This year, April Fool’s Day falls on a Saturday. We usually don’t publish StatsCAN Plus stories on weekends, so you’ll have to settle for some funny statistics instead of a prank!
In Quebec, much like in France and Belgium, tradition holds that on April 1, you hang a fish covered in paper on a person’s back without their knowledge to play a joke. Nice catch! Speaking of fish, in the fourth quarter of 2022, Canadians bought $547.6 million worth of fresh fish and other fresh seafood at retail.
The 2021 Census of Population counted 10,955 employed actors, comedians and circus performers across Canada.
As of December 2022, there were 1,103 theatre (except musical) companies nationwide. These include comedy troupes, puppet theaters and vaudeville companies.
In the same month, there were 4,539 gift, novelty and souvenir retailers across the country. This industry includes gift shops and joke shops, selling products such as novelty merchandise.
Speaking of population, did you know that in the first quarter of 2023, two in four Canadians made up 50% of Canada’s population? For (real) high-quality data on Canada’s population, check out our Population clock.
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