%) and coffee (+13.2%) than they had 12 months earlier, while those with a sweet tooth paid 11.1% more to add sugar or syrup to their beverage.
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