Canada and the United States share the world’s longest land border, which handles daily over $2 billion in trade and the thousands of people who cross it for business or pleasure.
Here are a few key numbers that highlight the close ties that bind our two countries:
- The United States was again Canada’s largest trading partner in 2022, with over $960.9 billion in total trade (on a customs basis), accounting for close to two-thirds (63.4%) of the more than $1.5 trillion in worldwide trade.
- Energy products made up one-third (33.5%) of the $598.0 billion worth of exports to the United States in 2022.
- Motor vehicles and parts made up nearly one-fifth (19.4%) of the $362.9 billion in imports from the United States.
- The direct investment position from the United States in Canada was $500.7 billion in 2021, accounting for nearly half (46.9%) of the total direct investment in Canada. Canada’s direct investment position in the United States was $744.9 billion, or 47.9% of its total direct investment abroad.
- The 14.0 million US residents that visited Canada in 2022 was four times the number of US arrivals recorded in 2021 and over half (55.9%) of that recorded in 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- In February 2023, US residents took 618,900 trips by automobile to Canada and Canadian residents made 1.3 million return trips by automobile from the United States. Both were roughly three-quarters of such trips taken in pre-pandemic February 2020.
- In 2021, two out of three Canadians (66%) lived within 100 kilometres of the southern Canada-US border.
To learn more, visit the International trade statistics hub.
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